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Astral projection

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:15 pm
by Burning_Dogma
i am trying to astral project but everytime i try i get scared and jump back into my body is there any special help tips you could give for this?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:57 pm
by Kassandra
Hi Burning_Dogma. Astral projection ~ sm177 ~ freaks a lot of people out because, I guess, aside from near-death experience, the feeling of astral projecting is about as close to what it feels like to be dead --or should I say "discarnate"-- as one will feel while still tethered onto this side of The Veil ...I guess (I haven't flatlined then come back to life, so I wouldn't know). Personally, I don't find a need in my life to purposely practice it. I can get done what I need to do in my body, so why astral project? I know when I've done it in my sleep (to attend a "class" -long story), and when I've done it during meditation. But there's usually a reason I've done it. It's not something I purposely pursue regularly.

Anyway, in both cases, whether "dead" or astral projecting, you're simply outside of the physical body, which I imagine could be pretty disorienting. When we first learn to ride a bicycle, there's that feeling of disorientation that is initially frightening. We get used to it the more we ride a bicycle until, eventually, we don't even notice it at all. I think what you're finding frightening is the disorientation of willfully taking your consciousness out of body. As with bike riding, I think you will get used to the feeling after a while. Unfortunately, astral projecting doesn't come with any equivalent to bicycle "training wheels" to help ease the transition between the two sensations (in-body and out-of-body). So you have to face your fear, and just do it. I think it will subside over time.

Anyway, there are a lot of sources that address astral projection on this site (including the fear associated with it):

Robert Monroe technique

Tips on astral projecting

"Astral Projection: About and How-to Guide" by EUTM member "Colubra" (I don't know if she's still a member because the post is 2 1/2 years old, as of this writing. The info is still pertinent).

Hope that gives you something to work with.
