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For Pain relief..

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:13 pm
by 1truffles
I have injuries to my back the cause great pain,unable to recieve adequate pain meds I sorta fell into not usre if its actualy astral travel or something eles... but this is what I do.. first when i have reached a level i can no longer deal with it i sit and close my eyes.. the pain has a color which is usually a deep reddish megenta,it fils my mind and behind my eyes. so i change he color of the pain,letting it drip from my body like drops of liquid.. in its place the color fades to a pale grey then darkening and changing into this point i becoem aware of a large red tailed hawk perched on my shoulders(stradeling my head) as it lifts off i becoem the hawk and soar up,i feel the wind over my feahers,the sun or chill of the moon and stars depending on the time. i see everythng below me,travel is effortlessles,i have only to think of a place or person and I am there.. the pain and tension are instantly alieviated as i soar, often if i am in bed i simply go to sleep,unaware when the hawk alights back n my shoulders,other times i(as the hawk) alight back on my shoulders,and I open my eyes ,the pain less or gone,but the wolrd stil hazy,faded almost, it takes several seconds to see all the coloors deep and clear again. i dont know if this can work for everyne,ann dit is by no means an alternative to seeking the help of a qualified person but it works for me. ( it used to be a wolf, the hawk has only begun in the past sev weeks).

Good job!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:51 pm
by icebunny
Beautiful meditation and visualization skills! Use whatever works for you, and it sounds like this does.