Raymond Buckland's Self-Dedication

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Raymond Buckland's Self-Dedication

Post by JBRaven »

Need: Bell, anointing oil, athame, goblet filled with drink of your choice.

Ring the bell in three sets of three. Take the oil and dip your index finger into it. Draw a cross inside a circle on your forehead. Then draw a pentagram over your heart. Touch the oil to your genitals, right breast, left breast and genitals, in the path of a triangle.

Pick up your athame. Hold it high in a salute and say:

God and Goddes; Lord and Lady. I am here a simple seeker of knowledge, a lover of life. I here dedicate myself to you and to your service. You are the ones I have chosen to serve. I do this of my own free will, with no pressure from any other. Guard me and guide me in all that I do for all that I do is in love of you and of all life. Help me live my life with harm to none. Help me acknowledge the depth and beauty of all life, animal, vegetable and mineral. The animals, birds, fish, reptiles and all living things are my brothers and sisters. The trees of the forest, the plants, flower,s herbs and all growing thing are my brothers and sisters. The rocks, soil, sand, the rivers, lakes , seas, all waters of the earth and all that is of the earth are my brothers and sisters. Make me one with this family. Let me guard them and work for them as they work for me.

Lord and lady, from this day forth, I accept and will ever bide by the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." I pledge myself to you, the gods. I will always protect you as you do me. I will defend you against those who speak ill of you. You are my life and I am yours. So mote it be.

Lower your athame and ring the bell ther times. Take up the goblet and raise it saying:

To the gods!

Pour some into your offering dish and say:

As this wine drains from teh cup, so let the blood drain from my body should I ever do anything to harm the gods, or those in kinship with their love. So mote it be!

Drink to the gods Replace the goblet and raise both hands high in salute. Say:

As a sign of my being born again into the life of Wiccacraft, I here take upon myself a new name, by which I shall always be known within the Sacred Circle, which is the place between the worlds. Henceforth, I shall be known as (witch name). So mote it be!"

Lower your arms and ring the bell three times. Sit and meditate on what The Craft means to you. Follow with Cakes and Ale.
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