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Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:17 pm
by sophiana
to give a little background my family is really complicated
my parents are christian
my grandparents are all buddist
and my aunt believes in herself
i dont know how i should tell them that i am a greek mythology believer
i mean, my parents really dont expect me to be christian like them but they always tell me stuff about jesus and jehova
my grandma on my mom's side is really desperate for me to also be a buddist

is it okay if im a bit of both buddist and greek?
but then where will i go when i die?

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:43 am
by shadowx
I cant help you walk your path, only you can do that, but i would say: Why bother walking a path that so many have already trodden? Dont be afraid to take one step to the greek mythology and one step elsewhere and make your own path.
but then where will i go when i die?
Same place as me, the dog and hitler. Nowhere and yet everywhere.

The ideas of heaven and hell are fatally flawed. My idea of heaven would be a world untouched by human hands where i and my loved ones could live in peace with the nature and wildlife. I would have a castle with technology, indeed it would be much like this world except i would dictate who existed there. Along with that i would want Hitler to live in my heaven (not literally of course... read on...) why? To prove it is not heaven.

Since a person such as Hitler could never go to a place like heaven (or the summerlands for a wiccan, or whatever bhuddists believe that relates to heaven) he must go to hell. Yet my version of heaven would NEED hitler there, so who wins? Does god put hitler in heaven for me? Or must i suffer in "hell" because i am without hitler?

Imagine if your partner was a killer, he must go to hell, but you love him, and if you went to heaven and he wasnt there that would be hell to you, so that means you both went to hell.

Heaven and hell cannot exist, places like them cannot exist. Planes of existence can, whereby the position of the soul isnt tied to its "karma" but rather its spiritual level, and no-one said the planes of existence were fair, no-one cares if you are without your partner. However, the ideas of heaven and hell (and their equivalents) ARE fair, so because you are good you MUST go to heaven, because he is bad he MUST go to hell, but for you to be in heaven he too must be in heaven, but he was a bad person, so he cant go to heaven.

It is a flawed idea IMHO.

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:50 am
by Traumwandlerin
You can be both, you can be what you want. Your family sounds understanding, just say them, you want to try out Greek mythology too see if this fits yourself.

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:29 pm
by sophiana
thank you guys:'(

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:09 pm
by Rabbit145
Sophiana, don't worry about what your family wants you to believe. Why should you blindly follow a path that wasn't meant for you? Take some advice from Robert Frost, and take the path less traveled by. Make your own roads, and decide what you believe in as you live - no one can take that freedom from you. If you want to be Helenic, (Greek) then great. If you want to be a Buhddist or a Christian or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or aTibetan monk, or a Spiritualist, or an Athiest, or anything else in the world, then do it. Don't fear your choices, embrace them. I firmly believe that every path has it's own merits. There is no one-size-fits-all religion.

Keep an open mind, keep exploring and learning and growing, and you'll find something that works for you. It took me a long time to find my currant path, (ecclectic Wicca) and I was miserable during the time I spent trying to deny it for the benefit of others. Don't pick a religion just because someone in your family wants you to - it'll only hurt you and them. Trust me, I lived it for six years, and it is NOT a fun place to be.

As for where you go when you die...I don't think anyone knows for sure. :] But I personally believe that when you die you are presented with a choice - you have three options: One: You can be reincarnated on the Earth plane (not nessicarily as a human - I believe a soul is a soul is a soul, regardless of the "outer casing," haha.) Two: You can be reincarnated on the Spirit plane, (thus ditching the meatsuit entirely) or Three, you can choose not to be reincarnated directly, but disintregrate into a billion tiny particles of energy, float around in the universe for a while, until a billion randomly chosen particles (some yours, some not) coalesce into one being, a new soul, and enters the body at the moment of birth. Again, this is my personal belief, I doubt anyone agrees with me exactly, and I concede the point that, being only one of six billion plus humans on the planet, I am more than likely wrong.

Blessings to you and your family.

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:53 pm
by Rabbit145
Correction, the end should say: "Again, this is my personal belief, I doubt anyone agrees with me exactly. This is just one humble opinion out of 6.6 billion."

Re: Don't know what to do with my religion

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:59 am
by sweetchloe
sophiana wrote:to give a little background my family is really complicated
my parents are christian
my grandparents are all buddist
and my aunt believes in herself
i dont know how i should tell them that i am a greek mythology believer
i mean, my parents really dont expect me to be christian like them but they always tell me stuff about jesus and jehova
my grandma on my mom's side is really desperate for me to also be a buddist

is it okay if im a bit of both buddist and greek?
but then where will i go when i die?

There are so many different religions are coming out everywhere, they are all have their own beliefs and practices. But for me, I was settling on one religion after reading a powerful book that answers everything! I only started reading my bible since I was in my elementary days, all of my questions were all answered whenever I read this. anniversary invitations 50th