Need help!

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.

Need help!

Post by BlackTulip »

Hey my name is nicky and I am 16... I am facing some sleeping problems since I started studying for english exams... Every night when I fall asleep I see a dark shadow come behind me and grab my neck so I cant breathe... Then I start screaming and crying and everyone at home try to wake me up but they cant... Once the dream stops and the shadow leaves me I stop screaming and crying open my eyes and see my parents and my brother terrified above me and the weird is that I dont remember anything but the dream... I have been in psychologists, I have in doctors and I have every scientific method to get better but nothing works... The dream it comes every night... Now I have started believing that there is something wrong with me and my problem has not to do with my brain but my soul... Can someone please help me? :roll:
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Post by reikihealer83 »


It seems to me that your stress with regards to the exam is manifesting in your dream as a shadow. It could be that the shadow is trying to silence your being able to talk about or release the stress you are feeling, thus the strangulation. I hope this helps clear things up. Try a simple method to relax before sleep.

Sit up in bed and clear your mind with lit insence (the smoke can be a visual tool releasing your stress) and maybe a candle to concentrate on the flame and visualize the stress burning up. A simple 5 minutes may help right before bed.

Good luck!
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

You should considering that you are afraid of letting your family down with only reaching a medium grade in English.Really consider if that's what you feel.

Of course, there van be different reasons, but this would seem quite possible. But since you've visited a psychologist, I would guess you've already considered this.

There are several methods to stop nighmares. The best for recurring ones would be to rewrite it. When you are awake think about your dream and how this dream could change so you are not afraid anymore or it even have a good end. It could take a while to find an end that fits. Afterwards just imagine the new dream as vivid as possible and think about it many times a day, especially before going to bed.

Post by BlackTulip »

Traumwandlerin, du bist richtig.... Ich will immer die beste an alles sein... Ich will die beste Studentin sein, ich spreche 5 Sprache etc etc... Aber meine ganze Lebe ich war wie das... Es stresst mich nicht mehr... The truth is that I am a little anxious about it but not that much so I have nightmares about... Yeah its true I want to be perfect in everything I do... I have never let my family down even if the say to me "Nicky calm down, you exhaust yourself with no reason"...

I am going to try your methods girls tonight!!!
Merci beaucoup!!! :)

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