
Have a question about a spell or witchcraft/Wicca? Ask it here. Those of you who like to help others can help answer questions.
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Post by moonchild123 »

im looking for a spell i can do when im feeling a bit overwhelmed/anxious to give me a feeling of peace..i'v tried meditation but i just cant sit still and clear my mind lately i'v got to much going on

blessed be

Post by ~Belladonna~ »

A Spell isn't going to cut it when it comes down to anxiety and the like. Have you tried any herbal teas or other remedies to help? Valerian Root tea is great for anxiety so I would do some research on it and give it a try if you feel it's suitable for you. However, please do NOT substitute herbal and other alternative remedies or therapies for medical care from a Doctor if you feel you need it. Always seek their advice first and THEN go on to use herbal and alternative means after.

I would also give meditation another try if I were you. I know you said you can't meditated because you can't sit still for long enough, but I would seriously give it another go. For some people meditation takes a while to master but once you've done so you will be greatful ;)

Also, have you ever tried Yoga? If not then I would also look into this. It's absolutely fantastic for anxiety, stress, etc. and the effects are almost immediate :)

I hope this helps! And do take care )O(

Post by unclrico_138 »

try taking a nice bubble bath and light some candles. i get a lot of anxiety as well but i always feel better and less anxious if i take a bath.
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Post by kgwitch »

unclrico_138 wrote:try taking a nice bubble bath and light some candles. i get a lot of anxiety as well but i always feel better and less anxious if i take a bath.
I agree.

I also find that reading a good book helps me to escape and leave my troubles behind :)
In a time of war and hate, we must use our love a empathy to heal the world. Becuase that is what it needs more than anything.

Say no to hate and take care of the God and Goddess' creation.

Post by Frost »

I don't know how well this works for anxety but you might wanna give it a try. Place an object before you, doesn't matter what it is. Imagine your anxiety going through you, all the way from your toes and out through your head. It helps if you vizualise it as a color or shape. Now draw the anxiety into the object and tell it to stay there.
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Post by WolfWitch »

Have you tried a Mantra?

I have two I tend to use frequently.

1. I am the tree, my roots planted deep in the earth.
I will my worries pass over me, through me, beyond me as wind through my branches.
I am the tree, my roots planted deep in the earth.

Or,(Sadly this is a game quote but hey, it works.)

2. Iron within, Iron without.

Hope this helps.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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Post by KaidaPyralis »

Anxiety is something I suffer from a lot. I get panic attacks, used to have them daily, and often not just one a day.

Here's the medical things I was recommended...

Cut out caffeine. - That really worked for me. I switched to caffeine free tea, avoided coke, anything really that had caffeine in at all, for about a month, and my attacks really eased up. Now I'm back on normal tea with no trouble. I think my system needed a break from it

Cut out alcohol - again, I did this for a few weeks (I'm a student...fond of the odd drink!) and it really helped. Again, not a permanent change but letting my body recover really helped.

More sleep, regular exercise and balanced diet - seems obvious but really easy to get lazy with!

The emotional/mental things - try and work out what triggers your anxiety. For me, I have insomniac phases from time to time because I always have a lot going on, and I find making a list of things I need to remember before bed allows me to forget about them enough to sleep. A warm, scented bath is a great idea, and just grounding yourself or meditation really helps. Just get used to letting your mind go for even a few minutes, it makes all the difference.

Hope that helps!

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Post by SMushroom »

this one always works for me. i hope it does for you.

"Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Lord and lady, soothe my head.
Bring me to your calming peace
as i will so mote it be. "

just repeat it as many times as you need to

Blessed be.
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