Any Advice?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
True Blood

Any Advice?

Post by True Blood »

Lately things have gotten a bit weird in my house, Theres a lady in my basement (I know this because ive heard her voice before. She said hello to me once a while ago.) And there are others (like kids in my room? Ive heard them laughing before.) But anyways, last night I couldnt sleep at all, I kept getting the feeling that someone/something was in my room, I thought I was being paranoid for a little while but something in my head was screaming 'theres a man in here' and something made me feel like if I didnt turn on the light in my room something was going to um get me, I turn on the lights and kind of sleep with the lights on until I turned them off again after a while, same thing happened -_-"

Im not sure, is someone/something really in my room? Or am I just being paranoid?
Sometimes I see white balls of light by my mirror, I try to debunk it as from another light source, but im not sure were it would be. Same thing on my door, Theres always some white light on it, I try to debunk lights like that from my tv but im um not sure about it anymore.
And not too long ago when I turned off my light and tried to go to sleep I saw this head and shoulder, it was kind of huge, and that was all I saw, I stared at it trying to see if it would go away but it didnt until I turned my light on. Was this a shadow person?

Im kind of confused : P Thanks for the help.

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Post by NightRose »

I have no idea if something is in your room. I know that's not helpful, but that's the best I can tell you from where I sit in front of my computer.

However, I can suggest something that will help. Light either a bundle of sage, or a white candle (the second is a suggestion instead of the sage, as I know you're 16 and might not be allowed to burn sage in your house). Carry it around your room and ask the God, Goddess, Spirit, whatever you believe in, to bless the house and room and only let positive energies enter there. You can also draw (either literally, or with water) protective symbols on the doors, windows, and mirrors (which some people believe to be portals). This should help keep negative energies out, and help bring you positivity.

Also, perhaps hanging a wind chime will help. In Feng Shui, this is believed to bring positive energies in and add to the harmony of the room. I recommend that you place this either in the center of the room, or along the right wall, which is the health section of the room (this would be the right side as seen from the doorway).
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Post by Xal »

Sounds like your becoming aware of the spirits that surround us in everyday life.

This can be scary yet, if you overcome the initial fear and explore these experiences you may be find yourself having access to world that few are aware of.

As NightRose suggested I would preform some sort of cleansing ritual. I would also take up meditation.
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
True Blood

Post by True Blood »

Thanks : o
I have sage my ma and pop complain how much it smells like pot DX sometimes its hard to burn it unless if they arnt in the same house : P

Ill be sure to do a cleansing right and take up more meditation ; p
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I dont know whats your condition now as you dint update what happened after the sage cleaning ritual. But I seriously suggest you that if you have still this feeling of something around you, I suggest you get hold of yourself first.Seems like you have been weakened by something negative.You can try such things out........sleep with your parents if you cant sleep alone, go to your cousins or friends house for some days and let the change of air affect you.Get clear,bright sunlight and try to draw in energy from it.After all these I say when you start to feel fresh and energised just go back to your usual room and simply DISREGARD this entity thats disturbing you.Pay no attention to its pranks.This would weaken the entity thats simply feeding on your negativity and soon it would have to leave as it would starve for negativity.It would leave you for someplace else.
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Post by blackwavy »

If you are seeing and hearing things that others are not aware of maybe you are gaining ESP. Yes, its scary at first but you'll get use to it. Spirits are no different from people because we too are spirits. If you are the only one in the house who is aware of the activity, then, you are developing.

I know my grandmother saw my great-mother's ghost but she isn't psychic. That was the only paranormal incidence she ever spoke of.
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Your Home

Post by icebunny »

The thought that there is anything in your house with you can always be a little scary, especially at night! Please understand that in any building, as time passes, the inhabitants will leave a little of themselves behind. This is perfectly normal. You might hear or see things from these entities, and you might see orbs. This also is not an unheard of occurrence -it's fairly common. They're most likely a little surprised to see you on their turf and want to check you out.

If you feel like you are threatened, I would recommend doing what worked for me in my 1898 apartment - I found a vial of Dragon's Blood at the local Wicca store (less than ten bucks, can also be found in certain health food stores), mixed it with salt, and spread it in a circle counterclockwise in my room while chanting my own little spell about banishing evil and letting spirits rest in peace. Also smudging your room with sage in a clockwise direction, especially focusing on doors and windows tends to be effective. Dragon's blood is very good for protection in your house, and I personally use it to bless new pendants, stones and charms that I use to pull energy in and out of.

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