Help Me

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.

Help Me

Post by Love_For_All »

I keep hearing inhaling and incoherent whispering that follows me around (I have not been using any form of hallucinogens). I hear it only when I am alone somewhere, and I believe it is a spirit, but I don't know how to contact it.
Any advice?

Post by Love_For_All »

Today, I was sitting in a darkish corner, and it grabbed ahold of my neck with tiny fingers; I think it's a child. I started hearing the breathing get shallower and shallower until it stopped, and the whole time, I felt fingers digging tighter and tighter into me.

Help me, I'm scared!

Post by Bluemoondreams »

okay your absolutly shor it's a spirit, it couldn't be some kind of Fay? Or fairy folk?

If it's a childs spirit it's unlikely to want to harm you. Wispering is more normal of the little poeple.

Lets deal with the child spirit assumption first, have you tried somethnig as simple as asking it what it wants? Then waiting to see what it does, the whispering could mean it's trying to comunicate something to you. If how ever it's truely frightning you there is a few options. Get yourself some smuge sticks to cleanse the house. Or my personal favorit, get sea salt, even the stuff from the super market will do as long as you make sure by looknig at the engradance it's not too diluted. Sprinkle the sea salt in the effected area and leave it for a few days, the sweap it up if you can and burn it or throw it in a river. I don't know if that helps I hope it does.

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