It took 2 smudging attempts to cleanse my home of ghosts

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.

It took 2 smudging attempts to cleanse my home of ghosts

Post by Fluffy »

I live with a friend who owns the house. He's gone for weeks at a time traveling on business, so I'm almost like the caretaker and am home alone 99 percent of the time.

I started to get a bad vibe in the lower-floor hallway. I didn't want to walk through it at night, and I'm a grown woman. A friend came to visit, and she is a psychic, having worked professionally as a reader even. She is way more tapped in than I am. She walks through the hallway and gets a little shudder and tells me, "This hallway is creeping me out."

Around the same time, I see a small child-size ghost (?) moving quickly on the top floor of the house. It moved as if it were running, so it was more of a white blur.

I decide to smudge the house with sage to get rid of these entities, whatever they are. I no longer see the ghost upstairs, but I still feel the heavy presence in the downstairs hallway. A few weeks later, I see the ghost again. It is in the same place I saw it previously, and moving fast like it did before. I have a feeling the heavy hallway presence and the child-sized ghost are not the same entity.

I smudge again. This time I am much firmer with my "You don't belong here, you need to move on to the light, I don't want to see you anymore" speech to the hallway entity. I take much longer smoking up the entire three floors. Finally, the icky dark hallway vibe is gone.

Moral of the story - if you need to do a house cleanse, be prepared to repeat it. Maybe some entities take a couple or even several attempts to finally "move on to the white light." I have the sage handy at the first inkling that the dark presence might have returned.
Posts: 108
Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 6:52 pm

Post by blackwavy »

Yes, do one thoroughly. I don't live on my own but when I do, I will make it mandatory to do so. When you move into a house, its better to clear the spaces. Because, you don't know what went on there. Lurking spirits are unwelcome. They usually have unfinished business can they need to move on into another dimension. Those type and bad spirits can be easily rid of.
The smoke from smudging have to hit every corner of the house to ward them off.

I keep white sage with me. I also have frankincense and myrrh; they both should be together--Must! Any sweet smelling incense can do. Also, sandalwood is a good one to clear out rooms.

Good spirits, they come and they go. You tell them to leave and they will leave; no harm.
Ginger Faith!
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

i dont know how old this post is,
but would a sage candle do the same thing?

Blessed Be,
Posts: 108
Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 6:52 pm

Post by blackwavy »

Ginger Faith! wrote:i dont know how old this post is,
but would a sage candle do the same thing?

Blessed Be,
Sage is good for purifying the space also but white sage is more popular.
Anything whether a candle, incense, or a smudge stick are all energy
sources. The candles you are using will give off scent of sage, working in
the same way as if you smudged. White candles along when work against negative energy. Smugding is more concentrated you can protect yourself
with it by moving the smoke from it across the body and your belongings.
Or you can simply lay it to burn.
Ginger Faith!
Banned Member
Posts: 915
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:10 pm
Gender: Female

Post by Ginger Faith! »

Thank you very much.
I have evil spirits watching me.
They are in my house.
I guess thats what happens when you dont have any more black candles.

Blessed Be,

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