Angel Stalker/OBE issue

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Angel Stalker/OBE issue

Post by Mikhael »

Cheers everyone, I'm back after a few month break from this forum. I should be back every now and then I've been pretty busy lately.

Didn't know if this should go in the Spirit/Angel section or the OBE section so I'll post in both..

Here's a question for astral travelers or anyone with knowledge about angels.

If you didn't know I have a strong connection with angels. Why, I don't know. It just is for me. I can sense they're presence, communicate, summon, and sometimes even control angels.

Recently while doing a ouija board (please no bashing ouija, I don't use it often and I am safe using it. Discussion for another thread maybe.) an angel was evoked, whose name i won't mention but will pm to anyone with knowledge of some angels. At any rate it said that his purpose there was me, but wouldn't delve further, possibly because there were others with me.

Since then the angel is still around me (several always are so it's not abnormal for me) and one night while I began an attempt to go astral (of which I've never been succesful, I have a tight hold on my body apparantely) I was almost wrenched out of my body by the angel, who was laughing and chanting 'Michael, Michael' which isn't my name but my patron is Mikhael the archangel.

Has this happened to anyone before, or does anyone have info or an encyclopedia on angels? I know much more than the next man on angels but not alot of textbook knowledge so it'd be of help.

Some advice would help as well, thanks.
Let me take you down cuz I'm going to.. strawberry fields.. nothing is real..

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Post by Melindrose »

I would suggest using Google for names I too have some experience with angles I just have a hard time hearing them. I may know the specific one feel free to pm me the name so I can see if I can help you with it.
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Can you describe anything else about this...'angel'? What feeling(s) did it invoke within you?

Post by Bluemoondreams »

Wait Michael, Michael has been with me for three months now two of them with that name. Thats just too wired to be a coinsidence, he said he came to protect me, ones the arch angel and the other one isn't I'm deeply involved in angels, I've seen them and worked with them since child hood. I'd love to help you understand. When I was very young I was very sickly and they use to help me out of my body to go 'flying' this is what I use to call it when I projected. Even now they are usaly waiting to show me things when I go, I ride a unicorn pegasus they gave me and reacently Michael and Michael are always waiting for me. I wonder what this means that your being told Michael, Michael and I have two?

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