Need <3 advice

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Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy »

I'm a bit of a antisocial person with guys I like, so I don't know how to act around them or what to say. Basically I'm afraid of rejection. The worst part is I tend to get really nervous or violent. But there are these 2 guys I like, one is my brothers old classmate (he's 6 years older than me) but he doesn't seem interested, and just 3 days ago I met another guy that I sorta like more. I think he likes me too but I'm not completely sure so I didn't tell him I like him because of my fear of rejection.
I don't know what to do, it's sooo stressful ::darkmood::
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by illbehere »

slap him till he likes you haha xD that was a joke. DONT KILL ME D<
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy » hurt my feelings again, now i shall mope in the fugly corner for the rest of my life and die as an 60 year old virgin that lived with 72 cats who died because because the cats buried her in cat pee covered kitty litter...:D joke
it sounds like a good idea, buuuut i want him to LIKE me not to SUE me ;D
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by illbehere »

ooh. i dibs half ur cats in your will D:
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy »

gee now i feel loved xDD
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by illbehere »

well stop feeling then.. man im mean in a nice way if thats possible 8D hah chickens >_>
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by JBRaven »

You will not be able to have a great relationship until you get over these insecurities. Be aware that you must love yourself before you can love someone else.
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy »

raven: i know but i don't know what to do about it, i'm just not confident enough.
illbehere: I AM NOT A CHICKEN!! :p
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Ula »

What about making an amulet for confidence. Jasper is good for that. Also, Dagaz, the rune for day, is good for new beginnings and transformation. You could draw it on paper and put it over your heart when you go to talk to this person.
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy »

How do i make an amulet for that? Can you link a page with instructions? Well i would talk to him but the thing is i can't because he lives too far and i dont know how to get in touch with him, i dont have his cell and i dont eve know his last name -.-"
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Symandinome »

Dear Sammy,

I know what its like to be afraid of rejection. I would be willing to bet all of us do. Its normal. I know its real easy for us to say for you to have confidence in yourself and this is true you need to but theres more to it than that.

I first want to tell you that though it is true you can use an amulet to give you courage but using Magick isnt always the answer. Magick, though a helpful tool for a lot of things, isnt necessary for this. You have to deal with your own self esteem issues and personal hang ups that you are projecting onto the outside world. As hard as it may be to believe chances are the things that you are nervous about in regards to yourself are probably not even an issue for another person. I'm sure you've heard the expression one mans trash is another mans treasure right? Maybe the thing that you are devalueing yourself over is something that the other person would hold in high regard.

This is something you can do by yourself NO MAGICK NECESSARY.

You need to stop and think about yourself. Think about who you are as a person. Think of your reasons for why you might get rejected. Then think of the reasons why you might get accepted!!!

Each and every one of us is beautiful and special in a way that is unique to us and us alone.

Instead of dwelling on the things that make you fearful of rejection try to look at the parts of you that you see as a postive reason for someone to like you.

For every negative thing you think of about yourself. I want you to take the time and come up with two postive things about yourself. This is kind of a way of canceling out the negative ;) You can and will find the postive in you just look deep. I'm sure your a beautiful person in more ways than one.

For me my biggest problem was that I'm fat. I was always scared to put myself out there because I didnt want to be rejected for being fat. Guess What? There really are people in the world that like and sometimes prefer fat people.

There is someone for everyone.

What I had to do was come up with a list of reasons why people would like me! I came up with more reasons than just the few i was worried about people not liking me. When you like and love someone you do so for their good qualities despite their bad ones.

I cant tell you how many times i would sit at home and play out scenarios in my mind as to what i would say and how the person would respond and even what it would feel like if they said NO.

I prepared myself for it and then I took a chance on myself. I took a chance because I deserve happiness and SO DO YOU.

I'm not saying to you that if the person you like rejects you and doesnt like you in the way you like him isnt going to hurt.
I'm not saying that at all because its going to hurt like hell.

What I am saying to you though is that the hurt is only temporary. It will end and you will move on.

The worst thing that can happen from telling a person how you feel about them is that they can say they do not feel the same for you. Thats It!

Granted they could say it meanly or nicely and either way it will hurt but you have to keep on going. Keep moving forward.

What doesnt kill us only makes us stronger.

Have you ever asked yourself what if this guy likes you too? what if he is just scared of what you are going to say?

Dont live your life being worried about how other people are going to react to you. Live your life for you not for someone else. Allow yourself at a chance at happiness. The hurt that you feel from not allowing you to take a chance, hurts alot worse and alot longer then the sting of rejection.
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Re: Need <3 advice

Post by Sammy »

Thank you Sy, what you wrote gave me a little confidence boost, I know that magic isn't the answer to everything and I will never use a love spell to make someone love me, they either love me or they don't and I'm OK with that :mrgreen:
Well, this weekend my friend and I are going to a birthday party that will be in the town HE lives in and since the party is of a mutual friend he will probably be there :) I just hope that I don't chicken out if I get a chance to talk with him -.-" but if I do chicken out, at least there will be plenty of liquid courage there to help me start a conversation with him ^x^" this time I'm not leaving without his phonenumber, even if I have to steal his cell to get it >:3
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