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Ermm... Can I see ghosts???

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:57 pm
by Jake200493
I don't know if I'm clairvoyant, or just plain crazy!!!

Basically, I'm 16. When I was little, I saw people in my room, and my mom, being the cool person she is, kicked them out of the house, and she hasn't seen them since. Nowadays, I see people all over the place that no-one else can see!!! I'm not scared because I'm used to it, but they come and try to communicate while I'm in school! I can't start talking to ghosts in the middle of Physics!!

Basically, I want to know if I'm just imagining it, because I've never tried helping them, or speaking to them, I just block them out. What should I do??

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:41 am
by emmi116
first of all i give you tons of credit because if i was you i'd be scared out of my mind! although it might freak you out a bit...or a lot lol...why don't you try talking to one of them. Of course do this in the privacy of your home and not in physics :) and from there just see what happens.


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:52 am
by Jake200493
Thanks Emmi,

I think I will start trying to help. I help out the living quite a lot, because I'm helpful by nature. Thanks a lot,

Jake :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:39 pm
by Stonehenge
I'd say the above mentioned idea would be a good one, try and see if you can communicate with what you saw while alone, and let them know it isn't cool to bother you in school for sure. Keep us informed.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:10 pm
by Travis Sanders
Hey Jake,

Heres one thing that may help you: spirits exist at the level of the astral. which is a mental plane of existence, there for you can talk to them mind to mind, in your head, and they will here you just as easily as you talk to them with your actual voice.

"If you go into the light you will find peace, love, and forgiveness, and no-one will judge you not even God, no worries for your "sins" only unconditional happiness"

Of course each spirit will have thier own reasons for staying earthbound and will need some taylored convincing but thats the jist of it. unlike a lot of movies and tv portray, 98 percent of the time spirits know they are dead.

If your seeing, and feeling it, hearing it, of course its real! what is reality anyways ya know...

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:33 pm
by Kassandra
Jake, not sure where in the UK you are, but if you can get over there sometime, take some courses at You'll find kindred spirits there (hahaha, no pun intended). Focus on the mediumship courses, since you seem to have a natural affinity already.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:01 am
by truthseeker2
your not the first person ive heard of with this situation. first of do NOT under any circumstance communicate with them if you do who knows what doors of evil will be invited to harrass you and turn you crazy. heres what i concluded with usually to be able to see the the spirit world you have to be possesed by a spirit. if u want this to go clense yourself with holy water, like take a bath in it. but if this spirit gains strength inside of you it will eventually control your actions event talk using your tongue.thats why u shouldnt encourage that to happen by communicate with the spirits your seeing coz they could be evil spirits. now that doesnt rule out the chance that you suffer from a mental disease causing hallucinations


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:08 am
by Jake200493
Well, I'm sure I'm not mental and I'm not possessed. Its something quite a few of my family members can do, so yeah. You're entitled to your belief though

Re: Right.....

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:00 pm
by truthseeker2
Jake200493 wrote:Well, I'm sure I'm not mental and I'm not possessed. Its something quite a few of my family members can do, so yeah. You're entitled to your belief though
no one possesed know theyre possesed unless someone they trust tell them, and no one mental know that they are nuts. you gotta see what your freinds think and not the ones who might have your same situation. mental disease has been proven to be in a lot of cases passed through genetics. so i could be way off but on the other hand i might be dead right

I'm not mental, stop harassing me.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:31 am
by Jake200493
Look, Mr. I'm sure I'm not mental, my friends all agree, especially one of them who was "with ghost" as it were. I told him stuff about his family I had no other way of finding out, like his nan's favourite song. So, there, I'm not imagining it, I'm not mental and I'm definately NOT possessed. I think I know a dark spirit or demon when I see one.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:49 am
by Greymalkin
Jake, you're not mental OR possessed or anything else. You're a perfectly normal person who just has an ability - like somebody who can play the piano very well or cook a really nice dinner.

For the time being I would advise you to concentrate on your school work - a good education is more important then anything.

You're young so you need to enjoy your life before you start getting involved with 'helping spirits' and the rest.

Also, for the time being I would definately suggest you keep away from spiritualist organisations. I have had lengthy experience with places like the Arthur Findlay College and the SAGB and while they are all very well intentioned most of them don't have a clue what they're talking about half the time and it will just end up costing you a lot of time and a lot of money.

If you can find a well respected Medium in your area to help you develop then that's goo, but better still be your own teacher. Everything you will need to learn is already inside you.

But school work first, ok?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:01 pm
by truthseeker2
ill tell you what .if your for real write the discovery channel or a uni intersted in proving your sayings by giving you multiple tests. you know what ill give you a really easy test right here right now. whats my full name. if you find it out then you deserve to post it.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:16 am
by MidnightWolf
truthseeker wrote:ill tell you what .if your for real write the discovery channel or a uni intersted in proving your sayings by giving you multiple tests. you know what ill give you a really easy test right here right now. whats my full name. if you find it out then you deserve to post it.
You are SO pathetic...

This is what we all would like to achieve.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:41 am
by khimanti
Hi Jake,

You are defininately not crazy, if anything you would be envied having this gift. I would love to be able to see spirits and talk to them.
What you need to do is whitelight yourself to make sure that no negaivity comes to you, and as the other people on this forum have said, talk to these spirits when you are at home. You can ask your spirit guide to control the amount of spirits that come to you and where they come to you. Like, ask your guide to only have them come to you at home and not at school or public places.
You are very fortunate to have this gift, dont ever think you are crazy. Use it for the good, to help people.

Kind regards,

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:02 pm
by Jake200493
truthseeker wrote:ill tell you what .if your for real write the discovery channel or a uni intersted in proving your sayings by giving you multiple tests. you know what ill give you a really easy test right here right now. whats my full name. if you find it out then you deserve to post it.
Well, considering I see dead people, not people's names, that'd be kinda hard. And your an idiot, no offense. If your gonna be blunt, so will I. Get a life, and stop trying to upset people.