To sever bad memories, remember good

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To sever bad memories, remember good

Post by Ravencry »

Spell to forgive, not forget. Good when you have an ex lover that you just can't get over and you know is still controlling your thoughts and actions, even though they are not with you anymore. This spell isn't to forget them, or forget what they did to you. Its a spell to forgive them so you can learn from the relationship without grief and anger. Lets you truly see why things happened and the warning signs to it happening again, so you can avoid the trouble and pain.

You will need:
1 scrap of paper
1 washable black marker (crayola or roseart)
1 jar with lid, filled with salt water
sprig of rosemary

On the piece of paper, write the persons name or the situation you wish to cope with. Say " (name) I release all negative ties that you have on me. May the negative be banished, leaving only the memories of good times."

Put the piece of paper in the jar with the water.
say "Like this paper, I remove my hardest emotional obstacle, leaving my heart open to accept all the positive i deserve"

Hold the sprig of rosemary and pluck of 13 leaves, one for each good moment that you wish to remember. Put these in the water one at a time while saying the good moment aloud.

when done, put the top on the bottle and leave it somewhere hidden until the next morning. The name should be washed off the paper. Take the water to running water, like a stream or the ocean, or just your toilet if you have nothing else.
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Post by Beothany »

This is a silly question because I know logically the name would not be there if you truly believed I don't need this spell at the time but I wish to add it to my B.O.S. (not that im even supposed to have one but where else am i supposed to keep these thing?) So if the name remains would you consider it a sign or just that your own disbelief or mistake messed up the end results?
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Post by Ravencry »

If the name doesn't disappear, then it means that your either a: still hurt by the situation, your heart isn't ready to forgive, or b: you still linger on the negative of the situation, that perhaps it just isn't the proper time for the spell. If it doesn't work, wait until a Saturday. Some people are so hurt by situations that they just don't feel that they can forgive them. Thats fine. You can change the spell to work for you. Maybe you don't feel that this person deserves your forgiveness. You can change the spell to take away the chains that they put on you. If you wish for that spell variation, I'll be more than happy to post it for you.
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Post by Beothany »

thank you very much
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Post by Melindrose »

wouldn't that possibly effect who you are as a person
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Post by Ravencry »

In my opinion, no. It made me a more forgiving person, to be honest. If your not ready for it, yes, it might make you a different person. But because how the spell is, its usually for the better. I did this spell on myself personally and was able to forgive the man that turned out to be my soulmate. Thanks to the spell allowing me to forgive him, I was able to open my heart to the best relationship that I have ever had. This isn't a spell to forget the person, but open your heart to the lessons that people are meant to learn from heartbreak, rather than leaving them wounded and hating everyone that didn't 'watch' out for them.

Not to sound rude, but why is it that you ask? I mean, surely you have some logic, and I'd love to hear it, because I don't want the spell to change the person, unless its for the better. If it could make someone worse, please, let me know! Thats the last thing that I want, honestly.

I just want to share the spell that helped me get through my 2 years of being broken hearted and depressed because I thought that it was something with me.
This spell made me realise so much about myself, that I was being selfish in the relationship, that he just wanted to do things that I didn't do.
It made me also realise that 'If you love someone, let them go. If it was meant to be, they'll come back'
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Post by Melindrose »

oh ok I was thinking that it would make you forget all negative memories which would change how you have developed. Of course I figure I probably just misunderstood what the intent of the spell was.
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Post by Ravencry »

I can understand why you had that misconception, I didn't make it clear at all (upon reading the spell a second time). Thank you for pointing that out! Its been in my book of shadows forever and I think that its time to re-write it, make the intention more clear. Thank you for pointing that out, otherwise I would have never realised that its unclear, and honestly, thats a problem that I used to have with my spells. Thank you again for being so keen!
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Post by Sonni-Na »

ok this is probably dumb, but i haven't preformed any sort of rituals or spells yet so i'm still a bit lost . . . where can i get a sprig of rosemary?
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Post by Melindrose »

check the fresh herbs section of produce
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Post by Ravencry »

You can use dried rosemary, also. It works well with both.
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Post by .xAlyssa. »

Would this spell work the opposite way too? Like would the other person also forgive but not forget...? Sorry if you said it already...Just didnt catch it.
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Post by Ravencry »

to be honest, I don't know. The person that I did it for was still jealous, and rude, but later he told me he just didn't want to see me with anyone else. I'm sure that you can change the spell around a little bit and it will work.

Post by moonwaterwitch »

I really like this spell. I think it's good to try to move on but not to forget. I find that a lot of people become bitter at the end of a relationship, which I mainly believe is hurt in consideration of never having the good times again. I've always felt that people should try to come to terms with something being over whilst still cherishing the good times. I think your spell does such a notion justice.

A question: Do you think that such a spell would work whilst still in a relationship? I ask this because, quite frankly, I believe I am in a relationship that I need to walk away from, but I need a little more distance and less emotional upset in order to make that decision. I know that sounds weak and cowardly. I'm just at a point of knowing it's over but still feeling too much to end it.

I know that sounds terrible. Eek. But I'll press 'Submit' regardless.

Moon Water x
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Post by .xAlyssa. »

Okay thanks. :]
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