bread recipe

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bread recipe

Post by witchmoon21 »

500gr white flour
12 gr cooking yeast powdered or 25gr fresh yeast
25gr olive or corn oil
15gr sugar
250gr water
8gr salt

*heat the water till warm and add the oil, sugar and yeast mixing them altogether till the yeast dissolves leaving no crumbles.
Shift the flour and add it little by little while mixing with your hand . If the dough is too dry add some extra oil.
Knead the dough roughly for 7 minutes and then add the salt, knead again for 3 more minutes and then let the dough rest in a bowl covered with a towel for 40 minutes.
40 minutes later the dough should be double its size, now cut it and make it into bread shapes making sure to carve the top with a knife like this : / / / or X
let the bread rest for 20 more minutes and then bake it with a baking tray and baking paper till golden brown.

*you can add oregano, garlic, basil, rosemary and other herbs in the dough for taste and aroma!
i used oregano and garlic:)

Re: bread recipe

Post by Lynelle »

Could you post pictures?
I'd like to try this, but I'm lost without pictures.
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Re: bread recipe

Post by witchmoon21 »

next time i make it i will tke pictures, but its pretty easy so dont worry!
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