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Nervous to Write School Paper About Wiccan Beliefs

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:27 am
by celticwave

Just a bit of wiccan rambling, i'm a bit nervous see :P We jsut started back at school for the year, and at my school re is compulsory. We had to write a letter to our re teacher telling them about our faith and religous beliefs. I sort of was honest, i avoided all W words (witch, wicca), but i said i believed in the goddess and god, and talked a bit about sabbats, and now i'm sort of regretting it, only one teacher knows i'm wiccan and thats my old drama teacher, so i'm worried how this one will react....

oh well, just a quick blurt, sorry to u guys who wasted ur time reading it :P


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:03 am
by silvermists
I don't see what you are worried about. You have the right to your religious beliefs, and you shouoldn't have to hide them. Does your re preach christianity? I went to a Catholic school but I got out before religion so I don't know what it's like, but I wouldn't be afraid if i were you. Stick to your guns and if anyone gets in your face about being Wiccan, just ignor them.


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:54 pm
by Dan Luna
If it's anything like the RE classes I had the teacher will probably be so busy arguing with science minded students they won't have any time for you.

"Any questions? - Put your hand down Dan!" :oops:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:13 pm
by Starwitch
RE - religious education???

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:13 pm
by willow_witch
yeah.... the school makes us take them.... go elyse tho.. i so woulndt have the strength to tell the teacher *ashamed face* like in english we are doin macbeth and the teach asked if anyone believed in witchcraft and i was goin to say something but everyone was lookin around like 'omg witchcraft as if' so i didnt do anything... and had to listen to the class bagg out witchcraft and dress all witches wit black clothes and warts and stuff like that! *sigh* if only...........

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:08 am
by Marie*
Plain and simple, if people don't like you for who you are or what your beliefs are then they don't deserve to know you! I kept it a secret for a long time, and then decided I don't need to hide what I believe and who I am for any reason.


i now how you feel

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:11 am
by Miss_Molly
i hate that (yeah its religious education) well i did it and at least you get a good grade!!! all i have to do is say what i think about it and im done!! its great!! i guess they will have there own thoughts about you but all i say is hold your head up high and be proud of who you are and be thankful that you know what you are where most people dont know what there about!!! everybodys intitaled to an opinion even if you dont agree with it!!!

be happy
be safe

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:53 am
by 5moons
Yah well trying making your parents at a young age take your ass out of christian school. I never believed in it but I got out of religion class. Cause I told the teacher I did not believe in faith at all. Thats when my teacher instead of going to my parents put in in another room to have a study hall and told everyone else in my class I was going to get more help with school. Cause I was a slow learner. Yah so my teacher I found out was wiccan as well and understood it all. SO me prayers and thanks go out to my eigth grade teacher.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:52 pm
by Starwitch
I actually think learning about other religions is interesting, but I could see how it might be boring for a teenager. But when you get to be an adult, you'll have a lot of cool knowledge that most people don't have if you study religions. It also helps to be able to debate your relgious standpoint when someone tries to argue with you about it. If you know about a lot of different religions, you can really show off when Christians come along and try to talk you out of your beliefs. You can tell them, "Well, nearly ALL the religions in the world (besides YOURS, you idiot) believe in reincarnation. Christians (and Jews) are the only people dumb enough to think this is our only life EVER." And just other stuff like that. It makes it harder for a Christian to argue their point when you have knowledge of not only YOUR religion, but theirs and everyone else's as well. :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:46 pm
by 5moons
Yah you can blow away any christian anyday. Just ask them so where does all the money go when you sit in church and give it to them for collection. Not to were its really going. No it go's to your bishop to fill his fat ass with money.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:21 pm
by darkestlight*
I was very lucky to have RE one year, fifth grade, and at the time I was just coming from going to a baptist church quite often so it was no big deal. As far as my school, most my teachers are against it but I was lucky enough to find a great clump of friends who are not the same way.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:40 am
by celticwave
Oh i don't find religion boring, i find it really interesting now, it gives us a bit of a chance to understand whats behind the religion, as well as explore others. Even though i'm not christian, a lot of people are so its worth learning i guess! And i think my teachers jsut ignoring it now and assuming im' going through a phase or something lol, she just sort of shrugs me off :P


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:37 pm
by Rythe of Doom
Its wrong if they give you a problem about it. I'm not exactly sure what the Austrailian Government dictates concerning religion within the country, but it would seem pretty backwards if they didn't have a "freedom of religion" thing going on there (ah my liberalist views :P).