Two different dreams - confused

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Two different dreams - confused

Post by TheFantasticalFaerie »

Okay. Last night my dream involved me being at work. I was serving a lot of customers, yet I felt my friend from the shop over the road watching me. I could feel him trying to talk to me. With him stood one of his female colleagues and a man I didn't know.
While serving, I noticed I was stood under a ladder, with a man in a red boiler suit fixing the lights. It was a very tall ladder.
In my friends shop; I saw he wasn't wearing his usual work clothing. He wore a light blue jumper, with a dark hooded top over it. I saw a lot of children running in the shop, and it was like a sea of them.

That's all I remember from this dream.

On saturday last week, I had more of a sexual feeling dream.

I was stood in a very fancy hotel, that had tall panes of glass that you could see onto the well lit sky line. I was walking around the place and I saw a safe that was slightly open, a silver bed that was very sleek, and a clock. I walked out of the door and on to the stairs, wearing a pure White dress, and I felt like I was waiting.

Can anyone make heads nor tails of this?

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