How do you know?

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How do you know?

Post by Frost »

I am wondering a few things about meditation, those to meet spirit guide.
How do you know when you are "there"? Are you "there" or is it still like a fantasy or day dream that you can change? Do you constantly have to focus to see? Do you make things up as you go. Or is it another world, maybe like a lucid dream?
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Post by Kassandra »

Hi Frost. In my opinion, meeting and working with your spirit guides is a lifelong relationship, like any other relationship. There will be days when you're more "tuned in" to their guidance, and other days when you feel all alone, like you're calling out and no one's listening. They on the other hand are always there, but we may not realize their presence.

Your spirit guides could be any number of entities: deceased loved ones "looking out" for you, angels, elementals, ascended masters who are interested in the path you are taking and want to be a part of your education, and others. Most of us have a "band" of them, several of them assigned to different parts of our lives. It may take you years to formally get toknow them all, but you are always hearing their guidance though you may not realize it. It is very subtle.

They "speak" in a number of ways: through coincidences and synchronicities around us, through inspiring people around you to say things that help you (and vice versa, you'll be inspired to say things that help other people, etc.), through divination practices that we do, and often just directly speaking to us with their thoughts. Mediums, as many people on this message board are, tend to be a little more sensitive to their messages, and can hear and see them easily.

Take your time with this. There's no such thing as "there." These will be ongoing, lifelong relationships. Different guides will come and go in your life: when you reach one level of understanding, the guide(s) who brought you there will leave, and new one(s) will take their place to get you to the next level of understanding, and so forth. Earth is a school.

Several things you could do to put you in touch with your guides:

For one, you could meditate daily. Learning to quiet your mind is the most effective method of hearing your guides. It will train your mind to hear them better when you're not meditating but going about your daily business.

You could read books on the subject, because space doesn't allow me to detail all the many methods you could use to communicate with your guides. A book I like is Ask Your Guides, by Sonia Choquette. It is full of ideas and exercises, and also differentiates between the various spirit guides. So study and read up on this. You have your whole life to learn about this.

Keep a journal
and write down the impressions you get during the day, the hunches, the "something told me to" 's, the feelings about things, etc. Watch for patterns over the weeks, recurring messages, etc. And note how the information comes to you: do you hear them more (clairaudience), or can you see them (clairvoyance), or do you know they're there because you can feel them (clairsentience), or a combination of the above?....

And then you could always consult with a medium directly.

Just remember they're always around you.

Post by Frost »

You say there's no such thing as there. That I do not understand, for everyone I have spoken with that do spirit guide meditation always describe a certain place on the spirit plane they are. That is what I mean by "there" :) I can hear my spirit guide if he choses to talk to me but lately he has dabbed off, he's not responding (he usually spoke to me late at night as well as early in the morning). I thought perhaps if I have a better understanding of how meditation works I might be able to contact him. It was his wish that I meditate, but how can he expect me to meditate when I do not know how. It is like asking a baby to learn itself to talk
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Post by Melindrose »

Frost wrote:You say there's no such thing as there. That I do not understand, for everyone I have spoken with that do spirit guide meditation always describe a certain place on the spirit plane they are. That is what I mean by "there" :) I can hear my spirit guide if he choses to talk to me but lately he has dabbed off, he's not responding (he usually spoke to me late at night as well as early in the morning). I thought perhaps if I have a better understanding of how meditation works I might be able to contact him. It was his wish that I meditate, but how can he expect me to meditate when I do not know how. It is like asking a baby to learn itself to talk
here are some suggestions for meditation, 1 get some candles either white or a color representing the specific chacra point you wish to focous on, 2 pickup some of your favorite incense and set it up some where you're not going to nock it over accedentaly if you have to move, 3 you turn off all distractions such as tv you may or may not turn off all the lights and have music playing to help you focous (usually somthing without words), 4 once set light the candles sit comfortable and start by focousing on your breathing. there are probably posts that could tell you better than this how to meditate but this is the baisics

Post by Frost »

Thanks. Do you recommend anything specifical for spirit guide meditations?
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Post by Melindrose »

I would suggest going with the crown chacra and focous on contacting your guide
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Post by [new_witch] »

well it is almost like a fantasy your heart and mind will tell u whether u r there or not.............
knowledge is my aim.

Post by Frost »

So it is more difficult than I thought :(
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Post by Melindrose »

Frost wrote:So it is more difficult than I thought :(
it's only as difficult as you make it; the more you practice the easier it gets. You need to make sure that you get rid of all emotional baggage which will keep you from getting there as quickly as you would like. So the first thing is if you are doing the meditation at the end of your day is do one to relax then one to go to a higher plain of existence.

Post by Frost »

I can relax quite easily... I do have an issue though. With all things that I do, a part of me will always try to destroy it. It is the same with my meditation... I do not know what happens, but I will try to offend my spirit guide. I believe that I have 2 parts of me: One that is for everything, one that is against everything... The one that is against everything always wants to break through, to destroy. It is making some issue here, I guess
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Post by ImperfectAngel »

Frost wrote:I can relax quite easily... I do have an issue though. With all things that I do, a part of me will always try to destroy it. It is the same with my meditation... I do not know what happens, but I will try to offend my spirit guide. I believe that I have 2 parts of me: One that is for everything, one that is against everything... The one that is against everything always wants to break through, to destroy. It is making some issue here, I guess
For some people mediation can take a few trys before you can fully focus. When I first began to meditate it tooks me a few weeks before I could block out things around, including my own thoughts. I was able to relax but couldn't focus. Make sure you have nothing pressing to do such as walking the dog, or getting something to eat. Also try maybe a different setting or time, play your favorite song while meditating, or just playing with different lighting. Call out to guide and talk to him/her as if there are in front of you, you may not see him/her at first but evenutally you will get the hang of it. If none of that works tell your ""against everything side of you" to shut up. LOL I know it might sound silly but it works with me.
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Post by Syndica »


when i did my mediation my spirit animal found me. She's a white wolf whom i call snowy i know it sounds lame. but she never leaves my side, her favorite place to rest is my bed. she's a total bed hog :shock: I am wondering why she hangs around. is it for protection??? my dog freaks out and barks at snowy and she totally wiggs out. :shock:
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Post by blackwavy »

You won't know you where in another dimension until you come back to this
reality. That's goodness of it. Its all in the mind. You know stuff like that doesn't exist here and you will know it when you come back 'here'.

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