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2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:09 pm
by Greek_Male_Witch
Well, I got this discussion with some friends at work, and it got my mind working, 2012 is the end of the world they say, but for some reason I feel eager for that date, I feel eager because what I realize its not the end of the world, its the end of the world as we know it, I believe that something good is going to happen at 21/12/2012 and not something bad, I mean why Universe to keep us alive for so many years just to vanish us in a blink of an eye?

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:54 pm
by AutumnMaidens
I try not to think of it. I have always concidered the earth a living entity who allowes us to make our home on her skin. So I feel worry for the end of our species, not the earth. In about 12 billion years when the earth and sun collide the universe as we know it will cleanse itself and start anew. If our species even lasts that long since we are so good and killing each other.
2012 to me means nothing, that very date was decided by someone but the world, the earth, the universe don't adhere to our schedual, we can't plan for them. Though I do see the energies changing, the collective mind is turning and might mean that we are leading up to something, what that something is I do not know but I believe next year we're going to find out.


Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:45 am
by Lady Persephone
I do not believe it at all. The same were saying about 2000 too... Let's not forget it's just the Mayan Calendar. Other calendars have different timelines. However, authors that write books about 2012 surely have earned a lot of money.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:56 am
by Euthalia
I am also in agreement with you. I have never believed the world will end in 2012, I think there will be a massive change in conciousness and things will change.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:18 am
by Ghadamon
To give a little food for thought for you guys...

Every 2000 (+- some years) years we go into a different astrological "age" based on where we (Earth/Solar System) stand in the universe in combination with the stars fitting and patterns. This is based on a lengthy and somewhat dry if your not into astronomy or astrophysics about positioning and the like.

This next coming age is the Age of Aquarius. I think personally...that is simply what 2012 is. Perhaps the 'tipping' point in the shift...but we've been shifting into it for quite some time. To give some a bit of history and look at what happened in a "large scale" every 2000 or so years in the past going back in chunks. You may be surprised.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:59 am
by Raconteuse
The magnetic pole shift has also begun to happen as it stands the poles has shifted 3degrees which was enough to make some airports change light positions for landing aircraft. Its been confirmed by the National Geological Survey which they also think the mass of dead birds that happened recently, they believe the poisions from gas emissions which stick to the upper tropisphere was able to break through enough to poision birds as well as create the nasty weather conditions.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:50 pm
by Symandinome
I think something is going to happen for sure.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:00 pm
by Ghadamon
Interesting points V, didn't know about those.

Should be an interesting transition...I'm still going to make sure I have basic Emergency Preparations in order though. Because one thing that is without need for prediction, a certain percentage of people will feel a "squeeze" and they will react like wise causing a press on supplies of various types. I'd rather be on the swing of having already compensated for that...regardless of what may/maynot happen on that particular day/month. Having bare shelves in a grocery store because people panic will cause more issues than what may actually end up happening imho.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:04 pm
by BallisticJW
I think 2012 will be the time of new awareness and consciousness. I think it is when we are entering a new phase/ era of enlightenment. I don't think the world is going to end, but I think we will go through a period of EARTH CHANGES, and a new sense of Unity. Age of Aquarius.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:07 pm
by prettygirl123
so what your trying to say is what people have been calling the end of the world is actually going to be the beginning of a new one? I can see were your comeing from they say its the end of the world as we know it not the end of the world entierly. see myou got me thinking about this now...

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:54 pm
by Packie99
Why do I always feel like the devil's advocate now?

I can't place much stock in a prophecy based on the calendar of a society that couldn't predict its own collapse. You'd think the Mayan calendar would have made more significance around 800-900 CE...or you know about 1600 CE when the Spanish decided to conquer the Yucatan.

Just saying.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:52 pm
by Kyrianna
what if it is just the end of our current way of living? maybe we'll live more efficiently and be more intune with the earth than we are now. it's a possibility

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:43 pm
by hawthorn
you know the mayan calendar starts over after 2012. this end of the world business is ridiculous

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:19 am
by prettygirl123
i don't necesaraly believe in the end of the world but mabye what they've been saying is that the world will end but not completely. mabye there trying to say that all the bad things are going to end and not the good. mabye we'll all me more eficeante and closer to the earth. who knows i gusse we'll have to wait and see.

Re: 2012:The End? or the beggining?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:50 am
by Ula
A white buffalo was born in June. Could that mean a good change in 2012? ... white.html