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Simple spell

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:28 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Alright, i have decided to delve into spells.
Ive been putting this off for months, but i think im ready to actually start.
Only problem is, is my parents.
I have told many of you about my house and its off-limits witchcraft.
I only have accsess to a purple and white candle as well as parchment paper.
I have my energy, also(:
Sooo, if i post this in the wrong section, please move this(:
Alright, so. I have started to write songs for myself.
The only problem is that i am not so good at words.
So my question is, is how would i construct a spell with the items i need, to ask the Goddess for creativity and blessings to my goal of writing songs?
Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:04 am
by Earth Ritual
Two things:

Become an artist. Artist get way with a bunch of stuff. Also, don't make being a witch or doing spells or having all fancy witchy gaddets mean anything. Just be natural, have fun, and feel all of your emotions deeply. As you feel begin to express them creatively.

You can also go to any place in nature and make an offering to the Goddess asking for exactly what you want. The offering may depend on the Goddess but I don't think you can go wrong with honey and water.

You could pour the water to the Goddess saying this water is the stream of continuous inspiration, your muse, here to help you find your true expression as an artist and witch. It is also the peace in your creativity and your home. The honey is how sweet life is now that the Goddess has shown up and made it right. It is your sweet love and gratitude to the Goddess.

Earth Ritual


Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:30 am
by Greek_Male_Witch
White candle can substitute for any other color! hmm my spells usually start with..

"Listen now to my heart....." I hope I helped a bit

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:06 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Thanks to you both.
I will try that out.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:52 pm
by WitchyLady506
I like Earth Ritual's becoming an artist. There's a lot of magic in symbols. You could easily do a spell by just focusing on your intent and drawing something or making a sigil. Coloured pencils and construction paper can be great. Also, origami is fun and can be used. There are many forms in origami related to nature which you can use as a physical representation of your intent. You write want a few things on the paper, focus it while folding it and do what you feel is needed with the paper to complete the spell, such as making a boat and sending it down stream.

I was personally taught that prayer was the simplest form of magic. You just need to gather your thoughts and focus yourself. It sounds as you writing songs is a way that's being communicated to you to do your magic. Music can be one of the most magical things there is.

Also, household items can used to make things like charms and other witchy items. You just have to be creative. All the herbs, stones, candles, et cetra are all an energy amplifiers and to be used when your words alone are not enough.

You should also meditate and try to contact your guide(s). They can be a great help in learning and getting a few magic related things done.

Just a thought that popped into my head, look around for a listing of flower meanings and their relation to certain gods/goddesses or simply find a flower that represents something you relate to. Plant some seeds or a bulb or two and ask for your powers and knowledge to grow with the flower. Take in mind you will have to take care of the flower and cultivate it, just like you will have to with yourself and your journey with magic.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:48 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Wow, thanks a lot &#65288, that helps me a whole lot.

Re: Simple spell

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:32 pm
by SpiritTalker
Replying to an old post -

Make magic with sigils, templates & mandala drawing. All you need is paper & colored pencils. Office supply have stencils & pencils :) Also chanting “earth, air, water, fire - work now to my desire” is easy peasy.

Write your intention in a few words. Cross out vowels (a,e,i,o,u,y) and duplicate consonants. Use the remaining consonants to make a hieroglyph. Draw a circle around it & cut it out. Anoint & magnetize 🙌🏽.

Mandalas are outward spiraling designs like Pennsylvania Dutch hex signs painted on buildings and grid-Layouts using flowers, stones, twigs, etc. Think the spell as you lay out a design. There are mandala coloring books. Think the spell as you color.

9-knot incantation
By knot one the spell’s begun, by knot 2 it comes true, by knot 3 so shall it be.
By knot 4 the power is stored, by knot 5 the spell’s alive, by knot 6 the spell is fixed.
By knot 7 it is given, by knot 8 it is fate, by knot 9 it is mine.

Use a piece of twine as long as your arm. Tie 1 knot as you state each phrase to store the intent. At a favorable time - dawn for beginnings, noon for highest energy, dusk for endings - you undo the knots to release the spell.
