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A friend of mine lost her faith because of a PSCYCHIATRIST!

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:29 pm
by Purple_wind
I don't know what to do. One of my friends is a born wiccan and her Grandpa didn't like it. He took her to a pscychitatrist to prove her wrong. She caved, easy. She told me "he told me that i had dreamed it all and that damien was just a random guy that i had associated with all this stuff and that my mind had gotten carried away". She is the Daughter of Artemis. She has told me this herself. Bast tells me Artemis is devastated Myeisha is ignoring her beliefs. She doesn't even believe in ghosts anymore.. Myeisha has been being really mean lately too. Her mom is devastated too I'm sure. I want to keep her as a friend but I want to make her realize it's foolish to let a stranger change your beliefs just because it seems right to everyone else. What do you think should I do?

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:32 pm
by Airlight
Oh my, this sounds bad. The daughter of Artemis has lost herself. Hmm, you could try to talk to her, I mean, a friend should always help a friend out. Try talking to her, try to get her to see it is hurting her own family except her grandfather of course. Also, I would not be mad at the doctor, it is their job to do this sort of thing.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:07 am
by JBRaven
If it is ment to be she will find her way back, her attitude is telling me she knows she is lying to herself and wants to lash out because she doesn't know what to do. Support her in her journey and hopfully she will find a new resolve in her faith.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:37 pm
by NightRose
Oh, how horrible!

I think you should give her support and give her time. If this is her true path, she will find her way home. Encourage her, tell her you believe in her, and give her a little time to come around.

We all know that a lot of the things we do sound crazy. Magic? Psychic abilities? Talking to Gods? I have moments where I wonder for my sanity. But at the end of the day, I trust in my faith and my Goddess. Hopefully your friend can find the strength to do the same.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:12 pm
by Wishes
oh my!

This is why I do not like psychiatrists, just try your best to help her back to her path. Explain to her how if she is letting a complete stranger that only wants her money to be changing her beliefs she needs to look on her life. Help her back to her path, but don't ever push her!

Best wishes and good luck!~

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:36 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Hmm, is your friend competitive?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:53 am
by icebunny
If she is meant to practice her faith, she will do it. It's very discouraging to see anyone change their faith because they are scared or think they are going crazy. We practice a belief system that most of the world is terrified of because they don't understand it.

Hopefully she will return to her faith. Many people in Wicca (myself included!) have a crisis of faith, but we always know that it is our path and return to it eventually.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:09 am
by JBRaven
It is hard for many witches to understand thier own faith much less when they are being told by others they are crazy. Let her be and she will make the right choice for herself.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:43 pm
by Purple_wind
Thank you all for your ideas and support =). I know it's hard not to listen to others but I get called crazy about six times a day. My principle called my mom and said I was crazy. The nurse wouldn't even answer my question about Acid Reflux when I went to talk to her, she just started calling me crazy and said I was bad for my ex because I loved and depended on him too much because he was the only good thing that ever happened in my life. I get pretty sick of people saying I'm gonna cast a spell on them because they made me mad. They also make fun of my gargoil. He's like a son to me and he hangs around my neck in a crochetted sack when I go places. He curses at them and they can't hear it lol.

The point is, I stick to my faith. I know it makes my choices of boyfriends/girlfriends smaller, but my choices are better. I understand wavering a little bit but she knows how much Therapists have destroyed my life. She knew that before she went to see the psychiatrist. I wouldn't be surprised if he had used hypnosis.

Ginger Faith- no not really but sometimes she is over reactive.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:20 pm
by JBRaven
She may not have the resolve that you do because she may depend on her elders (ie grampa) too much.

Your nurse sounds like an Algabra II teacher i had. He would fail me because I openly argued agienst his Jesus and God posters in his class room. I would tutor people in my class behind his back they would make 100's and I would make 0's. But what ever he ended up getting fired and going to prison for having sex with 3 girls on the softball team.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:55 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Wow, JB, thats really funny(not funny as in ha-ha, but as in irony).
Well, does she get jealous?
Like show her off, give her a little push, but not one that will make her haywire.
Make her re-facinted in what she left behind.

Re: A friend of mine lost her faith because of a PSCYCHIATRI

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:54 pm
by Xal
Purple_wind wrote:I don't know what to do. One of my friends is a born wiccan and her Grandpa didn't like it. He took her to a pscychitatrist to prove her wrong. She caved, easy. She told me "he told me that i had dreamed it all and that damien was just a random guy that i had associated with all this stuff and that my mind had gotten carried away". She is the Daughter of Artemis. She has told me this herself. Bast tells me Artemis is devastated Myeisha is ignoring her beliefs. She doesn't even believe in ghosts anymore.. Myeisha has been being really mean lately too. Her mom is devastated too I'm sure. I want to keep her as a friend but I want to make her realize it's foolish to let a stranger change your beliefs just because it seems right to everyone else. What do you think should I do?
How do you know you're right and the psychiatrist is wrong.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:36 am
by SuicideGunner
You know, if only one session with some doctor caused me to lose faith in my religion, I was/am obviously not in the right religion.

Sorry if you're offended, but I didn't see this view being expressed.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:29 am
by solexowenus
It is difficult for many witches to understand their own faith and even less when they are told by others, they are crazy. Let her and she will make the right choices for themselves.