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Hallucinogenic Plants

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:39 pm
by Wolfmoon caster

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:25 pm
by Ravencry
I've used datura before (also known as jimsonweed). Hallucinogenic plants don't cause me to hallucinate, though. D:

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:38 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
You need a pretty good dose of it to hallucinate, the hallucinations occur from being posioned by the plant. But I'm pretty sure because of it"s taste you didn't take to much? Or maybe it was something else.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:59 pm
by Ravencry
I ate a few leaves in a cheeseburger, but yeah, it tasted like crap so I didn't consume much. It was my fault :D Thanks for clearing that up (I get freaked out about hallucinating, also, so I try not to take so much that I can't comprehend whats going on around me)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:49 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
Np, Glad to help :D

Also too much of datura can kill so it is smart never to ingest to much of a hallucinogin plant without knowing about it and what causes the hallucination. I wouldn't want anyone to die taking a plant they got off of one of my links so make sure you read up and that the plant is legal were you live.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:13 pm
by Ravencry
I honestly don't know that much about datura. I'm glad that I didn't take much, though. I would have died if it killed me (I couldn't say that I would have been mad, I would be dead) LOL :D

I will try one of these when I am not pregnant and can go on a spiritual journey, though. I have been meaning to, and I have been too scared. Some sites never tell you a safe amount to ingest! I'm sure that the website that you posted has them in there, somewhere :D So thank you again!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:24 pm
by RestoringtheGoddess
I was always wondering about peyote (how American Indians are allowed to take it because it's part of their religion)

I was wondering what causes the hallucinations from the plant and can taking too much of it cause death as well?

are there any good books on peyote I can read to learn more or any links?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:24 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
Peyote is a cactus used by Native Americans in religious ceremonies and for spiritual journeys. The user takes the "Buttons" growing on the plant and chews it or boils it in water and drinks it in a tea, it has a strong taste to it, the person will begin to feel the effects shortly afterwards. As far as I know noone has died from it's use. It is considered an endangered plant species and is illegal to anyone who does not have Native American Blood or is a Member of The Native American Church. It is used for it's healing benefits and studys have shown that the plant can fight off Bacterial infections and illnesses. ... ected=true

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:32 pm
by RestoringtheGoddess
I'm 5% Native American so can I legally use it???

My grandmother told me I am 5% Native American so how does that work?

Could I also some how become a member of their religion, how would I go about joining their religion, etc.? I know that's a far out question but I'm serious since my favorite place in the world is Arizona and that's where I want to move

I also feel more positive out there so believe it is because the Native Americans blessed the land out there and I do want to learn about their religion and see if I can become a member?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:02 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
I suggest you go to a doctor and get proof of your Native American heritage before purchasing. I have inboxed you the website.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:34 am
by RestoringtheGoddess
Thanks Wolfmoon caster for the link!

This is going to sound really silly and naive but how would a doctor help me proove I'm Native American? Is there a blood test to determine this? What would I ask him or her to do or what would I say to them?

Thanks again for the link and for your posts in helping me to learn more about this path

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:39 am
by RestoringtheGoddess
How much percentage of Native American does one have to be to take peyote if they really restrict it for all the other races???

I was also wondering could I join the Native American religion and then be allowed to legally take peyote?

I just think that's discrimination to say well because I'm white my beliefs in Native American religion don't matter and therefore I am not allowed to take peyote!!!???
I mean that doesn't make sense so therefore I'm really hoping there is some way I could join this religion and explore this path!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:54 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
I beleive you have to go to a Genetics doctor to get a blood test to see were your origins come from to prove you are Native American. If you join the church you would only be able to legally take it during "Mass" or on the day your church is meeting and it would have to be on church property. The reason only Native Americans are allowed to take it is because it is an endangered plant species, Native Americans have been using it for Hundreds of years before America was discovered and it is a part of their Religion and Heritage, therefore they are exempt from the law prohibiting it's use.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:04 pm
by RestoringtheGoddess
Thanks Wolfmoon caster for helping me learn about this path!
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and thanks again for the link!

How could I join a Native American Church what are the steps I would have to take?

How would I find a genetics doctor? (and what is the smallest percentage of Native American I would need to be in order to take this plant?)

Why is the plant endangered? Why can't they just create farms to grow it so that it won't be endangered anymore so that it wouldn't matter what race you are to take this plant?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:33 pm
by Wolfmoon caster
You would have to talk with a church leader about joining and you should bring proof of heritage. I'm not sure about what other steps their would be the church leader will discuss that with you.

You can get a genetics kit here:

I'm not excactly sure what percentage of Native American Blood you must have.

They will not grow farms of an illegal substance lol. It would be like allowing people to grow marijuana, peyote is legal in other places around the world and grown for it's health benefits. In the U.S it is illegal because it is a drug, Native Americans are allowed because it's part of their religion, it would be like saying you can't wear a pentacle necklace or pray to your God/ Goddess.