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Someone please argue with me.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:43 am
by Zytoon
Our greatest understanding most often comes from our being proved wrong so I invite everyone to prove me wrong.

There is no such thing as magic. Only energies that can be controled in verious ways. Asking a God to do something for you no matter how complicated the wording is, is still just prayer. If a god answers a pray then it is devine intervention not a successfully casted spell. If a person forms these energies for the purpose of commiting evil it is not black magic it is simply using energies to create evil.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:02 am
by AP670
There are no gods. Energy doesn't exist, its all an illusion. Their are no absolutes, good and evil are not real.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:21 am
by Alicat

Re: Someone please argue with me.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:51 am
by Ankhhape
Zytoon wrote:Our greatest understanding most often comes from our being proved wrong so I invite everyone to prove me wrong.

There is no such thing as magic. Only energies that can be controled in verious ways. Asking a God to do something for you no matter how complicated the wording is, is still just prayer. If a god answers a pray then it is devine intervention not a successfully casted spell. If a person forms these energies for the purpose of commiting evil it is not black magic it is simply using energies to create evil.
This depends on your definition of magic(k), there are many types.
This also depends on how you define a God.
What decides which is Black Magick or White Magick is intent
More so than everything is energy, everything is actually vibration, in this Light it is easy to see the manipulation of energies and projection of Will & Intent . . . Magick.

Re: Someone please argue with me.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:17 am
by AP670
Ankhhape wrote:[
More so than everything is energy, everything is actually vibration, in this Light it is easy to see the manipulation of energies and projection of Will & Intent . . . Magick.

Do you like string or m theory?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:59 am
by Alicat

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:10 pm
by Granamyr
Alicat wrote:M-theory started out as membrane theory and has sort of evolved into a theory that there is a fundamental theory that should unify string theories. Instead of focusing so much on strings, it focuses on the membranes they create as they move through spacetime, but not really a separate theory from string theory. Mirror Worlds and multiverse scenarios are versions of String Theory too.
Drool. So much coolness in this post. You rock.

As for Zytoon..,, If you're serious about your post, it's not on us to disprove you. The burden of proof is *yours* if you think you're correct and others aren't.
*shoves the boulder of the burden back where it belongs* :D

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:11 pm
by AP670
Granamyr wrote:
Alicat wrote:M-theory started out as membrane theory and has sort of evolved into a theory that there is a fundamental theory that should unify string theories. Instead of focusing so much on strings, it focuses on the membranes they create as they move through spacetime, but not really a separate theory from string theory. Mirror Worlds and multiverse scenarios are versions of String Theory too.
Drool. So much coolness in this post. You rock.

As for Zytoon..,, If you're serious about your post, it's not on us to disprove you. The burden of proof is *yours* if you think you're correct and others aren't.
*shoves the boulder of the burden back where it belongs* :D
*claps* But he wants a debate so he can push his limits and learn. Its a learning exercise a test of sorts.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:20 pm
by AP670
Alicat wrote:M-theory started out as membrane theory and has sort of evolved into a theory that there is a fundamental theory that should unify string theories. Instead of focusing so much on strings, it focuses on the membranes they create as they move through spacetime, but not really a separate theory from string theory. Mirror Worlds and multiverse scenarios are versions of String Theory too.
Well from how I have it figured, string theory evolved out of m-theory. Mirror worlds and the multiverse can be treated as separate and as a apart of them.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:56 pm
by Alicat

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:16 pm
by AP670
F*ck Yeah! Bill Hicks rocks. Hella (thats a cally word, but srpead like wild fire down in the dirty) funny.

Re: Someone please argue with me.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:21 am
by Zytoon
Ankhhape wrote:This depends on your definition of magic(k), there are many types.
This also depends on how you define a God.
What decides which is Black Magick or White Magick is intent
More so than everything is energy, everything is actually vibration, in this Light it is easy to see the manipulation of energies and projection of Will & Intent . . . Magick.
I find it interesting that you would bring up that everything is vibrations. Sound is mearly the air around us vibrating that is translated so that our minds can understand it through our ears. Light also is mearly a vibration registared by the eyes. Light can be converted into energy as well as matter. Both have been done by science. Going with that thaught process then there is an obvious connection between light and matter. I speculate that there are many more types of energy then modern science has discovered. The key to manipulating these energies is understanding how they are linked together. It's when we accedently link this energies together without understanding that we linked them that we call it magic. Life can be linked to death by combining the energies of that which is living with that which is dead simply by linking together two living energies and then allowing the sorce of one to die. Then the living energy mantains the link to the dead energy creating a link between the two relms. This supports my arguement that magic does not exsist.

As far as defining a god. I would define a god as a entity that transends realms and can easily influance our realm in ways we ourselves would find astonishing. I realize that this definition needs some work because it allows deamons and strong magic users to fall into it but I can't word it any better.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:29 am
by Zytoon
Atheist of peace wrote:
Granamyr wrote:
Alicat wrote:M-theory started out as membrane theory and has sort of evolved into a theory that there is a fundamental theory that should unify string theories. Instead of focusing so much on strings, it focuses on the membranes they create as they move through spacetime, but not really a separate theory from string theory. Mirror Worlds and multiverse scenarios are versions of String Theory too.
Drool. So much coolness in this post. You rock.

As for Zytoon..,, If you're serious about your post, it's not on us to disprove you. The burden of proof is *yours* if you think you're correct and others aren't.
*shoves the boulder of the burden back where it belongs* :D
*claps* But he wants a debate so he can push his limits and learn. Its a learning exercise a test of sorts.
AoP is correct in my intentions. I figure this can be a learning experance for us all. Test your beliefs and allow others to rip them apart. If your beliefs are true then you should easily be able to defend them. If your wrong then you stand a chance of learning and even greater truth through descussion.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:17 pm
by Ankhhape
The Hermetic Occult principle of vibration originates in Egyptian philosophy, and underpins most magical systems.

Hermes is the Greeks version of Egyptian God Thoth also known as Tehuti.

The idea stems from the cosmological model whereby the manifest world was created by a divine utterance of sound; it is this sound that both brings forth and sustains creation. The Hermetic Gnostics viewed this vibratory motion as polar; the higher the vibration, the closer to the divine, and vice-versa. However, the world of man and the world of the divine were inextricably intertwined via these vibrations, so influencing the vibration of one influenced the other.

This is expressed in the "Hermetic Axiom," "As above, so below," first expressed in the Emerald Tablet, which may date as early as the first millennium BCE.
Early Egyptian practices were based on the notion that this creative principle could be tapped through the power of the voice; an idea echoed in many other magical cultures, including Norse rune-singing; Hebrew Kabbalah is modeled on a similar principle.

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."-The Kybalion.

The Teachings are to the effect that Spirit is at one end of the Pole of Vibration, the other Pole being certain extremely gross forms of Matter. Between these two poles are millions upon millions of different rates and modes of vibration.

Modern Science has proven that all which we call Matter and Energy are but "modes of vibratory motion," and some of the more advanced scientists are rapidly moving toward the positions of the Occultists who hold that the phenomena of the Mind is likewise as modes of vibration or motion.

In the first place, science teaches that all matter manifests, in some degree, the vibrations arising from temperature or heat. Be an object cold or hot-both being degrees of the same things-it manifests certain heat vibrations, and in that sense is in motion and vibration.

All particles of Matter are in circular movement, from corpuscle to suns. The planets revolve around suns. The molecules of which the particular kinds of Matter are composed are in a state of constant vibration and movement around each other and against each other. The molecules are composed of Atoms, which, likewise, are in a state of constant movement and vibration.
The atoms are composed of electrons, protons, ions etc., which also are in a state of rapid motion, revolving around each other, and which manifest a very rapid state and mode of vibration.

The Universal Ether, which is postulated by science without its nature being understood clearly, is held by the Hermeticists to be but a higher manifestation of that which is erroneously called matter-that is to say, Matter at a higher degree of vibration.

The Hermeticists teach that this Ethereal Substance is of extreme tenacity and elasticity, and pervades universal space, serving as a medium of transmission of waves of vibratory energy, such as heat, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. The Teachings are that The Ethereal Substance is a connecting link between the forms of vibratory energy known as "Matter" on the one hand, and "Energy or Force" on the other; and also that it manifests a degree of vibration, in rate and mode, entirely its own.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:05 pm
by Alicat