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Shadow People

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:24 am
by xAmyx
Have you ever seen a shadow person? I have and I find that I'm frightened by them... I have three run in's with them that I would like to share and get peoples thoughts on. Here we go...

The first: I was standing outside after dark and I notice these dark things. They were only half a person, I found this out later. I was still standing there and I blinked and they got closer but this time it was the opposite half of them. Each time I blinked they got closer, and closer and each time it would be the opposite part of their body I saw. I was so scared I ran back into my home and locked the door. I felt a strange mix of fear and dread from them...

The second: I was hanging out with my friends after dark and we were near the highway. We were in the back of my truck listening to music and dancing. I look over to the highway and see someone walking in it. I started to freak out and I looked away for a second, when I looked back it was gone. I thought it was someone wearing all black but after it disappeared I realized it was actually one of those freaky shadow people I had been seeing.

Third event: I was laying down in bed this week and playing on the computer. I noticed something dark and tall run from my door to my closet. I turned on the light and there wasn't anything there anymore. I slept with the light on that night.

I noticed each time I had an experience with them they left me scared and a whole mixture of emotions. Some people think that these were once humans but I don't feel they were. They feel like something completely different and whatever they are leave me in a state of feeling that I hate. Maybe they could be the spirits that escort the dead souls to the next part of their journey...

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:41 am
by shadowx
I do not believe in demons or anything like that, logically they make no sense. If we assume that spirits are the souls of dead people (and perhaps animals) then demons and other semi-beings like shadow people make no sense and hence, to me, do not exist.

However... The spirit or soul is just energy, and energy has no form or shape or colour (except of course light energy but meh) and since the spirit or soul is controlled completely by the mind (which is not the brain, it is the mind) it stands to reason that your mind, ie *you*, can make your spirit or soul form into any shape and colour you want. So if you wanted to scare someone and you were "dead" hence in the spirit world then you could change your shape to look like a shadow person, look black and disfigured and then just go near them and show yourself.

What i am saying is that if indeed these apparitions are spiritual in origin, they are almost certainly someone trying to scare you, why? It is often said that some spirits can gain energy from fear, perhaps it is your emotional panic that almost fires off energy randomly and they can pick that up to get stronger.

I dont think they can do you any harm but do not treat them kindly either!

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:02 pm
by Release.the.bats
In my experience shadow beings are simply humans souls that are either so consumed with living again that they become narrow and are willing to inflict pain and kill in order to achieve it. It isn't achievable though, shadows rarely reincarnate into people.
They are also people who lived terrible lives, think hitler people consumed by greed, murderers those sort. Much of the time they become shadows, shadows can consume other shadows to become stronger. This is why some aren't as intimidating as others. Some can hurt you others can only scare you.
They can appear to be half of a person, or to move extremely fast(or slow) they are still the remains of people. I believe to an extent that many shadows are the negative feelings and energies from one person prior too and upon death, these ones are usually the less violent ones.
Every person has a shadow self, some people either keep it under wraps to the point that it becomes like a different person upon death and others give into their negative attributes completely.

The shadow self is not a good thing or a bad thing when your alive and everyone has one. How you treat it is how it reacts when it is separated from you upon death.

Re: Shadow People

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:42 am
by Lily Cantodea
xAmyx wrote:Have you ever seen a shadow person? I have and I find that I'm frightened by them... I have three run in's with them that I would like to share and get peoples thoughts on. Here we go...

The first: I was standing outside after dark and I notice these dark things. They were only half a person, I found this out later. I was still standing there and I blinked and they got closer but this time it was the opposite half of them. Each time I blinked they got closer, and closer and each time it would be the opposite part of their body I saw. I was so scared I ran back into my home and locked the door. I felt a strange mix of fear and dread from them...

The second: I was hanging out with my friends after dark and we were near the highway. We were in the back of my truck listening to music and dancing. I look over to the highway and see someone walking in it. I started to freak out and I looked away for a second, when I looked back it was gone. I thought it was someone wearing all black but after it disappeared I realized it was actually one of those freaky shadow people I had been seeing.

Third event: I was laying down in bed this week and playing on the computer. I noticed something dark and tall run from my door to my closet. I turned on the light and there wasn't anything there anymore. I slept with the light on that night.

I noticed each time I had an experience with them they left me scared and a whole mixture of emotions. Some people think that these were once humans but I don't feel they were. They feel like something completely different and whatever they are leave me in a state of feeling that I hate. Maybe they could be the spirits that escort the dead souls to the next part of their journey...
I believe in shadow people. What they are exactly is a mystery; some say they're just a manifestation of a deceased person's energy (along the lines of a ghost), while others say they're negative entities/demons/malevolent beings. In my experience, I believe it's the latter.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:42 pm
by akumaxkami
I've had run-ins with Shadow People too. I don't think they're ghosts or anything like that. I think they also exist primarily on the astral plane as lower level entities but honestly I've never been harmed by one.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:52 am
by Danax
I have some in my own home as well as shadow birds (so far) They are beings made up of shadows that feed on fear, which is probably why they left you scared. Try smudging sage around the house (I've gotten this advice many times from other people, though I have none. I'm going to grow my own though)
Around the entrances and windows, and especially your room. I believe white sage or lavender would work best, maybe both.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:14 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Oh they are real and they can hurt you. I learned some things from an old coven in the area around where I grew up that taught me how to control them and use them to my advantage. I can attest to the dangers they can bring. Their exact origin and purpose, however, are still unknown and yes they do feed off of your fear, greed and mostly your darker side emotions is what they feed from to become more powerful.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:21 am
by Release.the.bats
@Shadowphoenix: SHADOWPHOENIX!!! Finally a familiar face! How have you been?!

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:53 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Hahahaha, I'm well, I told you I'd return. :P

Shadow People

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:43 pm
by journalists-den
I am Researching Shadow people for a book im writing...ive experienced them myself many times and im looking for other peoples experiences..if anyone wants to share theirs with me for the book let me know :D

Re: Shadow People

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:45 pm
by Danax
journalists-den wrote:I am Researching Shadow people for a book im writing...ive experienced them myself many times and im looking for other peoples experiences..if anyone wants to share theirs with me for the book let me know :D
Well, the ones in my house usually hang out in my room when I'm trying to sleep. But I occasionally catch them following up and down the stairs when I'm getting a midnight snack. They always creep the hell out of me/scare me sh*tless.

Not much more to tell >.>

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by Danax
earth wolf wrote: lol do any harm? i was attacked by a spirit before i have pictures of the scratches it left on my back
really? I'd like to see them!
What did you do to anger it? Or was it an unprovoked attack?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:40 pm
by Danax
earth wolf wrote:me and my fellow pagan friend were trying to make it move on but it attacked us both choked her and scratched my back up and yea i can post em i forgto how to post pictures can anyone remind meh
I'm not sure. I'm kinda new to this site as well, haven't really thoroughly explored it yet.