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Time to Live

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:59 am
by Zili
Time to Live

She looked back,
behind her lay a trail of destruction,
the massacre she survived, her life.
Child asleep tears on her cheek,
teenager angry at the world unable to show it,
young woman alone and lost, walking in circles.
The personal history,
the public knowledge,
the secrets never spoken.

Today she awoke,
For once the sun greeted her.
She said to herself she wasn't going to be controlled.
Everyone had their turn pulling her strings,
Now she's a woman, her life is her own.
She has a song in her heart and goals to achieve.
She woke up and realized she has her life to live.

I'm finding closure on the past by realizing it was simply time for me to shut the door on the darkness and turn my face to the sun. I don't want to and don't need to run and hide anymore. What happened, did happen and there's no changing that, but I can choose to live!

since i am new here and you don't really know me let me first explain that I have no problems sharing my story, I told my story to the world the day it happened so there's no taking it back. I was raped 4 years ago this summer. Last semester when i finally found a therapist that worked with me, i was diagnosed with SAD and we suspect i suffer with PMDD, along with PTSD and Rape Trauma Syndrome, along with all of this a multitude of anxieties. Until March 8th I had to struggle with my depression and all of the aftermath that was still weighing me down. I finally decided the only way to free myself was to let it go, and I did.

And since then my life is taking off in a positive direction very quickly!