why do people judge

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lonely wolf

why do people judge

Post by lonely wolf »

why do people judge us only AFTER they find out were wiccan, for example my best friend that i consider my brother from another mother, i've known him for 2 years and i told him 5 months ago that im wiccan and now he makes fun of me for it. why do people change and judge us? any opinions?
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Next time he makes fun of you, tell him you will hex him! he will die out of his fear, hahahaha seriously man, those people by laughing and judging show just how immature and close minded those people are...
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Post by pink-pixi »

A lot of people fear what they don't understand, help him to understand your beleifs and why they're important to you
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Post by Earth Ritual »

I agree with pink pixi. And I think that threatening to hex him will only add to his fear. Instead, why just love him just the way he is and just the way he isn't. In time he well grow. Pour a little honey to the Goddess that he may find his way back to true friendship and what really matters.
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I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

May the love that holds eternity at its fingertips kiss each and everyone one you on the lips. May your words bring worlds that bring hope to a world dying to be reborn.
lonely wolf

Post by lonely wolf »

thank you earth ritual, greek_witch i dont think hexing him will help. and pink-pixie i will take your advice and try and help him to understand why wicca is important to me :) thanks you guys :)
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Post by Zili »

the only time I was severly judged was for a different reason... but its the same, my so-called friend ended our friendship over something she didn't understand something she felt was evil based on her biased oppinion that her religious upbringing gave her.
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Post by Melindrose »

it is truly sad that people fear what they do not know, make fun of what they fear, and act violent at that which they perceive as an attack which isn't.
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Post by Melindrose »

FirewolfIronriver wrote:
Melindrose wrote:it is truly sad that people fear what they do not know, make fun of what they fear, and act violent at that which they perceive as an attack which isn't.
i think the world would be a better place with more buhdists or nature loving pagans all the world needs now is love....sweet love haha XD song refrence
love the Beatles but it will take more than just love
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Re: why do people judge

Post by Lily Cantodea »

lonely wolf wrote:why do people judge us only AFTER they find out were wiccan, for example my best friend that i consider my brother from another mother, i've known him for 2 years and i told him 5 months ago that im wiccan and now he makes fun of me for it. why do people change and judge us? any opinions?
A few reasons off the top of my head:

1) Ignorance. People fear what they don't understand. They tend to associate witchcraft with evil things - blame Hollywood and the propaganda of the Burning Times.

2) Brainwashing. This applies to Christians in general (I'm not saying all Christians are like this, but in my experience, the majority I know are) , though there are those like this in just about any faith group. They have been brainwashed into thinking that theirs is the One Way, that they know the One Truth. All other beliefs are invalid/works of Satan/:insert evil entity here:.

3) Bigotry. Plain and simple. Kind of goes with brainwashing, but then there are some non-religious people who are bigoted against those of ANY faith or belief system, not just against Wiccans.
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Post by Witch13 »

I had 2 friends and roomates that i thought were very close to me..when i became a bit more open about my beliefs they made fun of me, teased me and they were generally acting like huge prats.
So i cut them off my life, later they tried to contact me again as if nothing ever happened with facebook friend requests (which i kept for a few days to looks at and smile devilishly(muahahahhahaha) and then i ignored them. (when i am good i am very good, but when i am bad, ooooh i am so much better when i am bad :twisted: )
Friendship is about accepting one another, even if we might not understand each other. This reminds me a quote from the first episodes of the charmed when Andy talks to Darryl about witches, he said "-do you believe in witches? -no -do you believe there are people who believe they are witches?"
end of rant!
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Re: Hmmm...

Post by Witch13 »

Greek_Witch wrote:Next time he makes fun of you, tell him you will hex him! he will die out of his fear, hahahaha seriously man, those people by laughing and judging show just how immature and close minded those people are...
If you want my opinion.. how can we hope for people to understand us when you come up with "tell him you will hex him"??? What if i was a quest here on the site and i happened to see this ??
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Post by Kaimira »


The people who judge us are simply scared and never wanting anything new disrupting their little social circle. I pitty those who think higher of them selfs because it actually they have low self esteem and why they pick on the other person makes them feel more powerful. as they say don't feed the beast.

I had a few people come up to my face and telling me i was joke, so i simply said with out emotions. what do you mean to me? actually you mean nothing to me, i don't know you nor do i care of your childish demeaner. then just walk away whistling, that really pisses them off. :D goddess sake i swear these people feel of a truck holding manure. there's my take on the subject.

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Post by Godsmack »

Like all the others said, ignorance is the problem here. Ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds hatred. The cure? Knowledge, Understanding and Love. Teach your friend these things and you will forget this ever happened. :)

I know that most Christians have caused this ignorance, however, it is not our place to judge, either. To only blame Christianity would be a fault on our part. We must seek enlightenment and understanding on this subject.
One of my favorite texts: Matthew 7:5 :) Read it and you will know why.

Its funny how I still remember some of that stuff though I am no longer Christian, lol.

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Post by djoya »

Pecieve it in a different way...maybe the judgement is there to help not to judge them for judging...just a thought.
Maybe it is helping to become stronger and grow more...maybe we should be thanking them, for seeing people who are affraid and cut off reminds us of what you do not want to look like.
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Post by Kaimira »

hi there,

I wouldn't judge people because we're all different tracks. I used to be a jevoha witness and i came to realize this is not the place to be. I was 13 when one of the JW's i knew wouldn't help me because she thought i was on drugs, i was really sick from playing on the swings I passed out on the ground and asked her to help me and she never did, i was so angery and upset. the store owner called my mom and took me home. I went back to the church and i went and found her cussed her out for leaving me there when i was sick. she said i was on drugs. i said i don't do drugs, but you're a steel b-tch and slaped her face and walked out and i never came back. My mom was banned for smoking and that was fine for her i am glad she saw the light too.
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