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URGENT- I need help ASAP...addiction/ withdrawals

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:29 am
by new truth seeker
my fiance is a very bad alcoholic (been drinking a case or more of beer daily for past three months- worst ever in our whole 6 years together). We are on the verge of splitting up over this and had a VERY< VERY bad fight last night. He hasn't drank anything since last sunday and i believe his extemely nasty behavior is due to withdrawal. he is gone with a friend to do a side job right now and is out of the house. I usually work with him but due to the fight last night he left me home which may be a good thing it gives me the only window i'm going to get to do any spell work. I do not wish to be called "christian" because the majority of them i've ever known wouldnt have recognized christ if he walked up and bit them and what passes for "christianity" & christians are very nasty in their attitudes. I am a believer however. Is there anyone who can offer me help I need it urgently and asap. I don't have candles, charcoal ect-i do have a very inconspicous herbs (sage, lavender, household herbs)He has no idea i am a witch so i have to keep it very low profile.Hell- I'd go to church if it would help him, as much as i loathe the idea-

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:02 pm
by Traumwandlerin
What do you want a spell for? What do you want to resolve?

An alcohol addiction is a serious illness and he should look for medical treatment (like in cognitive behaviour therapy).

And you are probably codependent and also should look at least for a support group.

You could use a spell for yourself to get up and go to a support group, or to stand up and throw him out if he is not willing to let his addiction be treated or a spell for him to make it more easy for him to go and look for a treatment or find it more easily.

So what do you want?