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mermaid's witchcraft learning &healing blog

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:38 pm
by mermaid
Hi I decided to create a blog seeing as there is a section for it:)

I have begun to learn about witchcraft, I am a complete beginner and want to learn as much as I can enough to at least rid me of an evil curse cast on me and once removed to protect me and my son from it in the future.

I am starting off trying to learn about spell removal, I have purchased some materials and still more to get, when I have them all I can cast the spell/s.
I have been given one by another member that only requires black candles which I have finally gotten so will be casting my very first spell soon and will log that.

I am also trying to learn Tarot reading, the very first time anyone confirmed my gut instincts and this curse is through tarot and I feel I really want to learn how to read them myself.

I would one day also like to astrally project, something i've been curious about for years but never managed the few times I tried.

I have been burning frankincense in my home continually for the past few weeks and it really relaxes me.

Well cheerios folks thats all for now.