Holy Fool's Blog

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Holy Fool's Blog

Post by Thorri »

21. September 2009, Finland

I begin new blog in this corner of the internet. You have to excuse me, English is not my first language - it is Finnish. - I love to write, but I have noticed that my spiritual way of life, and religious attitudes seems to bother more "normal" people, and I am tired in it.

I feel that just the fact that I meditate, and take things that happen in my soul, or imagination as part of reality, makes people uneasy. They may say, that I am crazy. And I feel hurt by this. And people get upset, when I tell about my visions, and dreams, and about phases of samadhi.

There seems to be some kind of mold, of "normality", where you should fit yourself, to be considered a human being. I never could do this. First of all, I never grew up. Others grew to be serious, and adults, I still remain a child at 43 years. I never became a man, but always was considered a boy. I never had ambition for success, or career, or wealth. Because of this, many people look down on me, and think I am inferior, or have failed in this life.

But when I look at "normal" people, how they seem to put almost all of their energy to relationships, marriage, family, career - and how they relax in their spare time, watching ice-hockey, football, and taking alcohol regularly, I can not feel envy, or that I'd missed something. And often I notice that play subtly with people's expectations, and make myself a clown, just to see their reaction. I may, for example exaggerate my poverty, or let them understand that I suffer from loneliness... or I can play with their homophobia. Or psychophobia; I can reveal a bit of my stream of consciousness, and use surreal language, and they will be convinced that I am mad. Or then, I can play that i am normal, and behave like everybody else.

The Holy Fool: "The yurodivy (Russian: юродивый, jurodivyj) is the Russian version of Foolishness in Christ (Russian: юродство, yurodstvo or jurodstvo), a peculiar form of Eastern Orthodox asceticism. The yurodivy is a Holy Fool, one who acts intentionally foolish in the eyes of men. He or she often goes around half-naked, is homeless, speaks in riddles, is believed to be clairvoyant and a prophet, and may occasionally be disruptive and challenging to the point of seeming immorality (though always to make a point)." - Wikipedia

Of course, this has come naturally. I never wished to "join the circus", and never planned to become a trickster figure. It just happened. In the beginning, all I wished, was to experience the Mystical Experience, and that's how I came to charismatic Christianity. I was so young at that time, and I had no religious background. After some months, and having experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit in congregation, I went in to read about Sufi saints, and read some of them to my Christian brothers... They didn't like at all. And it didn't help when I tried to explain that there is really no fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam. (They both have mystical spirituality)

I was always like that. No boundaries. Flying there like Jonathan Livingston Seagull in wide open sky. After some embarrassing situations like that, I discovered that organized religion might not be for me. I was a mystic. I don't know why it was like that, but I had the first spontaneous religious experiences when I was about 3 to 4 years. My parents were normal, secular middle-class people. I remember I prayed prayed a lot. I was afraid of dark, that was a motivation, I think. And I got answers, I felt Light in my heart. I could see the Light. It comforted me. And somehow I felt it comes from God. So, I naturally had a belief in God. I was basking in His Light, so there must be a God.

I never told about these experiences to anyone. Perhaps I sensed that people would not understand. People never understood: even when I went to yoga, I think they just thought it's my ego making these things up. In yoga, was little bit same as in Christianity; they stressed the conversion. The Christians had life before Christ, and then after the conversion. In yoga, they had similar myth, they called it the self-realization. They have been living in darkness, and then they converted into neo-Hinduism. before they were bad, and sinners, and blind. Now they were good, and reborn. I thought this is silly. I never felt like that. I never had anything before/after -feelings. I was all time the same. I learned few more tricks, my meditation grew more deep, I learned to accept myself, but it was gradual process, not a sudden conversion.

So, I felt I am in limbo, in-between. I can not be a believer, nor can I be a secular person. I felt just different from others.

Later I talked with people a lot, as I am quite a social person, and people gave me different opinions and advices. The atheistic-minded people tended to believe that such experiences are symptoms of schizophrenia, or a thing called kundalini-psychosis. The religious people said that powers of darkness had lied to me showing false light in my flesh. They said that religion is about faith, not about experience, which is Gnostic nonsense. That is how I discovered that I am a Gnostic. Of course I read much about psychology, and about these psychiatric disorders people were speaking about. I found it to be quite interesting, and kind of fell in love with Jung. I also read about Qumran and Nag Hammadi texts.

It puzzled me greatly, that every religion seemed to have an enlightened person, who had begun the system, and in theory they had mystical concepts, such as Tabor Light, or Visio Dei Beatifica, and talk of mediaval mystics, but in practise experiences were strictly condemned. All religions seemed to be antignostical. Even yoga was antignostic on practise.

Together with this, I felt that in religious groups there was unspoken requirement, that men must be of very masculine type. Effeminate men, like me, were considered to be unspiritual and unreligious. I was there, trying to mix effeminacy, with mystical religious experiences. Very out-of-place everywhere. People seem to think automatically, that lack of masculinity means homosexuality, or transsexuality, or that you are unsure of your sexuality. But it wasn't like that. I just didn' t have the male-ego. Soon I grew absolutely tired in all this religious stuff, and distanced myself from it. But I could not go back to secular world either, so I found myself meditating in forests. I climbed the mountains, explored the caves. I spent nights in forest, in meditation. It was great. Finally I was able to concentrate on meditation. When I was alone, I was free. Nobody condemning me there in forest. Only God, and He didn't seem to condemn.


Me, in granite cave, Finland - autumn 2008

I tried to tell people about my meditations, but strangely, I got hostile reactions, or so I felt. I became to realize that this is not yoga, not Buddhist meditation, not Zen, not Tao, not Sufism, this is not anything. It's just me, meditating in forest. It's the actual experience in itself. One seeker, Andrew Harvey has called it the Direct Path. I believe in it. Finally, when meditation has become steady, you need no outside teachers, no congregation, no sect, no group.

In the beginning, yes. I believe I could not have learnt to meditate in this life, if I hadn' t met a guru. I was so stuck in my chakras. I even didn't know which direction I should put my attention in meditation. (You need to fix it upwards, towards the heaven) I also learned to control my speech. I realized that we live in secular world, and one can not go on blabbing about the spirit to people. I got so strict in this discipline, that even if someone was confiding to me about spiritual issues, I didn't speak a work about my belief. I just shut myself completely. I was hurt so many times, that I didn´t wish to go through it again.

But often it feels weird, living a rich spiritual life, and not being able to talk about it to anyone. Not to anyone in this planet. Isn't that a too heavy burden? Can't I write, even a little.... Please, God...

Post by Thorri »

21. September 2009, Finland


It gives me pleasure to wear a turban. I think it makes meditation more soft, giving warmth to Sahasrara area. After I woke up, I lit some candles in the altar, and did a long meditation. I allowed thoghts to enter to my mind, and listened patiently to all the noise in the brain, that las days have caused. After a while, it became quiet, and I felt vibes in fingers.

I have been thinking of Clark Ashton Smith´s story about two magicians, Morghi and Eibon. Morghi worships the rational and calm god Yhounded, and Eibon worships a little more sinister god, Zhothaqquah. I relate to this story. Like Eibon, I live in far north, in the coasts of Hyperborea. I also seek a gate to Saturn. And Morghi is always after me, the Male Archetype. Morghi and his men.

God, I detest them and fear them. They are the dominant males, with the male confidence, and arrogance and strictness. Carl Jung talked about Siegfried, the legendary dragon-slaying hero, and how this path is a spiritual dead-end. Lately, I have done inner battle with Siegfrid. No, not in oidipal way, he is not a father-figure for me, but rather like an annoying brother. The reenactment of the archetype of sibling rivalry, familiar from biblical stories.. Jacob and Esau. That is the landscape of my soul.

Jacob had to put lamb's wool on his arms to get the blessing from his father...

Often I wish I were a woman, so I could become lesbian, and I could write in lesbian groups, and forget men entirely. I think this would be sweet. It is like a dream. But I don't know how they could accept me a biological man. I have a man´s desires. And I don't believe in sex change operations.

I think one good thing in Finland, and in north in general, is that these countries are religiously tolerant. People are secular, they don't bother about religious issues. I am free to speak about Zhothaqquah. Of course, nobody listens, that is another matter. But basically, meditation and Gnostic religion are allowed here. I feel that many people here think that religion is nonsense. It makes my life solitary.

I believe I have lived hundreds of reincarnations in South. And these have gone wrong. I might have talked too much, at too early stage. I am like that; I can control my tongue, and try to come to the level of other people when I meet them face to face. But my weakness is writing. I feel almost as if I could not live without writing. It's a basic need, like breathing.

Why is this? It is because I can not share my mind in normal conversation. I'd feel it's unappropriate. I can speak about the weather, about sports, about food prices and pets.. but how could I speak about God, about meditation? No way. People would think I am mad. That is why I have become cryptoreligious. I think it's about the same as being Apophatic.

The problem with religion is, that usually people get fixed ideas. They will be dogmatic. There is no freeedom. I feel that modern religion has mostly come to fundamentalism. They take words in their literal meaning, and compete in literalness. I speak figurative language. I can say one thing, and mean another. I can make mistakes, and think erroneuously, it doesn't matter. Thoughts and opinions don't matter, because in meditation they will all melt away, and only Thoughtless Awareness remains.

I believe it's my religious duty, to keep my brain as thoughtless as possible. I am an empty brain. There are holes in my brain. Often I see visions, but these are beyond words, and if I try to translate them in human language, it will be very surreal words. Like illogical, and irrational landscape from the moon. Psychedelic. People get usually afraid, and fear makes the angry. They can only think that I am either high on drugs, or my brain is damaged.

I think the world has become more intolerant lately. In 1920's there was surrealistic, and futuristic movements, where they celebrated this surreal logic, believing it´s the Creative that works this way. The French and German artists were learning from primitive - tribal art, from children, and mentally insane. Somebody like poet Rimbaud was purposefully trying to make his head whirl. They took absinth and also other drugs, because it is not easy to free your mind. They had no techniques of meditation whatsoever. Meditation is such alien concept to our western culture.

Ok, it´s nice weather outside, I don't wish to sit here all day, I think to go to walk in beach, listen to the waves, and maybe sit silently on a rock, in the shades of trees.

Post by Thorri »

Black sheep of the family

'Why do black sheep eat less than white ones?'.
'There aren't as many of them.' - Old joke

Should I choose: Judaism Christianity Islam Baha'i Faith Rastafari movement Messianic Judaism Buddhism Hinduism Jainism Sikhism Gnosticism Zoroastrianism African religions Asian religions European religions Middle Eastern Native American Oceanic religions Shamanism
New Age Paganism Wicca Goddess Spirituality and Worship Christian Wicca Unitarian Universalism Confucianism Deism Taoism Satanism Luciferianism Setian Transcendental Satanism Atheism Agnostic Humanism Alien-based religions Scientology Mysticism Theurgic Magic Magic or Esotericism?

No. I rather just live my life, and experience my experiences. Think my thoughts and feel my emotions.

I think that greatest magic is just life in itself. The yellow leaves of autumn, walks in forest. The sea. Life. Waking up. Sleep. Having breakfast. Enjoying food. Feeling desire, quenching the thirst, this is very naughty. Staring the wall. Thinking nothing. I think even the most hardened left-hand seekers would be shocked. Life is so powerful. Matushka Zemlia. Life itself. Omniscient Mother.

Often I think that life is only possible in Russia. Russians are not afraid of emotions, like other westerners. I don't know why is it. I thought this today. I tried to seek a nice Russian forum to discuss mysticism, (in english) but could not find. They are either touristic forums, or forums directed to western men seeking a russian bride. The little religious discussion I find, is all about the Russian Orthodox Church. I imagine I could fit myself in Slavic Paganism.

But yet, something is bothering me in the scene.

I think it is because I am a Personalist. There is just me. I am. I can not limit myself to any sort of group. To call myself a Slavic Pagan, would be absurd. Or a yogi, hah hah. A Christian, oh God.. I am neither this or that. I think, my religion is that I sit here, and type the keyboard.

I try to express myself.

The trouble is, I think, - identification. Either I can not identify myself with people, or they can not with me. Sometimes people identify too much to me, and they get (anti?)personal, and say, for example - that I remind just like their father's sister, or brother's friend who became mad in 1993, or somebody else. An ex-boyfriend, and like that. I think this is surprising. I don't know these people. But people come to me, and say that I am excact copy, 100%. Then they nod their heads. - I guess they usually mention the black sheep, who has been in the family, and who they know well. In every family, or group there is the black sheep. It is me.
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