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I would like to find out more about my spirit guide.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:15 am
by siobhanxox
How do i do this? i previously read a post by someone who did a tarot reading for the girl who wanted to find out about her spirit guide. I was wondering if anyone else was able to do this for me, or tell me about some methods I could use to find out about my spirit guide for myself. I'm really new to all of this sort of thing, but I really want to learn, and I may be young, but I am willing to learn, so if anyone has something to share, you are very well to do so.


Siobhan xx

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:21 pm
by silvio_aeson
I happened to have just met my spirit guide yesterday for the very first time. I felt I really needed to master meditation before I could attempt it, and it worked for me. I've been studying the Craft for a while now, but I'm not initiated or anything of the sort, and I'm sure there's someone more qualified to answer questions, but here's my two cents for ya!

I've been following the "A Witch's Primer" podcast for awhile now, and I really like it. Here's a link to the master listing page;

Spirit Mentors are addressed in Podcasts 5 and 5(A). I would STRONGLY recommend you listen to both Podcasts and not just skip to the actual exercise. This meditation worked for me, and I really felt compelled (and honestly almost frightened) when I came back into my conscious. I felt as though I'd known my guide forever, and I came our of it knowing things I didn't know going in. It was my most exciting and real experience with the Craft as of now, and I can't wait to go and see her again! ^.^

ALSO, if you listen to the first 10 mins or so of Podcast 6, Ariel (The Podcaster) will address a lot of questions from the Spirit Guide lessons. Also, you can always use their forum if you want to ask them direct questions.

And while i'm pretty sure it's mentioned in the Podcast, I feel I should mention this (and someone else correct me if I'm wrong), but when you first attempt this it should almost feel like you're making things up as you go. If you feel like your writing the story in your mind and it isn't exactly real, you're headed down the right path. From what I've read (and heard on that Podcast I think?) as an early witch, your brain can't yet process what is imaginary and what is coming from a higher level of psyche, sort of like how your body can't tell the difference between intense thirst and hunger. When you're really thirsty (or dehydrated) your body substitutes in a feeling of hunger. This is the same; you body doesn't yet know how to process these spiritual encounters so it substitutes in imagination and visualization instead.

With time, it should feel more natural. Good luck, and feel free to message me if you have any questions! I hope I've helped!

(Oh, and I'm Siv btw. Sorry to have not properly introduced myself!)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:46 am
by siobhanxox
Thanx heaps for that. I will definately look into it (:

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:07 pm
by silvio_aeson
Not a problem. I hope you'll share your experience! I'm interested to see how things play out!
