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something for bickering children!!!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:16 pm
by carley
i can't believe i'm asking this but does any one have something that will work for bickering kids? i've grounded, i've done corporal punishment and i've taken things away and they still fight......i'm going crazy and to the point of tears some days because of it idk what else to do. :?

Re: something for bickering children!!!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:27 pm
by AutumnMaidens
What are they bickering about? Is it because they both want the same thing is it because they want something and they can't have it? How old are they what is the age difference, boys or girls? More info please :D

A lot of strength to you!


Re: something for bickering children!!!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:28 pm
by carley
AutumnMaidens wrote:What are they bickering about? Is it because they both want the same thing is it because they want something and they can't have it? How old are they what is the age difference, boys or girls? More info please :D

A lot of strength to you!

they are girls, 8 and 5.....and everything you name it they do it, b/c one has something and the other one wants, pestering, ohhhh goodness there is so much i dont't think i could post it all...

Re: something for bickering children!!!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:55 pm
by FireQueen
It'll take a few weeks to fully establish but this parenting approach really works and is definitely worth the investment >> 1-2-3 Magic

Re: something for bickering children!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:10 pm
by blue_moon
Carley - as terrible, mind wracking and exhausting it is - kids do that and they sort of have to. It is so normal that they do. They have to learn their own way to solve their problems...
The problem is they do it to test us alot -- and I have no idea how to keep yout authority!
Mine are 10 (a girl), 5 and 3 (boys)
My 5 year old is the big rebellion - he'll call his sister names and make his brother chase him around the couch.
They go through a big phase at the age of 5 wanting to know where their place is! How "big" they really are and what you'll let them do.
My oldest and youngest arent angels - my daughter will lay on the couch touching her brother with her feet, pushing him slightly until it bothers him. He'll hit her and she'll cry like a baby...
My youngest will climb up a chair to get his older brothers starwars stuff from the shelf and take them apart. Hiding em away sometimes.

Its gotten really bad since I've gotten sick. I have to start working on this problem as well!!

Bonding helps - you with each and the siblings with each other.

A "my stuff" box or drawer for them to put their stuff.

A list of chores and benefits - so they know what YOU expect and what their privileges are.

And we as parents have to learn to only guide them - with clear rules such as no hitting or calling names - but you can't forbid bickering and fighting ecause that's part of their development prozess.

We'll have to hang up another set of rules (positive) as a reminder.