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Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:58 am
by Greek_Male_Witch
I have posted again about my experience, I was half asleep and I saw next to my bed a woman with a white dress (like the ancient greek ones) watching me, she was radiant, white light, and my next experience with the same woman, was when again I was half asleep, and she was next to me in bed, caressing my hair, and when I blinked my eyes she dissappeared, now I'm sure it wasn't a dream, I can tell a dream from an actual experience, so I asked Judika Illes (the author-she has a facebook account) and she told me, she cannot know exactly what this is, but she suggested it might be a Succubi oe either a guardian angel, a Succubi is a female spirit that feeds off the energy of men, but I felt safe both times she was with me, it was like she was watching me and NOT like she was feeding off of me. Plus I connected the dots and remember I told you once that I had seen something white with the corner of my eye? well this "thing" I thought it was her, because it was also white, but when I saw her back then I was fully awake and listening to music on my mp3 player. Anyway I heard Succubi might make you feel tired or even cause death if she absorbs your energy, if thats the case what should I do? and honestly what you guys believes she is?

Re: Succubus?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:31 am
by FireQueen
If she is in fact a succubi, then there are telluric forces invading your home.

To keep this negative energy at bay then obtain some acanthus plants and either keep the potted plants in your bedroom or some cut leaves in a vase or, at the very least, some representations of them.



The other use for acanthus leaves is to cultivate the favour of Athene.

Brightest blessings.

Re: Succubus?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:10 pm
by Victoria Mnemosyne
I know a Succubus quite well, as we had bonded in a past life. She started kind of "taking over" and I found I had trouble keeping her influence at bay, so I released her to a more experienced friend of mine... but that's a story for another time :wink:

In my opinion, the woman you met does not sound like a succubus. The succubus I know (and granted I know only one) has a darker, strongly sexual aspect. Succubi can be most succinctly called "sex-demons"... that's basically what they're about, although I wouldn't call them "demons" in the sense of those seen in the Exorcist. They don't want to kill you or destroy the world or anything like that. They feed off of energy, especially sexual energy. I think of them as semi-corporeal psy-vampires, who specialize in one type of energy.

In any case, the white light and warm glow you seemed to describe suggest to me that you met a spirit, a guardian, or an angel. How you define each seems to depend on your tradition. In mine, the definition of a spirit guardian seems to fit best.

Let us know if you encounter her again, you've got me interested!

*in any case, salt or powdered marshmallow root will keep evil spirits at bay and allow only benevolent beings to cross it. There are many other methods of doing this, and if you're worried I'd suggest you try one of these methods. Even if the spirit isn't malevolent, it's a safety precaution.