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Lone Sparrow

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:15 am
by Peregrine
For the past fifteen or twenty years, I've had unusual encounters regarding, of all creatures, sparrows. In my case, it is always only one lone sparrow. It seems sad to me, almost. Every so often, one little sparrow comes up to me and perches somewhere close by. As expected, it is usually at a window.

The most recent one really struck me as odd. It was either the last day of February or the first day in March. My family and I were coming out of a store and trying to get into the car. I went to the passenger side, as always, and opened up the front door to unlock the back door. Almost as soon as I opened it, a little sparrow flew into the car and perched on the steering wheel. (I am almost always the driver in my family. My husband has his quirky reasons for not wanting to drive most of the time.) I opened up the driver side door to let it out, but it did not act afraid like it was "trapped." It sat there for a moment before it flew away.

I don't know how to explain the mood or the feeling every time that happens. Things like this have been going on since the early 90's.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:56 pm
by Ravencry
your current spirit guide may be the sparrow, since you have many encounters with them. They may even be your spirit animal. There knowledge includes:


Manifesting new love in ones life

Understanding the aspects of race

Ability to use the power of song

All aspects of color

I don't know if this helps you, but these are the lessons that sparrows often teach.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:24 pm
by Release.the.bats
You said you feel sad, that might be a reflection of yourself.
Are you not feeling much self worth? Has something happened to make you feel poorly about yourself? These are all questions to be considered to be sure you understand how the medicine plays into your life and why it has shown up.

Self Worth

The sparrow is one of the most common birds around,
yet it has flourished when other species have failed.
It reflects self-worth.
If a Sparrow totem has entered your life, ask yourself if you know your own self-worth.
The sparrow will show you that even a common little bird can triumph.

The song sparrow reflects the chakra energy awakening from the heart and throat.
It reminds us to sing out our own song of dignity and self-worth.

During the Middle Ages, the Sparrow was the symbol
of peasants and the lower classes.
In Ancient Britain, the Sparrow was the symbol of friendly household spirits.
To the Greeks, it was the pet of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:03 am
by Peregrine
Wow. Thanks both of you for the replies. Release.the.bats, your post made me cry (in a good way).

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:41 am
by Release.the.bats
I'm glad I could help you.