fluffy curses?

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fluffy curses?

Post by willow_witch »

OMG i have a fluffy curseing me..... while i think its so stupid and dumb and not goin to work... should i be alittle more careful?... i mean i kno that she's been messing big time wit the magics.. and she isnt being careful doin stupid fluffy things.... and this is turning into a venting thing.. which im sorry about but the whole thing is so stupid... how can she not see her spells are working but backfiring bigtime as well (from wat i've heard).. ok i shall stop mi vent.... wit great difficulti :P


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Post by celticwave »


Listen if i was you i really wouldn't stress. If your realy worried, just do a simple protection spell and wear your pentacle all the time. Chances are this fluffy we're talking about here (knowing who it is) has NO idea what she's doing, has really terrible focus and just trying to scare you (which you shouldn't let work). Just ignore her, do a protection spell and remember, curses only have power if you let them. If you believe she's cursing you, then you'll be prone to find every little thing that goes wrong will seem that its from a curse. If you ignore it and laugh it off, nothing out of the ordinary will probably happen :P

love ya!

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Post by willow_witch »

tis kewl.. i was more venting coz she is sooooo stupid!! i mean messin wit this stuff *growls* oh well.. she will get her's bak.............. omg wat are we gonna do wen skool goes bak! *groans* oh well.... oh btw i got a new pentcle! its a kewl one.. mi old one still feels werid.. i dunno y. i have tried everything on it and it still dunt feel rite so i got a new one.

love ya


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Post by power_within »

I say just try and protection spell. There's tons. :roll:
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Post by Solus »

Hmm... protection spells I've got afew of those. Want to borrow my pendent? :P Protection spells only work if you believe in them and have a strong belief in them and you need to replenish them... Just like Malachites... I've had two crack on me, apparently thats bad. :( One actually fell off my chain first then after I put it in a bottle so it would be safe until I could do a sun bathing cleansing whats it and I looked at the bottle it was fine and then it just snapped... Hmph... anyway so yeah, I don't trust Malachites they have wasted me sixty dollars and haven't actually told me what I'm in danger of, though I have a fair idea I must say...


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Post by katrebelNY »

um what is a fluffy? Is it actually fluffy? I know what a fuzzie is...(my lil kitten of course) but I am not sure what a fluffy is.

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Post by waterglyph »

[dead link removed by admin]

^ That article is from a very good website on Wicca. If you've never read any stuff from them, explore the site. It's very interesting.[/color]
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Post by willow_witch »

a fluffy is a person who pretends to be wiccan or a witch but isnt, or is one just to be cool or so they can curse everything insight or something like that, they doesnt follow any of the laws or rituals....


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Post by Solus »

I know a fluffy... *ponders*


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