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A STRONG love potio

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:17 pm
by Thorn Healer
In a sauce pan add:
a handful of rospetals (red for the MOST passionate lover)
some garlic (either frsh or dry)
a pinch of cinnamon (or more to give the relationship some heat)
and then a few drops of vanilla extract.

cover the herbs with water so that there is about an inch of water over them and gring ot to a roarig boil. let it simmer for a few minutes until the petals become limp and pallid then have it cool in a jar. it will only keep for aout a week if you refrigerate it.

but im serious this is a strong potion. PLEASE HEED THIS WARNING!!! use your own protection spells so it doesnt get out of control if yu feel the relationship going down the wrong path.
Sometimes the prick of the thorn can bring many a strange circumstance...

What type of potion is this used for?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:07 pm
by hotstuff1

I am so new to this site and all of the potion/spell stuff. I am finding it very interesting and want to learn more about it. Your potion sounds very interesting. What is it used for?


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:16 pm
by shadowx
but im serious this is a strong potion

I cant quite work out what it is for.... If only it were explained better....

Of course, rather than forcing someone against their will to love you, a little like emotional rape, you could just get over it and find someone who loves you back, maybe im just old fashioned...

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:42 pm
by ScarlettRose
Could you use this on yourself to attract love to you??

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:02 pm
by WitchyLady506
These seems like it would smell horrible with garlic in the mix.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:22 am
by shadowx
It does sound really nasty to be honest, vanilla AND garlic together like that? Eh nah...

But then i am not a believer in potions *shrugs*

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:59 am
by Thorn Healer
the potion is to attract a love. not just a boy/girlfriend but somebody who loves you. sorry for the confusion! XD

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:59 pm
by WitchyLady506
shadowx wrote:It does sound really nasty to be honest, vanilla AND garlic together like that? Eh nah...

But then i am not a believer in potions *shrugs*
Potions are just another word for a mixture really brought out of herbs and such in a liquid form. Something as simple as a tea that you drink can be considered a potion. I have "potions" that are actually air freshners that I've made out of rain water and oil essences and some herbs to have a wonderful scent and to help bring things like calmness and various other things into my home.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:45 pm
by shadowx
Ahh but i dont believe herbs have any power. I believe we put the power into them. When working with sage for example you believe it is protective thus you put your own energy into it making it protective. It has no latent properties of its own, only what you put into it.

Strangely i think crystals are different... Although it is a little off topic we know that in science crystals focus, as well as transform energy. A quartz crystal when struck or compress generates a small electrical charge. This is part of the mechanism used in watches methinks. Likewise i think magickally they can form and focus energy.

But because i dont believe the herbs have power i cant believe that boiling them in water with other ingredients carries any power. As for bringing on emotions like calm etc... that, to me, is purely psychological. the smell of food makes you hungry, rotting flesh puts you on edge and vanilla, for me, is a pleasing, fresh smell.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:49 pm
by shadowx
Ahh exactly, but i see no mechanism for a potion to, for example, attract love. Except of course like a pheromone perfume which would work in the same way that a female cat scents her territory. The chemicals in her scent attract, and excite, males.

But so far we dont know of any human pheromones and they would be secreted by the body, not contained in any herbs.

Same goes for money really, no smell or taste etc.. can make money come to you, and so on...

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:14 pm
by WitchyLady506
earth wolf wrote:could be a chemical reactiona lso shadow herbs might chemically react with your brian to give off siad reaction like smoking weed will make you high, drinking a nice tea might relax you because of a sedative in the tea leaf
Exactly, and not only that, anytime you smell something familiar, it will bring up memories of when you might have spelled something similar, causing even more of an effect, like certain scents making people calm down and others excited. It's all a matter of science and playing with your brain, which is what things that are suppose to arouse things like passion should do.

Even with this potion, outside of the garlic, each one of these scents would bring on warm comforting memories. Who didn't have the smell of vanilla cake at a birthday party, or wake up to their mom making cinnamon rolls(other than me cause I'm allergic) and receiving or actually giving someone they care about roses. You see this all acts together to rekindle possible happy memories in a person to make them relax and set them into a mood, a happy loving mood.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:47 am
by Thorn Healer
but the funny thing about the world we live in is that magick and sience exist in it but neither field can explain the other that is why magick is magick and sience is sience.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:38 am
by shadowx
Ahhh but science CAN explain magick!

Science and magick agree on so many things that one day i know science will understand much of what we call magick today.

Magick still exists within our universe. EVERYTHING exists within a universe. Nothing can be outside of a universe. Hence everything must follow the laws of that universe. So even magick must obey the laws of physics.

I could write pages and pages on science and magick but thats not the purpose of this thread and ive only just got up. A fair few of my posts have some info on it.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:36 am
by Ginger Faith!
shadowx wrote:Ahhh but science CAN explain magick!

Science and magick agree on so many things that one day i know science will understand much of what we call magick today.

Magick still exists within our universe. EVERYTHING exists within a universe. Nothing can be outside of a universe. Hence everything must follow the laws of that universe. So even magick must obey the laws of physics.

I could write pages and pages on science and magick but thats not the purpose of this thread and ive only just got up. A fair few of my posts have some info on it.
But, understand that sometimes science CANT explain Magick, HENCE why it's called magick. Understand, also, that your beliefs aren't our beliefs. But, i can always poke holes in your pages and pages :wink:
Andd, have you ever seen or heard of 'miracles'? That, sometimes, things happen because they are SUPPOSED to happen? And, yea. I know what you are going to say, 'How do you KNOW things happen because they are SUPPOSE to, as i put it?' Well, i have no plausible answer, nothing scientifical or logickal. But, then again, when has anything anyone do been logickal? Who determines logick? People who think they are smarter then someone else who believes that something purely magickal can happen? No. Just no. Science isn't in your hands, hun, and because of that, there is always room for magick to have breathing space.
Plus the fact that there are idiots who believe magick is what it isn't. But, then again, what can i do, other then write pages and pages(:

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:18 am
by shadowx
But that doesnt change the fact that magick must exist in the same universe as science, and hence both follow the same rules. (it's too early for this.... *yawn*)