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Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:00 pm
by shadowx
(C) Me, reproduce it in your own private collection if you want, contact me if you want to republish on any media, in any format.

I wrote this on the bus home from work. Its not spectacular but me like.

The black expanse
A darkened land
The black expanse
A darkened sky

The clouds above
like a dark, thick blanket
keep the moonlight
from the black land

Stretching to infinite
the landscape rolls
But there! A spark!
An orange glow!

At first just one
But then there are ten
One hundred more grow
Flicker, orange glow

Like a starlit sky
But warm in colour
The land before me
Is speckled with fire

A beam of light
From the moon above
Dissolves the clouds
And chases the black

The land is awash
With a silver glow
Suddenly a flash!
Moon glow alive!

Who is she?
Glowing alight
In silver, glow, flow
Before my eyes and soul

The fires flare
Like a silent roar!
She watches the flames
Their immense glow

Who is he? A man, a stag!
A being of power
Two great horns
A tremendous figure

Song erupts, ethereal
It's here but its not.
From the trees, the earth
Her voice and His. The world.

Beautiful song in silence
They grow closer
His immense power clear
Her divine spirit is shown.

The embrace in light
His power is subdued
By only her glow
The God and Goddess meet.

Nothing else this night matters
Power washes the land
As time ceases to tick
Finally, they separate.

A single tear from each
Touches the ground
Before her light, in silence
Explodes the night. She is gone.

He too turns and
on the land stand his wards
A silent roar of fire glow
He and the flames, vanish.

And where their tears
Caressed the land
A might Oak
And flowing Willow stand.

Forever a testament
Of their embrace
And in one year
Two more trees will grow

Their gift of sentinels
For the amazing land
of mountains high, seas low.
The witches know, the pagans know

Witches rise
Absorb the power
Fight the darkness
Seize the hour!


Its not fantastic, its more of a story formed into a poem, but i think its OK. Im a little rusty :P