negative energy?

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negative energy?

Post by flowersofthelady »

HI, i wasnt quite sure where to post this so i thought i would try here.

I am trying really hard to be the person i want to be, and feel i am deep down inside. the main problem im facing at the moment is trying to stay calm and happy and not get stressed out in day to day situations such as getting kids ready and walking to school and at the end of the day feeding bathing and getting them to bed. I cant help it i suddenly notice my voice is lower, im more impatient and i get angry with them easily. I know its only human to get stressed out especially when your dealing with 3 children age 4 and under but i dont want to be like this. i want to be nice happy calm and in control.

I read another post about some of your mothers/grandmothers and their negative energy ruining your lives. i get a lot of negative energy from my mum too, she doesnt know it but she is quite a powerful being and does project on others. I am so scared that im going to end up like that :cry:

i have been trying to stay calm through visualisation these last few days, breathing out negative energy in the form of black smoke and breathing in a golden light as positive energy. I have been getting a bit better (i think) but im just feeling disapointed in myself for not being the mum i always thought i would be now its actually come to it. no matter how hard i try i just cant DO everything.
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Re: negative energy?

Post by shadowx »

I think trying to suppress the anger, frustration etc... is the wrong way to go about it. Controlled release would do you a lot better. As to how to release it in a controlled manner... I dont know... Being a male i tend to video game which can help (by screaming at the TV :D) Ort if you have ever wanted to try some martial arts that would *really* *really* help.
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Re: negative energy?

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I would take a pumice and hold it and pour all my anger inside, then I would throw it away from me (or in a running water-river or even the toilet flush,not your house's though) then I would take a moss agate stone and keep it with me (in a pocket or make it as a pendant), stones are great assistants!

As Shadowx said, supressing anger is never good, you just hold it under your skin, and then BOOM!
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Re: negative energy?

Post by flowersofthelady »

i used to play pc games, wow was one of them but not for about 6 months now. been too tired to concentrate. maybe i'll start again.
will try the stones thing, its been getting better since i started thinking about and studying my spiritual beliefs as well as taking up some hobbys i enjoy.
i need somethng to poor it into when 2 of them are fighting, one of them is screamin and leaking through their nappy and dinners burning LOL. is it even possible to stay chilled in such a situation?

Re: negative energy?

Post by Anneis »

When my wife is super stressed I make sure she's holding her hematite. It hurts a little, mind you, when there's alot of energy and you can feel it draining it from you. But it works amazingly well. Hematite is one of my favorite stones. I suggest getting an actual small stone of it, a ring, or a necklace. Any black stones are generally good for soaking up negative energy but my personal experience is that hematite is the best. My mother wore my ring made of hematite broke. Like, she put it on her finger, said it was extremely painful, glared at me, put it on the table, and it broke in half.
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Re: negative energy?

Post by Ravencry »

Rings of hematite are very fragile. I broke mine once in half because I tapped it on a window.

I like playing video games, but I get so frustrated that I end up throwing the controller or the console (I broke one of my psps this way)

I like to break glass bottles. I throw them in the recycle bin with force. They break, and it feels really good. I also draw. I get some really beautiful drawings and paintings from anger.
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Re: negative energy?

Post by WhiteOne »

One visualization works well for me:
I center myself and imagine a powerful, hot flow of energy coming from the core of the earth into myself--coming up through the top of me and then showering back down to the ground. --Kind of like the "cone of power" or "tree" visualization that Starhawk includes in The Spiral Dance. Although, I often do this lying down so that the energy seems to be flowing perpendicular to me.
I consciously push my anxiety/fear/negativity into this stream of energy and see it combust--destroying the dark form and freeing the trapped energy. I continue to do this until I do not feel any more negativity, then I just soak in the core energy.

Good luck!
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Re: negative energy?

Post by JuniperBerry »

flowersofthelady wrote:HI, i wasnt quite sure where to post this so i thought i would try here.

I am trying really hard to be the person i want to be, and feel i am deep down inside. the main problem im facing at the moment is trying to stay calm and happy and not get stressed out in day to day situations such as getting kids ready and walking to school and at the end of the day feeding bathing and getting them to bed. I cant help it i suddenly notice my voice is lower, im more impatient and i get angry with them easily. I know its only human to get stressed out especially when your dealing with 3 children age 4 and under but i dont want to be like this. i want to be nice happy calm and in control.
You want to be a robot. Or a disney parent. You're neither, because those types of parents don't actually exist. Kids are hard and frustrating and annoying. Honestly. It's because they're kids. We love them despite this because they're ours. ;)

I read another post about some of your mothers/grandmothers and their negative energy ruining your lives. i get a lot of negative energy from my mum too, she doesnt know it but she is quite a powerful being and does project on others. I am so scared that im going to end up like that :cry:
You worry about being like them, so you aren't like them. Problem solved! :)
i have been trying to stay calm through visualisation these last few days, breathing out negative energy in the form of black smoke and breathing in a golden light as positive energy. I have been getting a bit better (i think) but im just feeling disapointed in myself for not being the mum i always thought i would be now its actually come to it. no matter how hard i try i just cant DO everything.
Just be present in the moment. Each time remind yourself that you can put into practice being who you want to be. Don't expect to be Mary Poppins all at once... or ever. Just take it one step at a time. And if they are being frustrating and annoying and unreasonable it's ok to get upset with them, thats how kids learn what's proper social behavior. If they're screamign around the house- send them to their rooms. You're the adult. It's ok to get fed up, stressed out, irritated, and over-whelmed. But when you have the chance, and are feeling calm, utilize that to reach out and hug them, or share a moment with them. Because it's a roller coaster and you'll have the ups and downs.
The Gods we worship write their names on our faces; be sure of that. A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

As believers in the folk-religion we are studying, we seek after mysteries that expand the scope of our gods and our understanding of them, not reductionist theories that reduce them to manageable and socially productive "functions".

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Re: negative energy?

Post by Serendipity »

As to magical workings to help with this you know yourself and your magic better than anyone else so I’d suggest going with your gut.

I would suggest some mundane things you might try though.

Budget your time to leave extra room when you might need it. Dealing with kids takes time, so simply be sure you allow that extra time that will be needed for any activities that involve the kids.

Don’t be afraid to put things off when you reasonably can. We live busy lives, sometimes to busy. It is ok to say you just have too much on your plate and put something off.

Don’t be afraid to tell your family they need to pitch in and help with some things some time.

Make time for yourself, for the kind of activities that help you relax and recharge as the peace you get from these activities will stay with you to some degree as you go through the rest of your day.

Those are just a few ideas. Good luck.

Re: negative energy?

Post by Packie99 »

shadowx wrote: Ort if you have ever wanted to try some martial arts that would *really* *really* help.
I agree with this. Everyone needs some way to relieve stress. And I'd recommend that be a physical thing (anything that gets you up and moving).

When I was in my early teens, I had lots of anger problems. I didn't do anything crazy, but I'd argue with my parents and yell at them. Yell and threaten friends, etc etc. Just little things but I couldn't control my temper well.

During this very angry stage of my life, I started kick boxing under a trainer who trained my cousin (my cousin dragged me in). I didn't have any fights or even spar someone more than 1/2 speed for a LONG time. I would train, though. Hitting heavy, speed, and double end bags. Thai pads, focus mitts, and just shadow boxing. Within a year I went from being an angry high schooler to someone that was very calm. Everyday I could take my aggression out on some inanimate object (and later other people in a controlled environment). It became my perfect outlet and a critical part of my life.

I guess I went into WAY more details than I needed to. Point is that a physical outlet can make a gigantic difference in your life.

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