Somethingnew is coming up

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Somethingnew is coming up

Post by Traumwandlerin »

I hadn't had nightmares for several months, which was a relieve, since I had about 3 nightmares every night for about 25 years. I resolved the matters they told me about and were nightmare-free, hooray :D

Tonight I had one again. It used some of my old symbolic what it was clearly pointing to something else. It was strange and scary and weird. Left me a bit frightful.

I did a mistake just with the first step which set me up for failure not matter what I tried. You know those films (and maybe know it even from realitiy) where someone have a vision from the future, but it's only a part of the truth? Than he makes an assumption on what will happen and and want to change this so act differentially to prevent it, but actually in the end, the vision was misinterpreted (since it showed only a small part and the assumption where wrong) and everything would have gone well but since you acted differentially everything now went wrong?

So I was going with a friend of mine. We both get a pen in the beginning. Someone said to me, I could ditch my pen, since we already got one and I did so. This was the huge mistake. On every pen was a hint where to find a book, which shows part of the future. So everyone got one but me. So I was going with this friend of mine to solve our future (we were supposed to go in pairs). This book always had a hole through which you could see a part of the picture on the next side which was what is going to happen. Along with some description on what will happen. When we would had both of our books we could make a lot more accurate picture of the future, but hadn't one :( So we constantly ran into trouble cause of misinterpretating.

But the worst part was the picture of a burning baby. We rushed into a house to remove everything inflamable, so this baby won't burn to dead. But since the fire already broke lose we were dieing in the smoke. The last thing we see is theturning page of the book, where it showed that the baby wouldn't have burnt at all, but since we tried to prevent something that never would happen anyways, it was us who need to die.

So it uses the old symbolic of some riddle/game/set up of presenting me something inevitable. emphasizes it with this book of prediction. I don't think the burning baby story is important at all to me. That's just a way of emphasize the fear. I guess one of the following dream will tell me more about what's going wrong and what's still lurking inside of me. I think this is just a warning dream to tell me, there's more to come. Using old symbolics to get my attention after a period of just nice and normal dreams.

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