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Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ago

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:50 pm
by Lori0417
A few yrs ago I cas a spell to bring my boyfriend back to me. The spell worked but the relationship did not. It ended less than a month later after 2 yrs together. I have not been able to find love since. I was recently told that I had to undo the spell to remove the damage it caused to rid myself of the negativity. I was wondering if there were any suggestions to put closure on this.

Love spell gone wrong

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:40 am
by Kassandra
Lori0417, I made your question a "sticky" so it will stay at the top of this forum. Hopefully, it will present compelling food for thought to those seeking love spells. Thanks.


Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:50 am
by Lori0417
thank you Kassandra I never realized the impact it would have on my life.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:30 pm
by Stephanie Mae
Lori0417 wrote:thank you Kassandra I never realized the impact it would have on my life.
I do not think most people really think the whole love spell thing through. The compulsive nature takes over, and your want turns into a need, like air to breathe. Most that I know who cast love spells never get past the first one they cast, and just keep continuously casting a new one every time the "need" arises. This may seem harsh, so I apologize in advance. If I did have something to help you get past this love spell, I would not give it to you. This part of recovering from the spell, is learning a lesson and while it may be the hard way, that is something you should have thought through in the beginning.

I hope you are able to get past this.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:55 pm
by Eien
I read something somewhere about reversing a spell.
Write the spell you used on a white paper, and then burn the paper with a candle..
I don't know if it works, I've never tried it. But I hope you've learned from your mistake. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:55 am
by Witch13
guiding spirits,
hear my plea,
reverse this spell,
so mote it be."
That together with Eien's advice might help.. thanx Eien (bytheway in japanese eien means eternal)
And i would suggest a black or blue candle, or maybe white. And do it during the waning moon phase. Or perhaps the full moon.

Reversal Spell

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:21 pm
by dab0509
Reversing a love spell can be pretty tricky. Especially if the energy has become stronger over the years. You said that it had been a few years since you cast the spell, which I am worried about. I say it can be pretty tricky because, if over the years, the energies have intesified, then it's not the same spell you cast. The combining and growing energies would have changed and morphed themeselves over time. Have you tried to reverse the spell, and if so, what did you do? Did it make it better or worse?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:55 am
by missgems82
Tough one. Maybe the problem here is not the spell still having a negative effect but your subconscious mind causing you to not see or feel that initial attraction because it assumes that one day, the love will fade away and cause deep hurt and pain again.

I would suggest that you take some time to learn to love and trust yourself, it sounds corny but that will create a solid and stable base on which a new relationship with a future partner can grow and develop. A simple visualisation technique can help you clear any blockages which may be preventing you from being able to see clearly. You will need to make the time to do this on a regular basis, if it were me, I'd start off trying everyday and may or may not reduce that at a later date. As you begin to make connections and gain strength, you'll fall into a new pattern and will be able to sense what your next steps should be:

Visualise a bright white light glowing in the centre of your body, take your time and gradually visualise the light expanding and radiating outwards taking with it the fears and hurt stored up in your subconscious. Keep going until you feel the cleansing powers of the light pushing the negatives out through your actual skin and then your outer, magical skin (often called the aura). Imagine the bright white light swirling round and filling your aura, forming a natural protective "skin" to prevent any negativity being able to fall back in - instead it is dispersing itself naturally and slowly fades away. Take your time throughout this process each time you do it and you should be able to feel that this inner cleansing has left you with the sensation of a calmer, purer perspective.

When you're feeling ready, you can use this clear sight to help you identify the qualities that a long and lasting love needs to have to form strong bonds of love and happiness with that special person you want to share life with. Different colours can be used to represent different emotions E.G. paler or rose pinks can be used to symbolise love in your life so you could light a pink candle before starting the visualisation and also visualise swirls of pink entering into your aura. A few streaks of a deep red could be used to represent passion and a small amount of lust to help keep love burning and getting gradually stronger all the time. Yellows and Oranges can be used to symbolise the sunnier and vibrant positive emotions we feel when life is like an adventure and we're enjoying every second. You need to decide on each and every trait and use the corresponding colours, imagine them swirling around you and you should be able to sense/recognize the same emotions when meeting new people and feel if there could be an attraction there or not.

But the most important thing to remember is that nasty and negative experiences are a natural part of life and if we can't let them go over time, they will continue to haunt us and spoil things in our futures. good luck hun, I wish you well and am sending you strength, courage and many blessings. Blessed be xxxxxxx

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:44 pm
by Love Is Endless~
Is there any special type of trinket that you made when you did the spell? Once, I did a spell to bring me and my boyfriend together when we were in the same general vicinity by tying two candles together and using the craft lace I tied them with as a bracelet. Under the pressure of a love triangle that happened afterward, I snapped the bracelet in my haste, thereby breaking the spell.
If you have a trinket like that, that maybe you, say, infused energy into, you could remove the energy, and see if that reverses the spell. I'm not sure, maybe even breaking it would reverse the effects.

I hope that helps. (:

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:09 pm
by Scotia
Hopefully this one works.
I found it in my mothers book.

scribe the name of your bewitched on a white candle. Anoint it with myrrh oil and light it when the moon is waning (getting smaller).

“I burn this candle as a token
of the spell that binds our love.
Let this magick now be broken
by the power of the Goddess above.”

Allow the candle to burn out. When the wax has cooled, wrap it in white silk and throw it into the sea or a river. something that wont let it linger. But flow away. (if none are near by please dont flush or drain it. as the shards will stick within the house and the spell will not break)

My mom has this one under a sticky, meaning. It will work for some.

Re: Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ag

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:16 am
by midnyt fantasy
as scotia said .... i think that spell might work... i did some researches on the net just to help you out because i can totally feel how you must be right now and i found out the same spell scotia said about ... here it is:

Reverse Love Spell

If you find you’ve made a terrible mistake and you wish to reverse a love spell, scribe the name of your bewitched on a white candle. Anoint it with myrrh oil and light it when the moon is waning (getting smaller).

“I burn this candle as a token
of the spell that binds our love.
Let this magyc now be broken
by the power of the Goddess above.”

Allow the candle to burn out. When the wax has cooled, wrap it in white silk and throw it into the sea or a river.

Re: Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ag

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:15 am
by roseonfire
This is the basics of magick: before you can send energy out, it must first be built up inside yourself, thus the law of three. If you cast a love spell, then the reason you are having trouble connecting with another is that the spell binding you two together is still working on YOU. During a waning moon cycle, try to cast a spell to dissolve the bond between you.

Re: Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ag

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:20 am
by Lala
That story sounds kind of similar to my own. I did the same thing, but with a nonmanipulative love spell. I don't know what happened, but allegedly the spell was suppose to bring someone new into my life, only instead of that; my ex boyfriend return, but the relationship didn't work at all (we didn't even last the month). I broke up with him and a few months later he was with someone else. What I did was to torn the letter (for the spell i had to use a letter, where you have to write the qualities you want in your new partner). Maybe what happened in my case, was that deep inside me, I still wanted him back. It's been a year now, and I haven't date anyone new. I was gonna start a relationship with another person, a friend from college but we had an argument and things didn't work out either, although I did apologize to him for the things I said to him, he just doesn't seem interested in me anymore, so I hope is because he is just a jerk and not because of the spell I did a year ago to meet someone new. My advice is to not use magic spells for love, people are complicated (and more when they are in love) and magic spells for love are un predictable. I hope you can reverse this spell with some of the suggestions of the ladies in this site.

Re: Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ag

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:58 pm
by virgogirl
I am no expert but it is my opinion that love spells are generally forever spells from what i have learned but perhaps it is a negative energy attached from an improper spell even yet you might try to invoke a higher power to dispel the curse.

Re: Need a reversal spell for a love spell cast a few yrs ag

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:46 pm
by malinea
:D Hi, this is Malinea. A simple spell is: Get a picture of this person. Lay it on a kitchen plate. Put a drop of water on top of the picture. Then say, "Reverse, reverse, reverse this curse" and then tear the picture in half.