
Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
sage nightdust


Post by sage nightdust »

I have had insomnea for while and recently, it has gotten so bad that I usally stay up for 50+ hours in a row. nothing I tried helped

- -
Thanks, Joe
Pixie 89
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Post by Pixie 89 »

Consult a Doctor! O __ o
Yours truly,

Post by Chandolan_Kam »

how long has this been going on for?
sage nightdust

Post by sage nightdust »

@Pixie 89: Every Doctor I've seen did nothing to help.
@ Chandolan_Kam: I've had it all my life
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi Uryuishida!

There could be several reasons:

Do you find yourself at times almost subconsciously 'fighting' the urge to go to bed?

Is there some kind of conscious stress related to a daily life issue that you're dealing with?

Is there some kind of subconscious stress you're dealing with such as questioning or wondering where you're at as a person?

Have you changed your diet lately?

Are you suffering any physical problems or illnesses?

I'm not trying to be nosy, just trying to narrow down some possibilities.

One Walker. :D
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sage nightdust

Post by sage nightdust »

<font color="green">
One Walker: No Problem. I totally see that you are not being nosy. Here are your answers:
1. no I don't. at this point, sleep would be the best thing ever.
2.I think this might be it. I am constantly worrying who I appear to other people. have any advice on that?
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thanks a ton, Joe
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insomnia and exercise

Post by Kassandra »

And exercise, or a lack of it, may be a factor, as well. In your case, daily exercise may be in order.

But are you getting at least 30 mins of continuous physical exercise, like running or shooting a basketball into a hoop for ex, at least 3 or 4 times per week?

If not, try it as it will tire you out by the end of the day, increase your metabolism (digest food, rid body of toxins, etc.), and most importantly help you sleep better at night.

One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Elisa is right about the exercise. Diet is also a significant factor. All this is actually part of One Total Package. Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. Treating one aspect to the neglect of one or two of the other ones will knock you or keep you out of balance and otherwise hinder you every time. The key is to balance all things and do them in moderation. Take some time each day to address you mental, physical, and spiritual needs. Don't neglect any of them. Eat foods you like but do it in moderation and make sure they are not exclusively your favorite foods or the 'easy' fast-food meals.

But on to the issue of worrying about who you appear to be to other people:

This is going to be a long post so to appease those people out there who really hate long-winded replies and lots of detail I'll present my viewpoint in the short form first:

Appearances mean nothing. Popularity means nothing. Quantity of friends means nothing. Quality means everything. Who you really are inside means everything. Adjusting your personality to match up with what you think other people want to see or hear is a sure-fire way to get yourself in deep, deep trouble. You'll be living a lie then and it's likely that's why you're having trouble sleeping now. Your Personality is in conflict with your Ideal and Individuality. You aren't being who your are or want to be but instead what you think everyone else thinks you should be. If you want to be happy and have good, quality friends then your going to have to change your approach; not to people but to the problem. Your Ideal (the standard by which you live your Life) should be THE fundamental aspect that determines your Individuality. Together, these things should be what drives your Personality and what should be getting manifested in the material world through your Personality. The more in line your Personality is with your Individuality (NOT your Individuality with your Personality!) the better you'll feel and the clearer you'll see and understand things. Those people who like who you really are inside (which you will then be showing them) will just naturally gravitate toward you and want to be around you. You'll be happier and so will they!

And now for the details:

We all want to be liked, loved, well thought of, found acceptable, etc. but there is a clash there between ego and self-assuredness. We all want to be Individuals but we also want to be accepted or be found acceptable to a group. There's a constant battle going on within ourselves over the need to be our true inner selves versus the need to be accepted or part of a larger group or Whole. Some people choose to set themselves apart and become loners. Some people choose to go to the other extreme and lose themselves in the group. Ultimately both extremes end up being less than satisfactory to these people. Why?

Because they've made themselves to be out of balance with themselves. They've allowed either their Personality or their Individuality to become super-dominant. This is one reason why so many relationships ultimately fail. It's not that the person changed, it's because one or both parties involved have been projecting primarily only one aspect of themselves. But let's define Personality and Individuality first:

Personality is what we project to others that we want them to see. It is associated with the Physical or Material.

Individuality is our soul's relationship to our Ideal as it is measured in terms of what we project that is in accordance with our Ideal. It is associated with the Spiritual.

What's an Ideal? Well, it's NOT an Idea! An Ideal is a standard by which we live. An Ideal is a standard by which we measure ourselves: our actions, interactions, words, thoughts, judgments, and motivations. Everyone should regularly ask themselves: Am I living in accordance with my Ideal? Here's a short, neat exercise to try:

Take a sheet of paper and label two columns: Individuality and Personality. Then consider a conversation you had with a friend or stranger today. In the Personality column you should list what you SAID to the person. In the Individuality column you should list what you THOUGHT while you were conversing with that person. For instance, you may have said "Hello" to the clerk at the store when you were paying your bill but what were you thinking? Were you thinking he/she is fat, cute, ugly, good-looking, tall, short, old, a foreigner, a kid, has a weird hair color, has cool or ugly body piercings or tattoos, etc? Put down everything you can remember thinking and BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF! Nobody's going to see the list but you! But get ready to meet yourself! Now, do the same thing with each conversation you can remember having with someone today. Then compare the columns:

As an example, (and do this with each entry you made) If you said "Hello!" to that store clerk but found yourself thinking 'she's a short, fat, ugly, dumpy-looking broad!' then you've got a problem and the problem is with your Ideal! You may have given her a pleasant "Hello!" but that was Personality observing the formal 'niceties' of society. You were just observing Socially Acceptable Behavior. That means You Lied. Not to her but to yourself. This does NOT mean that in order to be true to yourself and your Ideal you must or should tell her you think she's a short, fat, ugly, dumpy-looking broad! :lol: It means you need to change your thinking and the way to do that is to define your Ideal and completely embrace it. This is extremely tough to do. You have to work hard all the time and every day to do that, and you have to get The Divine Forces working with you to make this happen. You cannot do it alone because humanity is Physically-Oriented. It exists on a Physical Plane. That means we have a human-made tendency to embrace the Physical, or Personality. We act and react based on what we hear, see, smell, touch, and taste; and our emotions-which should be oriented toward Individuality-instead serve only as a reactionary force to our Personality.

Now suppose that you didn't think of anything when you said "Hello!" to that clerk. You were thinking instead about the errands you had to run today; or some issue you were due to face at work, at home, at school, etc. You've still got a problem with your Ideal because you just treated that person as a Non-Entity. A Non-Person. Your orientation was such that you let your own issues supersede someone else's existence. Granted this may not seem to matter because the clerk certainly wasn't aware of any of this but that doesn't make it okay. We're not talking about the clerk, we're talking about YOU. Some people are going to argue that a difference which materially makes no difference IS no difference. But this isn't a matter of materiality, it's a matter of fundamental outlook and that is Spiritual. It matters because it matters to YOU.

And then there's a third case where you make think that store clerk is cute, tasty-looking, sexy, etc. What does that tell you about where you Ideal is or what it's oriented to? What does that say about you as an Individual? You guessed it. Not so good.

So you get the idea of how this little exercise works. Simple, effective, and quite often very ugly because it will force you to look at yourself. You meet you true self.

I can't tell you what you should think; what you're Ideal should be; or any of that. I can only tell you what it is for me. My Ideal is to be of Service to my fellow humans and, through that, be of Service to The Creative Forces. When I look at that store clerk I'm thinking: 'Cool! A fellow Human Being trying to make it through this lifetime in a Positive manner just like me!' I couldn't care less if she's pretty or ugly or fat or short or poor or rich or whatever. I'd much rather get to know the person on the inside than gawk at or joke about the person on the outside. If she wanted my assistance with some thing or issue then I'd be more than glad to offer help in whatever way I can. After all, that's what I want my Life to be about! If she's happy with everything in her Life then I'm fine with that too and couldn't possibly be happier for her! Do I slip at times? Sure do. It's a continuous struggle and one in which you have to be on guard about at all times. But it's been worth it. I'm a far happier person and the Blessings from The Creative Forces and my fellow humans have far outweighed my failures.

Hope this helped some! Feel free with any questions or PM me if you'd like! Blessings to All!

One Walker. :D
We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.

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