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A friend of mine

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:28 pm
by JBRaven
A friend of mine hung herself last night around 6 pm. She was in her late 40's and had serious spinal pain. I have known her for most my life, meeting her when I was about 3. She was Russian, she had no children to bury her (all dying in a house fire 15 years ago). She would make me and my friends these fluffy donut things called ponchiki and instead of running off with the rest of the group to play, I would stay behind. I remember brushing her long black hair. She would tell me about her father, who had died when she was young after a short illness. She use to tell me to be thankful of sadness because it was just the aftermath of joy.

I don't understand why she left. She had survived so long with her loneliness and pain. Why last night? Her landlord called me because she had put me as a contact last year when she moved in to her new apartment. I really don't have many more details; I guess the police are investigating.

I pray that she has found her peace. I hope to be reunited with her in the next life. I am just torn up about this. I wanted her to meet my daughter in Feb, when we moved to Germany. I wrote her every week, more than I write my mother.

I just want someone else other than me to know she existed.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:30 pm
by TheBlackDahlia
I'm so, so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you must feel, but she sounds like a wonderful, complex person. Thank you for sharing your memories of her with us. You and her both are in my heart, and if there's anything I can do, please tell me.