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Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:50 pm
by FireWolf168
Ok heres the deal, I'll start and add as i see fit and we will all make a story together. This will be between us and never go to print.

The medic arrived only to be confronted with a soul less corpse. The body had laid here for only a few moments and already it was cooling. Officer Wakeman walked over to greet the man and to fill in details, but couldn't think of what to say, yet hed done this many times before. Why? he thought was i struggling with this one.

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:45 am
by Solairis
The body seemed to be that of a young woman, whom reminded himself of his darling daughter of 15 years. The black brown of her tendrils fell about her head in a fury of crumpled curls. Her clothes were much the style of the younger generation. As he stood there looking at this fallen beauty he could only think of the time he has missed with his offspring due to his work load.

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:33 am
by Symandinome
WIth a tear in his eye, the officer approached the man trying to maintain his authoritative composure.

"Good Evening Sir, My name is Officer Wakeman. I'm going to need to ask you a few questions. What is your name and relation to the victim?" said the officer.

As the gentlemen began to answer; Officer Wakeman couldn't help becomming distracted and glancing back at the now cold cadaver laying half strewn over the sidewalk with torn clothes, a face wrought with fear, and the eight slashing wounds across her abdomen; four on each side, like claw marks.

He became lost in her lifeless eyes and his balance began to waver.

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:52 am
by illbehere
he fell, mesmirized and limp to the ground. his head thump thumping.
the man who was meant to get information taken jumped down to kneel beside the officer
"SIR! SIR! what happened. oh god.. not again"
the mans facial features contorted and formed something that wasnt human,
bits of blood dripped from his eyes like tears.
"Oh hehe.. a meal.. quite plump.. ill be full for all of 20 seconds HAHAHAH"
"Get up." the now beast ordered
as the soul-less girls body rose and her eyes opened with no pupils..just plain white.
"Eat my precious daughter." the beast replied laughing menacingly

(i just couldnt resisit makeing it creepy. horror stories are my fave to write)

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:25 pm
by Solairis
The crowd that had gathered looked on in astonishment as he changed from man to beast, they had not the courage to run in fear, they were strangely drawn to this creature of night. In the chill of night, they stood, watching the soulless corpse rise at the command of this beast. One ventured forward drawn to this beast like a moth is to flame. Gently, ever so gently, this young man offers himself to the girl. She looks at the beast for approval, and then ravenously feeds on not just the willing sacrifice but the body of the officer. With the blood warm on her lips, and hunger in her lifeless body, she continues to feed until there is nothing left.

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:58 pm
by AutumnMaidens
The silence that has set is almost audible. The flashing lights cascading shadows on the dewy grass beneath her feet, where blood stains green. If she had a breath to release she would have. Her lungs ache, her body shudders. The hunger has not yet stilled. "More..." she moans, her voice straining. The creature pants, a breathy chuckle. A slurping sound that runs through her like an icy blade. If she knew of any feeling but this hunger.
"Do not fret, their debt to us will be paid." A groan as the creature bend down over her small frame, where the remains of her dress hung from her pale shoulders, coloured only by the splatter of blood.

A claw rested heavy on her shoulder, and she suddenly became very aware of its breathing on her neck. Hot and moist, stained with the smell of rotting flesh and blood, and again a shudder of hunger that made her body ache. "More..."

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:55 pm
by Symandinome
An ethereal white light burst through the darkness in a solid beam from the heavens. It shinned intensely, ferociously, and yet it was peaceful. There was a rustling of wind through the leaves of the trees and no animal small or large made a sound. It was as if the 4 winds of the Earth were loosened at the same time as they rushed to meet the light.

The Beast growled angrily as blood dripped from claw and fang. The light just shinned brighter and a voice with the strength of thunder came out of the light and said

"AKRONON! You will not succeed."

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:05 pm
by JBRaven
Wide eyed, Liz had pushed her way through the crowd to see the scene unfolding. Logan, her little brother, clung tight to her flannel over shirt. Logan, was about 7 and tiny for his age, product of having a drug-addict mother. He buried his head into his sister's thigh. Logan had never seen anything like this in her 16 years of living. Her hand protectively on her brother's head, she watched an angel (or what she assumed was an angel) come from the sky. Her eyes darted towards the beast and the once dead woman. AKRONON, that name stirred up something deep in her, she knew this was bad; they had to get out of here now. Her dried lips let out a sound that broke the silence, something between a nasty word and a realization that she should run.

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:23 am
by Ebonmare
The angel heard them and said "Leave children. This is no place for you." She turned and faced the monster once more. "Akronon, spare the kids. They are innocent and shall not sate your hunger either way." she asked of the foul beast. The demon then pondered for a moment over what to do. He had soon come to a conclusion. Akronon then spoke. "Good point, Rose. I shall spare them. For now..."

Re: Add the next Paragraph

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 7:24 pm
by AutumnMaidens
The creature bends over the child at his side, alive in her lack of life. The shadow of hunger has not left her and he can feel it ebbing off her. Soulless, lifeless she knows only the hunger that demands… But she had no will and answered only to him, so the hunger might still plague her bones the choice to feed wasn’t hers to make either.

He coils around her, human skin now shed to show a shadow figure, blackened even further in the dead of night, as if he were smoke, curling his tail around the body he acquired, his daughter.
His dead eyes scan the crowd, noticing the children and the hunger it stirred. But he whispered to her in a language long forgotten before turning his attention back to the golden being that hung in the air, shimmering with all the golden radiance but eyeing lifeless to one who had seen death and returned.

“Rose…” her name a curse on his breath. “The time of angels has gone; there is only death to be found here.” He chuckled darkly at her expression, stoic and certain, unmoved by his curses. “I will take my leave, but know that power does not elude me, and when we meet again our paths will run red with the blood of innocence.” A laugh that broke the silence, cutting clean and crisp as lightning and before the echo drummed back through the night the demon had gone, leaving only the carnage and blood they had shed.

(would like to see this continued just because everyone has been doing such an awesome job)