Questions about my past lives?

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Questions about my past lives?

Post by Angeleyes »

How do I journey into my past lives? I am pretty sure Ive had these experiences on accident, but I would like to have them on purpose. I have asked to see them in the form of a dream, but it seems I only get a glimpse when I least expect it!

Is there a specific technique I can use?
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Post by reikihealer83 »

The best way to journey and find if you had a past life (or more than one) is to have someone who can do a past life regression on you. You can also do a meditation to help as well. I hope this helps.

Post by Angeleyes »

Any advise helps I appreciate it. I have gone to psychics with my fiance and they did some past life readings, but not much detail... I will look into a "past life regression reading" And meditating on it.

I vaguely remember someone telling me to ask for it in a dream, has that worked for anyone here, asking for answers in dreams?
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Post by Y0m »

I'm a believer that there is a reason we don't remember our past lives. This is because it hinders our growth and progress in the present...

My suggestion is to let it go. I know you are curious but, you have everything you need right now to become a better you.
All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.
Earth Ritual
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Post by Earth Ritual »

I wonder what really motivates people to want to know their past lives. I've observed that it is mostly ego with little spiritual imperative whatsoever. I've observed this in myself and in others in my community. I think it is best to leave that stuff alone and focus on being fully alive.
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

May the love that holds eternity at its fingertips kiss each and everyone one you on the lips. May your words bring worlds that bring hope to a world dying to be reborn.
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Post by Zili »

I'm a believer that there is a reason we don't remember our past lives. This is because it hinders our growth and progress in the present...
I never really dug deep into my past lives didn't have a desire to find out who I was, but the information just comes to me. Perhaps its because there was a lesson I hadn't fully learned and needed a reminder of. Such as my civil war life, I saw my past life during a time when i wanted to do nothing more than to die in this life. Seeing my past life reminded me that life is short, too short sometimes and you have to say whats on your heart before its too late.

Post by Angeleyes »

Earth Ritual wrote:I wonder what really motivates people to want to know their past lives. I've observed that it is mostly ego with little spiritual imperative whatsoever. I've observed this in myself and in others in my community. I think it is best to leave that stuff alone and focus on being fully alive.
I agree that it may be a bit of ego, but if you know where you came from and what youve experienced I believe it can also be of great help to the current journey that I am on. If it doesnt come to me, it isnt meant to be and I understand that. I am not going to be upset if my question isnt answered. I feel as if I am fully alive now. Its just information im requesting, extra insight as to why I am the way I am. It may be purely egotistical to some, to me it is just extra information.

Thank you for your opinions, I appreciate the insight. :)

YOm - I have read a lot of your posts and I really appreciate your input, you are a very generous person. Thank you for sharing with me.
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Post by reikihealer83 »

Some of it may be ego but sometimes knowing about your past lives can help you try and figure out parts of this life that may not make sense. Have you ever had something happen in this life and it feels like deja vu? It very well may be, but sometimes it is from a past life coming back in this life. I found that once I figured out at least part of one of my past lives it helped me figure out an irrational fear of drowning I have in this life. I think it depends on the reason for wanting to figure out the past life and what you hope to learn from it.

Post by Angeleyes »

I agree reiki, Its information about me and that can always be useful. I am the type of person that likes to Know as much as I can about a situation/person/place I am interested in and I like to use it to break down a situation, very analytical I guess you could say... Combine that with being an emotional empath, which I am, and you have somewhat of a mess on your hands, LOL . Just ask the people closest to me

Thanks reiki at least I know I'm not the only "egotistical" one here! Oh, and thanks for the suggestions too! When i have the time I will definitely meditate on it and do a past life regression. My fiance is also interested in the past life regression so we will probably do a joint session... I will update how that goes and if I think it was accurate.

I am sure we all "know" unconsciously what has happened in a past life and that we asked for the lives we have now based on all of that, so I get what the others were saying by "dont focus on that focus on the life you have now" I really get both sides of the coin and I just want to reaffirm, thanks for the advice.
Earth Ritual
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Post by Earth Ritual »

I will tell you this. There are parts of yourself that do not enter linear time. There are ancient rituals for connecting with these aspects of yourself and in every indigenous tradition (the source of the Craft) these rituals begin with a connection with the Ancestors.
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

May the love that holds eternity at its fingertips kiss each and everyone one you on the lips. May your words bring worlds that bring hope to a world dying to be reborn.

Post by Angeleyes »

Earth Ritual wrote:I will tell you this. There are parts of yourself that do not enter linear time. There are ancient rituals for connecting with these aspects of yourself and in every indigenous tradition (the source of the Craft) these rituals begin with a connection with the Ancestors.
That is very interesting to me, and I am interested in learning more. I have heard this before. Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but where would I find such rituals?

Post by Angeleyes »

Earth Ritual-
I found a ritual for connecting with ancestors. would this be one that you would recommend?

Samhain Ancestors Ritual by Selena Fox

The ritual here is presented as a personal ritual to be done at Samhain time. It also can be
incorporated into spiritual practice with Ancestors throughout the year and it can be adapted for
use by a group. This ritual works with Ancestors of three types: (1) Family Ancestors, deceased
loved ones you are related to by blood/adoption; (2) Cultural Ancestors, heroes and sources of
folkways that are part of your heritage; and (3) Spiritual Ancestors, traditions and teachers that
have helped shape your spirituality.

The purpose of this ritual is to honor those in the Spirit world that are part of your
Ancestral heritage and to deepen your awareness of and connection with them as part of
observing Samhain, a festival time long associated with commemorating the Dead. Perform this
ritual at twilight or at night at Samhain time. If you celebrate Samhain over the course of several
days and nights, perform this rite at the beginning of this period. You may also want to include
work with the three Ancestral dimensions on the central night of the festival time.

Prepare for this ritual by reflecting on each of the three types of Ancestors. Create a list
of Ancestral names for each type. Names can be listed linearly on a page or as part of some kind
of symbolic pattern, such as within the shape of a circle or tree.

For Family Ancestors, list relatives who have died whom you have known and wish to
work with. Also include full names, first names, nicknames, and/or surnames of Ancestors you
have never met but wish to acknowledge. Include not only those you are directly descended
from (deceased parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc.), but also departed siblings,
cousins, aunts, uncles, and other relations, including family pets. If you are adopted, include
names of deceased loved ones in your adopted family, and, if known, those in your birth family.
If you have done extensive genealogical research and have traced some of your lines back many
generations, your list can take the form of your family tree, a computer database Ancestors
index, or a notebook of research findings.

For Cultural Ancestors, list the cultures, ethnicities, and countries of your Ancestral
heritage you wish to commemorate. You might want to include a sketch of a flag or other
symbol for each one on the list. Remember to include the country in which you are doing the
ritual. In addition, list heroes -- those deceased females and males whose lives, character traits,
and/or accomplishments have been sources of inspiration for you. These heroes can be historical
and/or legendary figures you never physically met, as well as neighbors, friends, school teachers,
work associates and others you have known while they were alive who have been important
influences upon you.

For Spiritual Ancestors, list the religions, philosophies, and spiritual traditions which
have nurtured you spiritually. Also include the names of spiritual leaders, teachers, authors,
priest/esses, ministers, mentors, and guides who have crossed over to the Spirit world and who
have aided you in your spiritual growth through direct contact while living and/or through
writings, teachings, and other forms of legacy. If reincarnation is part of your spiritual
orientation, you may want to commemorate spiritual influences not only on you in your present
life, but also those from other lifetimes that continue to be important to you. Names on your
Spiritual Ancestors list can take the form of specific individuals and paths as well as general
terms, such as "Ancient Ones" or "Keepers of the Old Ways."

After preparing the three lists, assemble other items you will need for the ritual: 3 white
votive candles, each in a votive glass; a black altar cloth; a small iron, ceramic, or wooden
cauldron or bowl; a clear quartz crystal; matches or a butane lighter; frankincense, copal, or
other incense that purifies and protects as well as assists in intuitive work; self-igniting charcoal
block (if using incense in gum resin form); incense burner; dish of salt; bowl or chalice of water;
wand or similar tool for creating sacred space; a bell; journal or paper and pen; a chair or cushion
for sitting in meditation. The quartz crystal can be a single point or a cluster. Whatever crystal
you select should be one that is cleansed of previous influences, through smudging and/or
exposure to direct sunlight. It also needs to be one that can be dedicated for Ancestral work not
only in this rite, but reserved for this purpose in the future. Attune yourself to the crystal as part
of its selection process.

Select a time and place for this ritual in which you can perform it without distractions and
interruptions. Within two hours of performing the ritual, take a purifying ritual bath or shower.
As you cleanse yourself both physically and spiritually, and then garb yourself for ritual work
according to your own spiritual tradition, reflect on Samhain as a time of spiritual

Next, set up the altar for the ritual using the materials you have assembled. Use your
ancestral altar if you have one and it is large enough. Otherwise, use your personal altar or
create an altar specifically for this rite. Cover the altar with the altar cloth. In the center, set the
cauldron (or bowl) and place the crystal on top of it with its point up, if possible. Place each
votive in its own votive glass, and then set them close to the cauldron, forming a triangle. To the
North of the cauldron and crystal, place your Family Ancestors candle and set the list next to it.
To the East, place your Cultural Ancestors candle and list. To the West, place your Spiritual
Ancestors candle and list. To the South, place your chair or cushion. Arrange the other ritual
items on the altar as you sense is appropriate. Have your journal and pen within easy reach to
note any impressions or guidance that may come to you during the ritual.

Begin the ritual by blessing the ritual area. Light the incense in the incense burner and
move it clockwise around the area, beginning in the North. Next, mix some salt into the water,
and sprinkle it clockwise around the area as you did with the incense. Then, beginning in the
North behind the altar, move clockwise around the area with a wand or similar ritual tool, and
visualize and set in place a circle of radiant white Light to bless and protect your ritual. Next,
invoke the Divine as you know It/Them and ask for Divine guidance in your working.

As you stand, pick up the crystal, and holding its point upward, say: "Ancestors, I
remember you. Ancestors, I honor you. Ancestors, I call to you. Ancestors, I invite you to work
with me in forms and in ways beneficial to you, me, and future generations. Ancestors, aid me
now in creating and sustaining this gateway for communication and understanding between you
and me." Be silent and attune yourself to Ancestors and the Ancestral realm as a whole. As you
do this, begin to sense a radiant light emanating from the crystal, serving as a communication
link with the Ancestral realm. When this is in place and you sense that the Ancestors are ready
to work with you, set the crystal back in the cauldron, and proceed with the rite.

Still standing, light the Family Ancestors candle and say: "Family Ancestors, I call to
you. Family Ancestors, I honor you. Family Ancestors, I welcome you. Connect with me.
Guide me. Bless me and my life." Be seated and meditate in silence. Pay attention to which
Ancestor(s) from your list come to mind. Pay attention to any Ancestors not specifically named
on your list who may come to mind. Note impressions and guidance in your journal. After
experiencing and noting what comes through as a result of your call to the Family Ancestral
realm, you may also want to call by name particular Ancestors and speak special messages. If
you decide to do this, call one Ancestor at a time and meditate on any responses you receive to
your message, before calling the next one. You can do the calling and meditating connected
with specific individual Family Ancestor work while seated. When you are done working with
the Family Ancestors dimension, pick up your Family Ancestors candle and say: "Family
Ancestors, I thank you." Place the candle, still lit, on top of the list, to signify your thanksgiving
to the dimension as a whole as well whatever individuals you connected with.

Now stand, light the Cultural Ancestors candle, and say: "Cultural Ancestors, I call to
you. Cultural Ancestors, I honor you. Cultural Ancestors, I welcome you. Connect with me.
Guide me. Bless me and my life." Be seated and meditate in silence. Pay attention to which
countries, ethnicities, cultures, and heroes from your list come to mind. Pay attention to any not
specifically named on your list who may come to mind. Note impressions and guidance in your
journal. Should there be a particular hero or culture you wish to specifically call and work with,
do this after you have meditated a time following your call to the Cultural Ancestral dimension
as a whole. When you are done working with this dimension, pick up your Cultural Ancestors
candle and say: "Cultural Ancestors, I thank you." Place the candle on top of the list.

Next, stand, light the Spiritual Ancestors candle, and say: "Spiritual Ancestors, I call to
you. Spiritual Ancestors, I honor you. Spiritual Ancestors, I welcome you. Connect with me.
Guide me. Bless me and my life." Be seated and meditate in silence. Pay attention to which
mentors and spiritual paths from your list come to mind. Pay attention to any not specifically
named on your list who may come to mind. Note impressions and guidance in your journal.
Should there be particular Spiritual paths and mentors you wish to work with, call them one by
one, with a meditation time following each call. In doing individual work, you may find it
helpful to silently chant the name of the teacher or tradition several times after verbalizing and
also visualize an associated symbol or sigil. When you are done working with this dimension,
pick up your Spiritual Ancestors candle and say: "Spiritual Ancestors, I thank you." Place the
candle on top of the list.

Before ending the ritual, look over whatever you have noted down and make any
additional notations. When you are complete with this, stand up and gaze upon the pattern of the
three candles around the crystal in the cauldron. Then say: "Ancestors, thank you all for
connecting with me, for guiding me, and for blessing me. Continue to work with me. May your
flames of wisdom continue to shine within me." Taking the candle snuffer, extinguish the
Family Ancestors candle, then the Cultural Ancestors candle, and finally, the Spiritual Ancestors
candle. Holding the crystal in your hands, say: "Ancestors, thank you for your work with me
and this crystal in creating the gateway for this rite." Visualize the radiant light force field
around the crystal being absorbed into the crystal for use in this way in future Ancestral rites.
When this is done, set it on its side, with respect and appreciation.

To close, give thanks to the Divine as you called It and/or Them and give thanks to the
sacred space. Uncast the circle by walking three times counter clockwise, while holding the
wand and imagining the circle dispelling. Finally, ring the bell three times to dispel any residual
energy from the rite no longer needed. Store the crystal in a piece of silk or in a wooden box.
Store the votive candles for use in future Ancestral workings. Keep your writings from this
ritual in a safe yet convenient place for later reference.

Selena Fox has been designing and leading rituals for nearly thirty years. Some of her rituals
have been published in past issues of this magazine, in anthologies and other periodicals, and on
the internet ( In addition to facilitating rituals at Circle
Sanctuary, Selena guides rituals and workshops as part of speaking travels. In July, 2000, Selena
guided an earlier version of this ritual as part of her Ancestors workshop at the Sacred Space
conference in Maryland. This ritual is part of a work in progress. For more information about
Selena and her work, contact her: Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI
53572; (608) 924-2216;; home page:
Earth Ritual
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Post by Earth Ritual »

I think it is a powerful ritual and it is excellent for starting the work the Ancestors. Through creating a strong relationship with them you can then make specific requests for them to open the gateways to your past lives. There is so much you can ask so do not allow yourself to be limited in anyway.

I think the ritual you posted is very intense. It's like inviting 200 people to a party and you know when people show up to the party they are looking for the food and the drinks. :lol: If I was just starting I would start with family ancestors who I knew to be good people. I would also add an offering to the Ancestors. In your case I would offer some Spirits (vodka, rm, etc) and a portion of your dinner.

I wrote this about Ancestral Magic: ... =ancestral
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

May the love that holds eternity at its fingertips kiss each and everyone one you on the lips. May your words bring worlds that bring hope to a world dying to be reborn.

Post by Angeleyes »

Earth ritual thanks for the advise and the link.. I ll take your advise and start off small, wouldnt want to be overwhelmed the first time I attempt something like that. :)
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Post by Y0m »

Looking into past lives is meaningless to your growth.

This life is a learning growned, and I can assure you there are good reasons for you not to remember. This is because you must forget what is not important for you to move on...

In this way you are actually hurting your growth.

All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.

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