Talking boards things you should know

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Talking boards things you should know

Post by PinkTurtle »

Everyone is MORTIFIED by the though of using them thinking it may cause possession or evil and bad things to happen. These boards are used mainly for people who are practicing mediumship.It is used to connect to the other side and get needed information from spirits or just closure.Along with using these boards it is best to have a spirit guide, many people think that this is some type of an animal however it can be a total stranger or someone you know who has passed, they are the gate keepers/your protector. They help to keep the bad spirits on the other side and to only bring you spirits thats you wish to speak to and will not hurt you which is why you have to develop a strong connection with your guide and trust.Keep in mind that if you are a "bad person" with bad intentions that is the EXACT kind of presence you will draw to you even if you do have a spirit guide.Be aware that talking broads can cause things such as table tipping, flying objects and it is best to do this with more than just 1 person perfect setting for this would be in a saiance(sp). Before using talking boards there are a lot of things you should know and practice before taking it on to insure that you are able to protect yourself and control your environment.You should do research on things like: vibrations, trances, sheilding ect and the right times to use them,these boards CAN cause very bad things to happen if you are not properly protected and if you are seriously considering this please write here so i can post everything you should do to ensure your safety and the the safety of the other people with you as well as how to use the board properly.
All of my information is gathered from a book which i am willing to post. I accidentally purchased it when i was looking for a wicca book.It opened up a new world for me ..although i have still been reluctant to try it i find it very interesting but just because of my personal views on contacting the spirit world it is a very frightful thing for me.But i am willing to share what i know and would love to hear some experiences.
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Re: Talking boards things you should know

Post by arpgme »

*Sigh* Hollywood....

I'm not saying that evil things don't cross over when using these talking boards (Ouija Board specifically) but I think those Hollywood movies made people way too scared to even use them.

Just be positive about it and feel secure and if something unwanted happens, command it to leave and close it out by going around it 3 times and say good bye.
Oh, therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse

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