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Post by notluad »

ok get ready for a lot of questions.
does anyone know any spells to conjure
1. Gods, Godesses, and Demi-Gods
2.Demons and Devil
5.Any type of spirit like land spirit, spirit guide, dead releative spirit

Also one more question do you think demons are as powerful as gods or less. To me i would think there not as powerful but still very powerful and wise and not all are evil but some are like everything else in existence. i just ask for spells and opinions.

sorry one more question can you really impregant a succubus i alawys read you could? :twisted:
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I kind find your courage to want to conjure demons, silly, why?because demons as any other spirit you reffered to, are powerful spirits, if you don't know how to conjure them, then you probably shouldn't, plus Devil? you want to conjure Devil? whats up with that? :shock:
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Post by notluad »

i personally dont want to conjure devils but i would like to see if anyone else has.
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Post by shadowx »

The devil does not exist.

Unless you are a christian.

Your obsession with these gods and goddesses is.... Different. And something you should drop in search of more realistic goals.
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Post by notluad »

ill say it again shadowx f*ck OFF AND SHUT THE f*ck UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and im not a wiccan dont assume things you dumb f*ck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by notluad »

i know but he mocks everything i post i cant tae it. though i do thank you wolf for alawys giving good nice answers and not mocking everything i post
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Post by notluad »

i have just read a good book i think you might like it is called
THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON BY CROUCH BASIL, E. i think its a really good book that is devoted to conjuring which what from i understand you are good at.
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Post by shadowx »

ill say it again shadowx f*ck OFF AND SHUT THE f*ck UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and im not a wiccan dont assume things you dumb f*ck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahah, WOOOOOO!!! Hahahahaha!

Feed me more little one ;)

I never said you were a wiccan.

Therefore i didnt assume anything. You're not very good at this are you? :)

Earth Wolf said it well, I am a cold person with cold beliefs, let me elaborate:

Gods and goddess: "Dude, how can the universe and life exist from nothing?" "God, duh..." or "I'm scared, my feeble human mind wont let me think about something without a reason or a cause, i need some insanely powerful being to make me feel safer" or perhaps: "Life is boring, i need something mystical, a god you say?"

Angels/Demons: A good book. Also an invention of bored people "Wouldnt it be cool if we were stuck between two powerful armies fighting each other with the risk of eternal damnation in one hand and supreme power and greatness in the other, that would be so cool... hang on a minute....!"

Fairies, goblins etc...: Story book inventions for kids or bored people with big imaginations

Now...Lets go to this whole summoning thing...

Let's say i am Thor, who you mentioned in another topic, and you are you. You do some summoning ritual and try to essentially force me to be where you want me to be. What do you think i am going to do to you? It sure as hell aint congratulate you. No, you would quickly find yourself a puddle of electrocuted, hammer-smashed goo.

Moreoever, why would i, the god of thunder listen to a mere human like you? If the gods are real then we are nothing but a smudge of bacteria to them. Why the hell would we listen to a bacterium saying "please dont cook the meat, i like it here" that bacterium is going into a world of hurt and i am going to have a nice chicken pasta. End of.

Any person that thinks they can summon and essentially control a god or goddess is either flat out lying or suffers from delusions.

Think for yourself! This is the reason i dislike you, you dont think for yourself. You read or hear something about a god or demon etc.. and instantly think "damn thats cool, i believe it"

You need to question it, analyse it, think of reasons why it does NOT make sense, and then think of how it does make sense. Think of how it came about, think of possible reasons for people to simply invent the idea eg because they are scared or because they think it would be cool if it were real. If, after all of that, you STILL believe it then fine. Who am i to say it isnt real. I have my beliefs and you have yours. But for the sake of your own development think about it and come up with your own theories.
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Post by notluad »

shadowx lets not start this again i mean you did accutaly say i was wiccan but you must not remember and please do not post on my questions i dont care what you have to say and you dont care what i have to say thats fine ill be the adult and end the arguments because im not going to argue with a acne ridden 15 year old. Good bye and please dont coment on my post ever again no one cares for your smart ass remarks.
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Post by shadowx »

Only me :)

Im not 15, no no, im older than that, by several years. I simply enjoy your little remarks.

I will reply on any and all threads where i think my input can be of use. You clearly didnt think my original post was of use, i however disagree.

My advice is simple. Forget the idea of summoning gods etc... and forget about epic battles of lightning, thunder, minions and commanders. Come back to earth and concentrate on what is important (aside from your temper) things such as strengthening yourself, grounding yourself more, being part of the world around you rather than lost in these (In my opinion, of course) fairytales. My original post here was not a snide remark or insult. It was harsh, of course, because i feel that you are way too wrapped up in falsities that you havent thought about clearly, instead you *want* there to be battles between gods, and you WANT there to be a way to summon and control gods and goddesses. But belief isnt about what we want, it is about what we think is TRUE. I would love there to be gods fighting all the time, i would love for there to be a battle between good and evil and i would to join up with good and burn the evil to ashes, watch as evil entities beg before us, the army of the light, and hear them wail as we made their departure as uncomfortable as possible. I would love to communicate with fairies and everything else. But it doesnt make any logical sense, hence i cannot believe it.

Wants and beliefs are not the same.
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Post by notluad »

I believe in magic and magic alawys outweighs logic and i have though of that very cleary and do you ever get off this froum i mean i make the post and you reply like six minutes later how about you get a life. I CAN BELIEVE IM STILL ARGUING WITH THIS IGNORANT 15 YEAR OLD DOESNT YOUR DAD EVER GET YOU OFF THE COMPUTER.
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Post by notluad »

hey i learned on a forum that shadowx is 20 years old wow i highly doubt that because the level of ignorance you display on this forum i mean saying beliefs cant be wants i mean thats excatly what they are and yeah like i said i doubt your 20 because of the ignorance level hey thanks shadowx im thinking for myself now thanks good buddy !!!
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Post by shadowx »

You are of course correct, i am in fact 8 and just picked 20 as a nice round number rather than 21, or 18 or even 12. Your supreme intellect knows no bounds.

It is clearly you that is around 15 since you talk like that, act like that and keep using that number.

Your anger is nothing but food for me, please continue. In fact, if it werent so off topic i would purposely stoke you and make you more angry. It amuses me...

But alas...

I believe in magic and magic alawys outweighs logic

You are saying here that belief is always right, no matter what. ALWAYS. This is not the case. There are people who believe they are targets for assassination. They are just delusional. There are people that believe they are funny, this is not always the case.

You would presumably argue that all witches arent evil? And yet many christians believe that all witches are evil. Now, according to your theory that belief is more important, and realistic, than logic, the christians would be right. Of course they arent because logic dictates that there are too many witches, following too many diverse paths for us all to be evil. Hence logic is greater than belief.

beliefs cant be wants i mean thats excatly what they are
Incorrect. Beliefs are a combination between input from the world around us, our own experiences, our own thoughts and a seed of inspiration from a book, a website, a movie, around which we form out experiences and thoughts to develop our own way of seeing the world.

A want is purely a desire for something we do not have.

If you want to believe something, lets say fairies, then that doesnt mean you should believe in fairies. Let's say you have never had a fairy related incident, never seen any proof, never read any credible books on fairies and everyone that mentions fairies seems a bit crazy. But because you WANT to believe in fairies does that mean you should? Hell no, you'd be an idiot if you did!

My beliefs are cold, i dont believe in any gods or goddesses, heaven, hell, summerlands, fairies, goblins, angels, demons, animal guides or omens. I would LOVE to believe in such things, it would make my life a lot more entertaining and magickal, but i cant because to me they dont make sense.

Hence beliefs do not equal wants.
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Post by notluad »

ok this is fine i just had my first deity contact last 2 nights ago so now i can stop arguing with this is done the agument is over what ever you have to say i dont care i know whats right and wrong so feel pleased to say what ever the hell you want illl just skip over it. You did get me mad but since 2 nights ago ive grown up and got into the state of mind i was not put hear to argue with a nonbeliever and move on with my life, there you win the argument and fun with it child.
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Post by notluad »

no more arguing the mess is done for good.
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