please please answer my question thanks!!!!!!

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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please please answer my question thanks!!!!!!

Post by RestoringtheGoddess »

I was just having a conversation with my mom and I mentioned how for this holiday season they are airing a lot of ghost stories etc...

and she brings up a story I had forgot about

how she says her mom (my grandma) when my grandma was a child... she would hear chains in the attic and it was horrible... and finally they had a priest come to bless the house and get rid of the ghost and then there were no more bad episodes in the house

and this story freaked me out which is why I had forgotten about it for so long until my mom brought it up in conversation...

my question is...

ok i don't believe in xtianity so how is it that a priest could come to the house and bless it and then the ghost leaves?????

i was raised catholic and it took me many years to heal from the teachings of hell and an egoistic god slaughtering his son and first borns in the bible, etc....

my mom rebringing up this story has made me reafraid of death, of god, etc....

how is it that a priest could take away the ghost in my grandma's house when she was a child when in my opinion xtianity is not real?????
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Post by Greymalkin »

Who told you christianity is not real?

A belief and a true faith in ANYTHING is very real to the believer.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi RestoringtheGoddess!

I certainly don't claim you to be wrong in your beliefs but if I may suggest, perhaps you might want to reassess the fundamental aspects of Christianity. I too have an issue with organized Christian religions from the viewpoint that there are doctrines they emphasize which are not in accord with the Bible's teachings or which are overemphasized. I also believe there are biblical/Christ teachings which have been suppressed by human religious leaders.

But to get to the point, to be a Christian literally means to be Christ-like or follow the teachings of Christ. And what did Christ teach? To Do No Harm. The same core, fundamental belief that is the root of Wicca, Paganism, and all other human belief systems. The theological principles may be different but the root concepts are all the same. I believe this to be true if for no other reason then I, and I think most other people, know one or more Christians who a very good, decent people and if their belief system was totally wrong they could not be possible like that, could they? If that is the case then there would be no difference between a Catholic priest and a Wiccan priestess expunging an unwelcome entity from a home, would it? They both willing serve God, The Divine, The Creative Forces, or whatever we may chose to call it.

But that's just my thoughts on the matter. No offense intended, okay? Blessings to you and your house!

One Walker. :D
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Post by Neir »

A spell is a powerful meditative focus for energies within you and around you. It is a way to channel the forces of the universe into a desired form or purpose.

Whether or not you believe in the same principal deity or teachings as the Christians, you must admit that belief is a powerful channel, yes? That's one of the principal components of magic, and Christians possess just as much of it as pagans. A priest, in fact, probably has a good deal more belief than the typical pagan, which is why they are willing to devote themselves so completely to their purpose.

This is important, because it means they have a great deal of innate power inside them. The ritual of exorcism is a powerful spell, due to the exorcist's devout belief in it's effectiveness. It takes spirit to weave spells. Any faith can develop that. Practicing and understanding it though, that may take a pagan...

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Post by Godsmack »

I also have a thing against Christianity... I dislike it greatly, but tolerate it. However, every faith is very real to the person who practices it. Why do you think people are so passionate about it? :) Anyone can practice magick; all it takes is Will. The priest obviously had a lot of will power and believed his banishing would work. Hope this helped.

Love and Light,

Blessed Be.

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