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need book recommendations please

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:14 pm
by unryu

A *long* time ago a friend gave me a book on Astral Projection. It had a good section on getting yourself relaxed with a visualization. The author recommended laying down comfortably and imagining your body getting heavy, from your toes, up to your ankles, then your knees... etc. As you let the heaviness travel up your body you became more relaxed. Then you were told to imagine your body as a glass container, filling up with different colored liquids. Again, starting with your toes, filling up with (random color) fluid to your knees, then your legs, then your hips, etc. The idea was to do this several times until you were in a relaxed, meditative state.

Can anyone recommend a book on meditation or visualization that follows along this line? I'm looking for a book with visualization and relaxation techniques.

Thanks for any help y'all can provide,
