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Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:43 pm
by Love_For_All
Nice to be able to find a group of people who can express opinions that do not have the words "it's against the Bible" in them.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:42 pm
by Starwitch
I'm most definitely pro-choice, not only because I think women should have the right to choose, but because of overpopulation and how it's harming the Earth.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:34 am
by Zili
I'm pro-choice because a woman should have the right to decide, doesn't mean I'd agree with the decission. If abortion is used as a means of birth control, well I just don't accept that.

if a woman has to make the choice her life or the baby's that's a viable reason
if the child is a product of a violent or forced event of intercourse (yes i'm talking rape both violent and non violent) it should be the woman's choice.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:11 am
by Rosewolf
I'm in the pro choice group too. I don't think the decision to have an abortion should ever be taken lightly and with contraception so cheap and widely available, most women do have the choice whether or not to become pregnant. But then there are the rape victims, women with health issues who couldn't cope with pregnancy, girls too young to be mothers, women who have been failed by contraception. Its just too simplistic to say abortion is wrong, there are too many examples where it might be the best course of action. But we women do have a personal sense of responsibility as well, abortion isn't contraception and shouldn't be used as such.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:58 pm
by black dove
Heck with it! I'm not afraid to be different :D I'm the one person who voted Pro-Life. Now, in the case of rape or if the woman is at risk of dying, okay, yeah. That is acceptable. But as for a mundane case, then why not just go on birth control or use a condom/other forms of protection... or if its someone that you don't feel like you'll be able to have a child with, don't do it, or you can use protection like I stated above. Heck! combine them if you feel necessary.

I was one of those pre-marriage babies (Shotgun wedding!) that everyone wanted to get aborted except my parents (mother wiccan at the time, father catholic). EVERYONE! Sure made me have a different view on my family and family friends...Yes, the first few years of their lives were hard. Actually we were poor as dirt, but through perseverance they pulled through. Now we're living blessed.

Now I know, over population, women's rights, etc. I NEVER said to make it least not totally. I would prefer to have some laws set up to cut down on abortion numbers, atleast until the world is no longer under the threat of over population--if that ever happens *pushes the big red button that has NUKE written on it*. I would prefer to use techniques to cut down on the amount of births. Maybe put in a birth-cap or make a cap for the amount of Federal financial aid you get for each kid you have. Basically, say after you have a third kid, the financial aid you get hits a horizontal slope. That may help slow down the rising population atleast. Now I'm completely against partial birth abortion--If you're gonna do it, do it before there is no doubt that its alive... especially if it can feel pain.

I understand that we can't go Pro-life at the moment (unlike most of my pro-life peers), but I believe that if we can find a way to lower the earths population. Just sharing my opinions and ideas... No need to call me a bigot or prude or anything of that sort. I just value all life.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:58 pm
by Twine
Before I met my friend and love-interest, I would have been an all out advocate of Pro-Choice. But after having met him, and heard his stories of how he was to be aborted, but his mother didn't do it, make me realize the people, the beautiful loving people that could have been here otherwise. While I do believe that over-population is a problem, I do believe that a woman should have a right to choose, I can no longer say that I will support it.

He was lucky, yes, but his sister wasn't. She was to be his older sister, but his mother had her aborted and to see the pain it causes HIM even having never met her, having not even been thought of at the time, completely floors me. Sometime she just gets so down and I'll ask him what's wrong. Usually it's Sarah. He misses his sister. Not to mention that when he was young, she would come to him from the Other Side, and now, having lost the ability to See and Hear, it just rips him to shreds. Which subsequently rips me to shreds, as I can do nothing about that. No matter how strong I am, no matter how hard I try, no matter what I can do, I cannot fix it. And that just pisses me off. I hate not being in control.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:42 pm
by AutumnMaidens
Okay... well this is not the easiest question in the book, or actually it is for me and that might make it sound cruel.

We're talking about life, the vallue of a life, should a child of 15 who was raped not be allowed to have the child removed? Why does she need to carry it to term, hating herself perhaps hating her child just because of the life that would be lost? Because if the child was carried to term, not one life would be lost but several. The girl her life will be ruined and so the child its life will be ruined.
I'm not saying that this life isn't precious and that we are all lucky to have it, but in cases of rape, abuse, cruelty... I think it's unfair to have people carry a child that they don't want because other people think that, that child deserves a life that that parent might not even be able to provide.

No choice is more important, because without choice we would be no better than dictators, dictating how other people 'should' live their lives. Who are we to demand something like that?


Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:49 pm
by Twine
AutumnMaidens wrote:I'm not saying that this life isn't precious and that we are all lucky to have it, but in cases of rape, abuse, cruelty... I think it's unfair to have people carry a child that they don't want because other people think that, that child deserves a life that that parent might not even be able to provide.
Well, for me, I agree in certain aspects. But you must also consider that aborting it isn't the only option, and that there are PLENTY of people who would kill to have the gift of a child and who CAN grant that child the life they deserve. And in the event of a rape, I highly doubt that the motherly instinct would overcome her at the moment she was going to adopt, like so often happens.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:58 pm
by AutumnMaidens
Adoption is of course a lovely concept, but what of the children who are never adopted? Who are sucked into the system till they are to old? People often don't look for children above the age of six and once they reach 18 they're out on their own. It's the lucky few who get adopted into a good home.
Again not saying that I think the moment you're pregnant and get a little nervous that you should abort, of course not. Life is to precious to let slip on a whim. But in the case of rape the mother is often unable to even concider the child out of fear it will become a rapist himself or remind her of her attacker. Does she not deserve to choose?


Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:11 pm
by Twine
That's why I'm on the fence. I'm not sure anymore.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:16 pm
by AutumnMaidens
Twine wrote:That's why I'm on the fence. I'm not sure anymore.
I don't think there is a right or a wrong anwser, I think people who are pro-life just don't want people to forget how precious life is and that the pro-choice people want people to have the freedom to decide for themselves. Why can't we combine the two? Life is precious and should not be taken lightly, but certain situations should be taken into account.
I don't think any less of either parties but in my work with people who were abused I sometimes wonder...


Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:38 pm
by JBRaven
I am pro-choice. I choose not to do it. I also can't tell another person that they should not do it. I support the idea that it is a woman's body, she should always have a choice. I also support other meathods, like adoption. I don't think a person goes through with abortion with out a personality change. Every woman I know that has had one does not take that choice lightly.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:42 pm
by Ula
I am pro- birth control. In this day and age it should be a priority. What a woman and her doctor decide is up to them but I personally couldn't do it.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:06 pm
by Zili
Well, for me, I agree in certain aspects. But you must also consider that aborting it isn't the only option, and that there are PLENTY of people who would kill to have the gift of a child and who CAN grant that child the life they deserve. And in the event of a rape, I highly doubt that the motherly instinct would overcome her at the moment she was going to adopt, like so often happens.
Has anyone asked a rape victim why she aborted? Has any one here done and method of abortion including the morning after? I used to be like you and say "there are other ways I would never abort if I was raped."

But you know what I did? I took the pills (i found out years later that the dr's actually gave me a double dose to make sure I wouldn't have a child.) I was abused for 3 months by my ex fiance and raped several times on a daily basis by him. two days after we broke up his best friend raped me. Its now believed (by me based on meeting my would have been daughter in meditation and her come to my dreams, people have even picked up a child's presence around me) that I was pregnant at the time I was raped by my ex's best friend we calculated things and found that I would have been about 7-8 days pregnant.

Some of you may not see it as a big deal, but I have a life in me. and yet I chose to take the pills. at the time I was an alcoholic working at walmart for just above minimum wage, I knew before the rapes that I was falling into depression and had no way of getting out of it for a long time because I didn't have the money to support myself.

I couldn't bring a child into the world knowing that I had already screwed her up. I couldn't afford the medical responisbility of bringing a child to term. Who was going to pay for that? and carrying the child of one of my rapists in me would have made me more and more depressed and I would have harmed myself and the baby.

do I regret my choices? yes, would I go back and change the moment I said yes to the pills that aborted what would have been my daughter? no If I was healthy and of sound mind I would have carried her to term. I would have kept her as my own if I had been better off.

I made the right choice for my baby and for me.

Re: Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:05 pm
by JBRaven
Zili, I don't think that abortion is as "easy" as people think it is. People are always talking about abortion birth control, but I have yet to meet one of these women who have abortions on the fly. I have never met anyone who has met anyone who does this. While there may be a very small percentage of women who do this, the number is so small that it should not play into the equation. I have had to take plan B a few times because of assault. Even me knowing that I do not want another child, much less from a rapist, it still hurts because I wish any pregnancy I have is only a product of love and want.