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Something that irritates me deeply

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:10 pm
by shadowx
People that say they are X religion and then say they dont adhere to a key factor of that religion.

Christian witches fall under that umbrella, most christians do in fact, the pope (yup, he was a nazi youth), the bastard priests and catholics who abuse kids (not all but let's be honest, out of all mainstream religions they are the worst. Filth.) christian gangsters.

All muslim extremists and in fact, again quite a large proportion of muslims in general.

But wiccans too, they really irritate me "Im wiccan but i dont believe in the rede" You arent wiccan, you are pagan. Get over it. "Im Wiccan but Im christian" you are neither. Get out of my sight you delusional fool. "Im wiccan but i dont want to study for 101 days" you are wiccan. Stop wasting my time and learn what wicca is or drop the silly nametag and just be pagan like the rest of us.

I also despise people that bend religion to suit them. It doesnt work like that. Pick a religion, and stick to it. If you dont like the idea of "an it harm none" and decide to change it to "an it harm none except if they deserve it and only while the sky is green and only if im really really really angry and desperate" then stop wasting our time. That isnt wicca so drop the freaking "Im wiccan" show. If you are wiccan then you MUST study for 101 days before initiation. you MUST then initiate with the god and goddess. you MUST believe in the ENTIRE rede, including "An it harm none" You MUST believe, principally in ONE god and ONE goddess who are supreme above all others. You MUST invoke the god and goddess with EVERY circle/spell you cast. Etc... etc..

If you dont believe in any single one of these then you are NOT wiccan, you are just using the title because you like to feel special and have a nice little group to sit comfortably in.

GAH! Rant over. For now. And yes, this applies to all religions, not just Wicca or Christianity. But those two are probably the worst offenders.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:43 pm
by Y0m
I am every religion.
The pathless path.

"Religion is a ladder. When you get to the top you can throw it down."

But anyway, I would never force or even recommend someone change their religion. They must find that path on their own.

Who are you?
Now that is a question :)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:59 pm
by reikihealer83

There are hypocrites in every faith no matter what. I think that people need to remember that they are part of a larger divine world and that a faith does not dictate what you are all about. Just something I want to throw out there.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:40 am
by shadowx
There certainly are hypocrites within every religion, and those who choose no religion. But those were just examples i picked up.

Who am i?

I am something that has no definition, no boundaries rules or description. As are you and Y0m. The only label i accept is "pagan". People can call me what they want, give me any label they want but that is only me in their eyes. The true me goes deeper than the eye can see.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:21 am
by Y0m
Who are you is a question I ask myself... who am I? When you think about this the I of the ego is knocked down and replaced with I-I which is the deeper self, which is never changing.

Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

Love. ... re=related

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:44 pm
by Fallen Angel
What's rede? And what's this about abuse?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:39 pm
by Witch13
Hmmm interesting rant , i will have to dissagree witha few things you said Shadowx!
the first thing is you said that someone cant be both wican and christian, thats isnt entirely true, some may practise both, for example i go to the church on xmas and easter because my family is christian and i dont want to say" you go i will stay and watch f.r.i.e.n.d.s".. and besides we witches accept that there are numerous gods and goddesses out there.
and the other thing is you dont do an initiation after the 101 days necessarily, you might wait a lot longer before you fee ready, i studied for a year or so, and i still do study(there are so many things to learn).
that me speaking though.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:25 pm
by shadowx
Ah but you cannot possibly be wiccan and christian. It is like being a Jew and a Muslim. It doesnt work like that because Christianity, for one, teaches that there is only one male god, all others are either fake or the devil in disguise or something of that nature. Hence by being christian you MUST believe that the wiccan god and goddess are false. Thus you cannot possibly be Wiccan because Wiccans MUST believe in at least one god and at least one goddess principally called some variant of the lord and lady or god and goddess.

It is strictly speaking possible to be a christian *witch* but by being so you are part of a religion that in general hates you. Not the smoothest of choices i must say.

The self dedication is almost always done after at least 101 days, you are right in saying it can be more but my understanding of Wicca is that it is mandatory according to the rede or something else that was developed when wicca was. If im wrong them i accept that i am wrong, but that is my understanding.

Thus by dedicating/initiating before that you are no longer wiccan. You can be.

In any religion you cannot pick and choose what to do and what not to do. You follow the rules, if you dont then you simply arent part of that religion.

Witches that pick and choose arent wiccan or satanic or christian etc... they are just pagans. People who follow a nature based, non mainstream path.

Simple as.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:47 pm
by Earth Ritual
Your rant reminds me of a quote:

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." Seneca the Younger / circa 4 BC - 65 AD

Taking that one step further the world religion means to bind back. There is, of course, a spiritual and magical usage for the power of binding. However, to someone who is into kinky stuff like people who love power for the sake of power, the ability to bind a large group of people via mind control can literally set up a channel of energy pouring directly to them. Ha, and it doesn't matter if they are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Wiccan, Shamanic, Pagan, Muslim, Jew. Such is the way of the Matrix...

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:21 pm
by shadowx
Religion is undoubtedly a tool. And its goal is usually good. Even christianity, which i am certainly not a fan of, has its overall goal of making people more moral, better people as well as improving quality of life. It is a shame that its cardinals and leaders dont adhere to their own rules. The pope is no more christian than me or my left toe. He is a joke. A sad, evil, hypocritical, child abusing, jew hating, ex-nazi, homophobic, hateful joke.

I have no problem with people picking and choosing what to follow. Religion is personal, and i think everyone should pick and choose what to do. However to simply believe in a god and goddess does not make you wiccan. Believing in jesus doesnt make you christian. You have to believe in ALL of it, adhere to ALL of it's rules and worship ALL entities, follow ALL sabbats and other evens. Only then can you truly say you are part of that religion.

Until you do that you are just a religious person following your own path, and in my opinion to do so would make you greater, spiritually, than any of those who follow the strict path decided by someone else.

I am not Wiccan, or christian etc... I am just pagan. I follow my own path made of common sense, my own opinions, a dash of science and a shaving of history plus a dollop of what feels right and that is what i follow. I guarantee that no-one else follows my path, as it is unique as are many of the paths being walked by the users of this forum. Hence i only refer to myself as pagan.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:33 am
by Xal
I don't think it's possible for anyone to actually literally follow any religion to the letter, especially in today's world. Maybe when people figure that out the "fundamentalist" movement can go die alone somewhere in the corner with the rest of the teabaggers.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:32 am
by shadowx
Ah but that is the point of religion.

the religions all stand there with their rules and traditions, the individual then says "i like that" and joins that religion. From that point on they simply have to adhere to it all. Sure, you dont have to follow the 10 commandments to believe in jesus, but believing in jesus doesnt make you christian.

you are probably right that there arent many ways of doing this in today's world, but in that case people need to stop pretending to be strict wiccans/christians/jews.. etc because they just arent!