Quieting the Mind

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Quieting the Mind

Post by Orion »

I have been working at meditation for a few years now, only in the recent months with some success. Originally I tried random things that stories or movies referred to, so it was fairly crude form of meditation. Now I actually find tips and ways of meditating (probably the only reason I have any success at all :oops:).

Anyway, now that I have managed to get on the right track with my practice; the question I'm trying to get is: What is a good way to quiet the mind?
Just any tips or techniques, or perhaps I need to try methods to learn more on focus and concentration first.

The problem comes up that once my body is relaxed, my mind starts meandering on subjects that are far from the silence I want to reach. A number of things I read say that it is best to let the mind calm to the point that you just see images and such passing through or just peaceful emptiness.

Thankful for your time handball|
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Dear Orion,

I know what you mean sometimes. Other times I feel that I can focus with great precision. Each time, I think it is different. Like you, I have practiced meditation for many years. I have never thoroughly understood the term "no mind" as an adequation to "enlightenment." Thought thinks through images and if I try imagine an imageless image. . . . well, you see the conundrum!!! But, quieting the mind, in my experience, is always a creative act. It is as much part of the meditative process as calming the corporeal form. Sometimes, listening to one of those CD's that only plays Waves and ocean sounds helps me. Other times, I need to focus on an imagined shape or form of some sort. I never seek to rid myself of images in meditation, I seek the image that I did not plant in there. . .I am not sure if I am explaining this well. . .I think that one can sense when an image or feeling or other phenomena experienced during meditation is "placed there" by an external force. The mind can attune to the higher mind, by a concetrated focus on that higher mind. I suppose that meditation works in a simlar fashion as the everday work world: Some days are better than others. There is no "right way" nor "wrong way" to achive an ecstatic state, not of "no Mind" but of "between minds." It is a matter of creative (non)expression and experimentation. As my favourite poet, William Blake states: "I will not Reason and Compare, My business is to Create!" All the Heaven's open when one creates their own bliss. . .

Let me know if this makes any sense and I would love to hear some of your creative methods for this. . .

I'm into stones, frangrances, and sounds to help focus the mind. But, again, this is my creative way to get "there." If you want to know about these stones etc.. feel free to ask. Nobody knows your mind better than you. . .you'll find YOUR way(s)!!!


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Post by Orion »

Actually, that does help smooth the edges of what I'm trying, thanks bsp! :)

My most common method is imaging a single flame in darkness (if you have ever read Wheel of Time, yes I am somewhat stealing their 'Flame and Void' technique that a character used). Anything I'm activity thinking or emotional feelings, I feed to the fire. Eventually I try to release the flame as well. And just rest in the quiet, but most of the time there is so much chaos in my mind... probably need a bonfire to consume it all.
Other times I just focus on nothing. Pretty much an imageless image, hehe. That seems like looking at a blank picture and having a habit of looking off to the edge.

Only recently thought of using sound. Scent and stones hadn't occured to me.
Only a day or two ago was the first time using classical music while meditating, seemed to help gentle outside noises and give me a bit of focus. I should attempt to get my hands on my mom's big box set of 'scents and sounds.' Lot of nature sounds and the like. Lost my bag on incense when we moved a couple years back, though. So I might try some of the scents that box had. Stones, I think I have a handful I got one time. All but a quartz, though, I think is only colored glass (I'm kind of cheap and it was several years ago, before I really saw the beauty of gems and crystals). I guess I should probably start looking more into getting some nice ones =) (my quartz is fairly battered, lol).

Thanks for the insight! Next time I get a chance to sit down for a bit, I'll think on this, or not think at all ;)
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

You have good energy Daniel. I can sense it. I am sure that you are well on your way to new heights, and I do not doubt that you will continue to climb beyond this life. . . Happy travels!!!

Keep us posted on any insights!!!


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Post by Starwitch »

I use these CD's here:

They use brainwave entrainment technology to put your brain on the right wavelength. If you have never read the Robert Monroe book series, you might think that sounds crazy. It's a science though and it works. Robert Monroe invented the Hemi-Sync technology, created to make a person have an out-of-body experience. These CDs I have are like that, only a different brand, and they aren't for OBEs necessarily, but you could use them that way if you wanted. If you ever get a chance, read the Robert Monroe books. There are 3 of them and they are sequential so make sure you read them in order. Monroe was an astral traveler and the experiences that he had in the "ether" are truly amazing. You will never forget those books once you have read them. That reminds me, I want to re-read "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls" by Michael Newton, Ph.D. Those are my favorite books ever (also read those books in order if you get them). They describe the spirit world. The doctor regresses people in their past life and then PAST their death and into the spirit world. Truly amazing - very believable. If you didn't believe in reincarnation before this, you will after. And the images he paints in your mind of the spirit world are something you will never forget. Your soul hears those descriptions and goes, "I KNOW THAT! I REMEMBER!" You just have a feeling of knowing that you've been there. I'm off to read my books. Oh crap, I just remembered they are packed up (we're moving soon.) Guess I'll have to dig them out! Also check out the Monroe Institue website: http://www.monroeinstitute.org/
Robert Monroe is dead now, but his work is being carried on. You can pay $2000 to go his retreat place and learn to have OBEs. It's very heavy stuff. They sell a lot of Hemi-Sync CD's on that website for all different purposes. I have some of the cassette tapes from many years ago.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Cool stuff ,

You are quite the scholar! It is true that I prefer to read this stuff too, but everyday readings take up most of my time right now. I have one of these Hemi-Sync CD's. I thtink it's called "The Dreamer's Journey" or something to that effect. It's pretty cool, except for one of the tracks: out of nowhere all these children's voices burst in and it pulled me right out of the Alpha state. But, I will certainly try some more. Thanks for the great info!


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Post by Orion »

Robert Monroe... I saw references to him on the Astral Voyage site (I noticed that some of the things that Anne mentioned were similiar to shavasana , corpse pose, in yoga and so I found it helpful).
Once a two days I made the farthest I've gotten. Roommate was watching TV and I didnt even here the speaker over my bed until I came out. Saw the ceiling and was like 'dangit, didn't mean to open my eyes' and tried to close them... and noticed that they were closed. Kind of freaked out and couldnt move. When I finally jerked and opened my eyes, I could hear the movie blaring again lol. From what I read, I might have gotten to the etheric state, or perhaps I was dozing off lol. I was trippy (all happy and colorful) and relaxed for the rest of the day :). Haven't been able reach that again. Either have to fight the excitement of trying it again when I reach relaxation, or the constant thought of all I have to do (incluing a few tests, hehe).

Eventually I should get ahold of those hemi-sync CDs, heard amazing things about them so far. Though I may want to wait awhile since I recently a bit more money then I meant while visiting my sister, hehe. Perhaps one day I can go to that week long Gateway retreat... that would be so amazing, lol. Especially since it could potentially cut years off trying to teach myself those kind of things.

Glad you sense good energy, bps :). Been trying to work on it. Good thing you didn't know me a few years ago, lol.

Again thanks for the help, you too this time :P. Now I am going to help my mom with one of the gardens. Won't have another good hour or two for meditation until tonight... and that'll be for real sleep, lol.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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Post by Starwitch »

I can't believe they have kids's voices making a racket on your CD. How dumb! That's the kind of thing that would wake anyone up! I would send that sucker back and get a refund probably.

I'm just about finished re-reading Journey of Souls, which I started yesterday when I mentioned it to you guys. After that, I'm going to re-read Destiny of Souls, which is also great. I always get some great insight when reading those. I have been making lists of spiritual ways I need to change and bad traits to work on to help my spirit evolve.

Good luck with the Astral Travel Orion.


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