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Valentine's day

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:43 pm
by willow_witch
well another year another day of extrem happiness for some, and depression for others..... the day when you find out if you are loved or if your just plain arnt....... and lets guess which catorgory i fit into...... yep thats rite the just plain not catorgory..... how about all your out there..... which do you fall into or do u think this day is just a gimick....... well etiher way... spill your guts about your romantic or tragic valentines day........

p.s please somebody must have had a romantic day!!!!!!! give me hope that there is actully love out there! *sigh*

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:20 am
by Solus
Hmm... Romance eh? Valtines day has been for many many many many years even maybe decades or centurys a day of love and compasion... however chocolate factories have created a nice Corparate \/\/h()r3 enviroment about it. Today My good friend Nervy got down on one knee and asked James whether he'd be his Corparate \/\/h()r3... *sigh* He was joking though.

Ok anyway here we go, fun fun fun! I'll tell you a romantic story, why not.

This is True by the way. About a year ago I heard a story that touched me deeply about a friend of my cousin, now my cousin is alot older then me and her friend was married to a kind passionate man.

Sometime two years ago this kind passionate man came down with cancer, he was in hospital and his wife came to viste him every day. He would tell her every day how he loved her and how he cared for her and their two children. Every day he grew weaker and weaker. Eventually the Docter said he would have two months left to live or one week if he left the hospital. He told the doctor he wanted to go home for his last week.

His entire family arrived, and being an itallian man he had everyone from uncle's to aunties and even cousins up to four places removed around him telling him how sorry he was. This continued for afew days. Relatives and Family around him and in this time he seldom got to see his wife. One day when the room was crowded he got up infront of his his family, he got out of the bed and with what strength he had left he shouted at them "Get out! Leave me alone! I know you are my family but I want to spend time with the person I love." and so they all left the room and his wife entered the room.

They lay on the bed arm in arm until he told her in a whisper "You are the only person I could ever love... but never stop living." And with that he took his last breath and in her arms he died with the love of his life being the only witness to tell it.

Now alot of people might say that story is depressing but every time I hear it I guess I'm reminded that there is some love left. Love that would overcome Family, overcome ill health just so that those last few moments could be spent together. And even though he could not overcome death he loved her until the end.

Yeah... ok I am a big sop... This might not be a real example of love but you know I'll find another one somewhere... my family has afew floating around. My Mum and Dad being the ultimate at the moment... They're about to hit their fourtieth annaversary.


P.S. The widow in the story is going well now I believe, she is coping well and her kids are fine aswell.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:45 pm
by GenevieveDawn
Mine sucked too. I haven't even got a freakin card in like 10 years! I have a guy "friend" you all know what I mean for about 6 months, well I was hoping I'd get something and e-card even, well I got nothing. Yeah, so I guess I know how he feels about me. I'm pissed, hurt, blah, blah. Glad that's off my chest.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:11 pm
by Solus
Hmm... Valentines day is just a gimmic thing though I think... I mean I know alot of stories of what could be presumed love but I've never really found it as such mysef.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:10 am
by willow_witch
oh my gosh i so know wat u mean GenevieveDawn, although i have like 10 guys who i sent txt's to, only 2 sent them back!!!!!!!! and im like, wow nice to know u care!!!!! yeah im over it now :P althought it was the worst V-day in history for me, someone good came into it :)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:35 am
by power_within
I didn't get anything not even a card from my mom. And at school everyone gets these hearts put up with their names on it and I had no heart we searched the whole school. Nothing. It sucked I've pretty much given up on V day, stupid corprate crap holiday. :evil:

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:55 am
by waterglyph
*lol* Man, I had a really nice Valentine's and I feel bad about it now. Anyone need me to mail them belated chocolates? :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:35 am
by willow_witch
lol lucky u! :) what did you do?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:56 pm
by Moon_Stone
Well, I'm not really into the holiday, but it was nice, I suppose. I'm married, so, ya. I gave my hubby a tent (for camping, to all you perverts!) :28: He gave me a new watch. Hmmm. Yippie V.D. :28:

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:09 pm
by JBRaven
On Valentine's day we had a 12 day old so not much romance ( in the "normal" since) could be had. I did think it was very sexy when my man got off work and had an arm full of formula and a take out. smiley17n

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:06 am
by Solus
Thats so sweet. You got a nice man. If I have inturpeted this right :S

Oh well, he still sounds like a sweety.

I miss love, I'm not sure why but of late I'm starting to believe in it again, Yay for recovery and meditation! Soon I'll be back on my feet and well ok doing absolutely nothing until someone falls into my lap without me noticing until they actually say "Oh for the sake of pete are you going to ask me out or not!"


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:08 pm
by waterglyph
Way late, but here's what I did for V-Day...

Since my fiance had work, we celebrated the night before. He got me one of those chocolate roses and 2 stuffies. (One was a frog and the other a teddy bear holding a heart saying "Our First Valentine's" and the date on the foot. I thought that was cute, I'd never seen anything like that before.) He got a really good card (For a guy, he picks out the best cards. Its eerie...) and decorated our room with candles. (I've got those on the coffee table now. They smell good. :mrgreen: )

My favorite thing he got me was a yellow potted tulip. I thought that was kind of a fun change from red roses. *lol* I have it on our porch and I really like it. Yellow is a cheerful color.

For my gift I got him a card and made his favorite dinner. It came out good... Didn't burn a thing. *lol*

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:30 am
by Solus
Ah, the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Very Sweet WG ;)


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:30 am
by BlackenedRose*
i got some Post-Its saying 'Be My Valentine' from the lady from Vodafone in town. *sigh.....* But I wasn't even in school (darn teacher training days) so I was hoping for some posted flowers. Hah!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:00 am
by willow_witch
that is sooo sweet WG!!!! i wish i had something like that... but one good thing came out of valentines day... a txt from a guy i met on the firday before hand *smiles*... i know its a change of tune from mi posts before, but wat can you do? :)